【大家好,我是爱干饭的猿,本文重点介绍ORM 框架和Mybatis的关系、如何通过注解 或者 通过XML配置文件的使用Mybatis,以及参数占位符 #{} 和 ${} 的区别, 什么是sql 注入。
上一篇文章:《【SSM】Spring AOP 统一问题处理(重点:Spring AOP 实现原理)》
MyBatis 是一款优秀的持久层框架,它支持自定义 SQL、存储过程以及高级映射。MyBatis 去除了几乎所有的 JDBC 代码以及设置参数和获 取结果集的工作。MyBatis 可以通过简单的 XML 或注解来配置和映射原始类型、接口和 Java POJO(Plain Old Java Objects,普通老式 Java 对象)为数据库中的记录。
简单来说 MyBatis 是更简单完成程序和数据库交互的工具,也就是更简单的操作和读取数据库工具。
ORM 把数据库映射为对象:
一般的 ORM 框架,会将数据库模型的每张表都映射为一个 Java 类。 也就是说使用 MyBatis 可以像操作对象一样来操作数据库中的表,可以实现对象和数据库表之间的转换。
MyBatis 也是一个 ORM 框架,ORM(Object Relational Mapping),即对象关系映射。在面向对象编程语言中,将关系型数据库中的数据 与对象建立起映射关系,进而自动的完成数据与对象的互相转换:
1. 将输入数据(即传入对象)+SQL 映射成原生 SQL
2. 将结果集映射为返回对象,即输出对象
a. 使用 EditStarters插件
b. 手动添加
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.springframework.bootgroupId>
- <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-jdbcartifactId>
- dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.mybatis.spring.bootgroupId>
- <artifactId>mybatis-spring-boot-starterartifactId>
- <version>2.2.2version>
- dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>mysqlgroupId>
- <artifactId>mysql-connector-javaartifactId>
- <scope>runtimescope>
- dependency>
此步骤需要进行两项设置,数据库连接字符串设置和 MyBatis 的 XML 文件配置。
如果是 application.yml 添加如下内容:
- spring:
- datasource:
- url: jdbc:mysql://***?characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai
- username: root
- password: 123456
通过XML配置文件的形式使用Mybatis 时需要配置,通过注解使用Mybatis时,不需要配置
- mybatis:
- mapper-locations: classpath:mapper/**.xml
定义Mapper 接口
- @Repository // 消除报错
- @Mapper // Mapper 注解
- public interface UserMapper {
- }
- // 1. 查询
- // 1.1 通过uid 查询得到Map对象
- @Select("select uid, username, password from users where uid = #{uid}")
- Map
select1(@Param("uid") int uid); -
- // 1.2 通过uid 查询得到User类对象
- @Select("select uid, username, password from users where uid = #{uid}")
- UserDO select2(@Param("uid") int uid);
- // 2. 插入
- // 2.1 插入,返回插入成功的条数
- @Insert("insert into users (username, password) values (#{username}, #{password})")
- int insert1(UserDO userDO);
- // 2.2 由于用不到这个返回值,所以写成 void 更常见
- @Insert("insert into users (username, password) values (#{username}, #{password})")
- void insert2(UserDO userDO);
- // 2.3 插入后拿到自增id
- // 通过 @Options 注解,添加一些配置,得到自增主键,设置成 uid
- // keyProperty : 对象的属性名是 uid
- // keyColumn : 表的字段名的 uid
- @Insert("insert into users (username, password) values (#{username}, #{password})")
- @Options(useGeneratedKeys = true, keyProperty = "uid", keyColumn = "uid")
- void insert3(UserDO userDO);
- // 3. 修改
- @Update("update users set username = #{username}, password = #{password} where uid = #{uid}")
- int update(UserDO userDO);
- // 4. 删除
- @Delete("delete from users where uid = #{uid}")
- int delete(@Param("uid") int uid);
- import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.*;
- import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
- import java.util.Map;
- @Repository // 消除报错
- @Mapper // Mapper 注解
- public interface UserMapper {
- // 1. 查询
- // 1.1 通过uid 查询得到Map对象
- @Select("select uid, username, password from users where uid = #{uid}")
- Map
select1(@Param("uid") int uid); -
- // 1.2 通过uid 查询得到User类对象
- @Select("select uid, username, password from users where uid = #{uid}")
- UserDO select2(@Param("uid") int uid);
- // 2. 插入
- // 2.1 插入,返回插入成功的条数
- @Insert("insert into users (username, password) values (#{username}, #{password})")
- int insert1(UserDO userDO);
- // 2.2 由于用不到这个返回值,所以写成 void 更常见
- @Insert("insert into users (username, password) values (#{username}, #{password})")
- void insert2(UserDO userDO);
- // 2.3 插入后拿到自增id
- // 通过 @Options 注解,添加一些配置,得到自增主键,设置成 uid
- // keyProperty : 对象的属性名是 uid
- // keyColumn : 表的字段名的 uid
- @Insert("insert into users (username, password) values (#{username}, #{password})")
- @Options(useGeneratedKeys = true, keyProperty = "uid", keyColumn = "uid")
- void insert3(UserDO userDO);
- // 3. 修改
- @Update("update users set username = #{username}, password = #{password} where uid = #{uid}")
- int update(UserDO userDO);
- // 4. 删除
- @Delete("delete from users where uid = #{uid}")
- int delete(@Param("uid") int uid);
- }
先配置 MyBatis 中的 XML 路径,然后在mapper下 .xml 文件中写
定义Mapper 接口:
- import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
- import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
- import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
- import java.util.List;
- @Repository
- @Mapper
- public interface UserMapper {
- // 1. 查询
- // 1.1 单个查询
- User selectOneByUid(@Param("uid") int uid);
- // 1.2 多个查询
- List
selectListByUidList(@Param("uidList") List uidList) ; - // 1.3 动态查询
- User selectByUser(@Param("user") User user);
- // 2. 插入
- // 2.1 单个插入
- int insertOneUser(@Param("user") User user);
- // 2.1 批量插入
- int insertBatch(@Param("userList") List
userList) ; -
- // 3. 修改
- void update(int uid , String username);
- // 4. 删除
- void delete(int uid);
- }
- <resultMap id="xxx" type="com.haomin.mybatis_xml.User">
- <id property="uid" javaType="Integer" column="uid" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
- <result property="username" javaType="String" column="username" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
- <result property="password" column="password" />
- resultMap>
- <select id="selectOneByUid" resultType="com.haomin.mybatis_xml.User" parameterType="int">
- select uid, username, password from users where uid = #{uid}
- select>
- <select id="selectListByUidList" resultMap="xxx" parameterType="List">
- select uid, username, password from users where uid in (
- <foreach collection="uidList" item="id" separator=", ">
- #{id}
- foreach>
- ) order by uid
- select>
- <select id="selectByUser" resultMap="xxx" parameterType="com.haomin.mybatis_xml.User">
- select uid, username, password from users where
- <if test="user.uid != null">
- uid = #{user.uid}
- if>
- <if test="user.username != null">
- and username = #{user.username}
- if>
- <if test="user.password != null">
- and password = #{user.password}
- if>
- select>
- <insert id="insertOneUser" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="uid" keyColumn="uid">
- insert into users (username, password) values
- (#{user.username}, #{user.password})
- insert>
- <insert id="insertBatch" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="uid" keyColumn="uid">
- insert into users (username, password) values
- <foreach collection="userList" item="user" separator=", ">
- (#{user.username}, #{user.password})
- foreach>
- insert>
- <update id="update">
- update users set username = #{username} where uid = #{uid}
- update>
- <delete id="delete">
- delete from users where uid = #{uid}
- delete>
- "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
- <mapper namespace="com.haomin.mybatis_xml.UserMapper">
- <resultMap id="xxx" type="com.haomin.mybatis_xml.User">
- <id property="uid" javaType="Integer" column="uid" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
- <result property="username" javaType="String" column="username" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
- <result property="password" column="password" />
- resultMap>
- <select id="selectOneByUid" resultType="com.haomin.mybatis_xml.User" parameterType="int">
- select uid, username, password from users where uid = #{uid}
- select>
- <select id="selectListByUidList" resultMap="xxx" parameterType="List">
- select uid, username, password from users where uid in (
- <foreach collection="uidList" item="id" separator=", ">
- #{id}
- foreach>
- ) order by uid
- select>
- <select id="selectByUser" resultMap="xxx" parameterType="com.haomin.mybatis_xml.User">
- select uid, username, password from users where
- <if test="user.uid != null">
- uid = #{user.uid}
- if>
- <if test="user.username != null">
- and username = #{user.username}
- if>
- <if test="user.password != null">
- and password = #{user.password}
- if>
- select>
- <insert id="insertOneUser" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="uid" keyColumn="uid">
- insert into users (username, password) values
- (#{user.username}, #{user.password})
- insert>
- <insert id="insertBatch" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="uid" keyColumn="uid">
- insert into users (username, password) values
- <foreach collection="userList" item="user" separator=", ">
- (#{user.username}, #{user.password})
- foreach>
- insert>
- <update id="update">
- update users set username = #{username} where uid = #{uid}
- update>
- <delete id="delete">
- delete from users where uid = #{uid}
- delete>
- mapper>
当然还有更多用法:可以参考 Mybatis 官方文档
#{}预编译处理是指:MyBatis 在处理#{}时,会将 SQL 中的 #{} 替换为?号,使用 PreparedStatement 的 set 方法来赋值,编译后会带上 ‘ ’。
${}直接替换:是 MyBatis 在处理 ${} 时,就是把 ${} 替换成变量的值。
sql 注入代码例子:
select * from userinfo where username = '${name}' and password = '${pwd}'
当sql 为 : ' or 1=1 时
select * from users where username = ' or 1=1 and password = ' or 1=1;
当然,Mybatis 还有更多用法:可以参考 Mybatis 官方文档