RULE = {'2x1 4': '4 1 2 3',
'2x2 8': '1* 8* 4 5 7* 2* 6 3',
'2x2 4': '1* 4* 2 3',
'2x3 12': '1* 12* 4 9 5* 8* 11* 2* 10 3 7* 6*',
'4x1 8': '4 5 8 1 2 7 6 3',
'4x1 4': '2 3 4 1',
'4x2 16': '1* 16* 13* 4* 8 9 12 5 3* 14* 15* 2* 6 11 10 7',
'4x2 8': '1* 8* 7* 2* 4 5 6 3',
'4x2 4': '2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1',
'2x4 16': '1* 16* 4 13 5* 12* 8 9 15* 2* 14 3 11* 6* 10 7',
'2x4 8': '1* 8* 4 5 3* 6* 2 7',
'2x4 4': '1* 4* 1* 4* 2 3 2 3',
'4x3 12': '7* 6* 5* 8* 10 3 4 9 11* 2* 1* 12*',
'4x4 32': '13* 20* 21* 12* 4 29 28 5 1* 32* 25* 8* 16 17 24 9 11* 22* 19* 14* 6 27 30 3 7* 26* 31* 2* 10 23 18 15',
'4x4 16': '5* 12* 9* 8* 4 13 16 1 3* 14* 15* 2* 6 11 10 7',
'4x4 8': '1* 8* 5* 4* 1* 8* 5* 4* 2 7 6 3 2 7 6 3',
'4x4 4': '1* 4* 1* 4* 1* 4* 1* 4* 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3'
def saddleStitch(col, row, page_count):
temp_page_count = page_count
_list = []
spell = col * row * 2
remainder = page_count % spell
if spell == 12 and remainder != 0: return
if spell == 24 and spell % 12 != 0: return
if remainder != 0 and spell != 24:
if (spell == 4 or spell == 8 or spell == 16 or spell == 32):
if remainder == 4 or remainder == 8:
elif remainder == 12:
elif remainder == 16:
elif remainder == 20:
elif remainder == 24:
elif remainder == 28:
page_count -= remainder
if spell == 24:
for i in range(int(page_count / (col * row))):
_list.append(col * row)
for i in range(int(page_count / (col * row * 2))):
_list.append(col * row * 2)
list_result = []
start = 0
for index, item in enumerate(_list):
len = item / 2
before_start = int(start + 1)
before_end = int(start + len)
before = '%d-%d' % (before_start, before_end)
after_start = int(temp_page_count - start - len + 1)
after_end = int(temp_page_count - start)
after = '%d-%d' % (after_start, after_end)
start += len
key = '%dx%d %d' % (col, row, item)
print_model = '正反' if item == spell else '自翻'
key_rule = '%d-%s-%dx%d %d %s %s' % (index, print_model, col, row, item, before, after)
s = RULE[key]
if s is None: return
value = ''
for item in s.split(' '):
page = int(item.replace('*', ''))
xx = "*" if "*" in item else ""
if page > len:
value += '%d%s>' % (int(after_end - len * 2 + page), xx)
value += '%d%s>' % (int(before_start - 1 + page), xx)
list_result.append('%s %s' % (key_rule, value))
return list_result
def getRule(col, row, page_count):
import re
list_result = saddleStitch(col, row, page_count)
if list_result is not None and len(list_result) > 0:
value = ''
for item in list_result:
arr = re.split(' |x|-', item)
value += arr[len(arr) - 1].replace('>', " ")
return value
col = 2
row = 2
page_count = 44
print('输入页数:%d,列行:%dx%d' % (page_count,col,row))
list_result = saddleStitch(col, row, page_count)
rule = getRule(col, row, page_count)
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public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> dd = qimading(4, 4, 44);
String rule = getRule(4, 4, 44);
public static Map<String,String> RULE = new HashMap<>();
static {
RULE.put("2x1 4","4 1 2 3");
RULE.put("2x2 8","1* 8* 4 5 7* 2* 6 3");
RULE.put("2x2 4","1* 4* 2 3");
RULE.put("2x3 12","1* 12* 4 9 5* 8* 11* 2* 10 3 7* 6*");
RULE.put("4x1 8","4 5 8 1 2 7 6 3");
RULE.put("4x1 4","2 3 4 1");
RULE.put("4x2 16","1* 16* 13* 4* 8 9 12 5 3* 14* 15* 2* 6 11 10 7");
RULE.put("4x2 8","1* 8* 7* 2* 4 5 6 3");
RULE.put("4x2 4","2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1");
RULE.put("2x4 16","1* 16* 4 13 5* 12* 8 9 15* 2* 14 3 11* 6* 10 7");
RULE.put("2x4 8","1* 8* 4 5 3* 6* 2 7");
RULE.put("2x4 4","1* 4* 1* 4* 2 3 2 3");
RULE.put("4x3 12","7* 6* 5* 8* 10 3 4 9 11* 2* 1* 12*");
RULE.put("4x4 32","13* 20* 21* 12* 4 29 28 5 1* 32* 25* 8* 16 17 24 9 11* 22* 19* 14* 6 27 30 3 7* 26* 31* 2* 10 23 18 15");
RULE.put("4x4 16","5* 12* 9* 8* 4 13 16 1 3* 14* 15* 2* 6 11 10 7");
RULE.put("4x4 8","1* 8* 5* 4* 1* 8* 5* 4* 2 7 6 3 2 7 6 3");
RULE.put("4x4 4","1* 4* 1* 4* 1* 4* 1* 4* 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3");
public static String getRule(int col,int row,int page_count){
List<String> qimading = qimading(col, row, page_count);
String value ="";
for(String str:qimading){
String[] arr = str.split(" |x|-");
String r = arr[arr.length-1];
r= r.replaceAll(">"," ");
value += r;
return value;
return "获取规则出错";
public static List<String> qimading(int col, int row, int page_count){
int temp_page_count = page_count;
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
int spell = col*row*2;
int yushu = page_count % spell;
if(spell==12 && yushu!=0)return null;
if(spell==24&&spell%12!=0)return null;
if (yushu!=0&&spell!=24){
if(yushu ==4 || yushu == 8){
}else if(yushu == 12){
}else if (yushu == 16){
}else if (yushu == 20){
}else if (yushu == 24){
}else if (yushu == 28){
return null;
}else {
return null;
page_count -= yushu;
for (int i = 0; i < page_count/(col * row); i++) {
list.add(col * row);
for (int i = 0; i < page_count/(col * row * 2); i++) {
list.add(col * row * 2);
List<String> listResult = new ArrayList<>();
int start = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
int len = list.get(i)/2;
int beforeStart = start+1;
int beforeEnd = start+len;
String before =beforeStart+"-"+beforeEnd;
int afterStart = temp_page_count-start-len+1;
int afterEnd = temp_page_count-start;
String after = afterStart+"-"+afterEnd;
start +=len;
String key = col+"x"+row+" "+list.get(i);
String print_model = list.get(i)==spell?"正反":"自翻";
String key_rule = i+"-"+print_model+"-"+col+"x"+row+" "+list.get(i)+" "+before+" "+after;
String s = RULE.get(key);
if(s== null)return null;
String value ="";
for(String str:s.split(" ")){
int page = Integer.valueOf(str.replaceAll("\\*",""));
String xx = str.indexOf("*")==-1?"":"*";
value+= (afterEnd-len*2+page)+xx+">";
value+= (beforeStart-1+page)+xx+">";
listResult.add(key_rule+" "+value);
return listResult;
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RULE = {
'2x1 4': '4 1 2 3',
'2x2 8': '1* 8* 4 5 7* 2* 6 3',
'2x2 4': '1* 4* 2 3',
'2x3 12': '1* 12* 4 9 5* 8* 11* 2* 10 3 7* 6*',
'4x1 8': '4 5 8 1 2 7 6 3',
'4x1 4': '2 3 4 1',
'4x2 16': '1* 16* 13* 4* 8 9 12 5 3* 14* 15* 2* 6 11 10 7',
'4x2 8': '1* 8* 7* 2* 4 5 6 3',
'4x2 4': '2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1',
'2x4 16': '1* 16* 4 13 5* 12* 8 9 15* 2* 14 3 11* 6* 10 7',
'2x4 8': '1* 8* 4 5 3* 6* 2 7',
'2x4 4': '1* 4* 1* 4* 2 3 2 3',
'4x3 12': '7* 6* 5* 8* 10 3 4 9 11* 2* 1* 12*',
'4x4 32': '13* 20* 21* 12* 4 29 28 5 1* 32* 25* 8* 16 17 24 9 11* 22* 19* 14* 6 27 30 3 7* 26* 31* 2* 10 23 18 15',
'4x4 16': '5* 12* 9* 8* 4 13 16 1 3* 14* 15* 2* 6 11 10 7',
'4x4 8': '1* 8* 5* 4* 1* 8* 5* 4* 2 7 6 3 2 7 6 3',
'4x4 4': '1* 4* 1* 4* 1* 4* 1* 4* 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3'
function saddleStitch(col, row, page_count) {
temp_page_count = page_count
_list = []
spell = col * row * 2
remainder = page_count % spell
if (spell == 12 && remainder != 0) return
if (spell == 24 && spell % 12 != 0) return
if (remainder != 0 && spell != 24) {
if (spell == 4 || spell == 8 || spell == 16 || spell == 32) {
if (remainder == 4 || remainder == 8) {
} else if (remainder == 12) {
} else if (remainder == 16) {
} else if (remainder == 20) {
} else if (remainder == 24) {
} else if (remainder == 28) {
} else {
} else {
page_count -= remainder
if (spell == 24) {
for (var i = 0; i < parseInt(page_count / (col * row)); i++) _list.push(row * col)
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < parseInt(page_count / (col * row * 2)); i++) _list.push(row * col * 2)
list_result = []
start = 0
for (var i = 0; i < _list.length; i++) {
len = _list[i] / 2
before_start = parseInt(start + 1)
before_end = parseInt(start + len)
before = before_start + '-' + before_end
after_start = parseInt(temp_page_count - start - len + 1)
after_end = parseInt(temp_page_count - start)
after = after_start + "-" + after_end
start += len
key = col + "x" + row + " " + _list[i]
print_model = _list[i] == spell ? '正反' : '自翻'
key_rule = i + "-" + print_model + "-" + col + "x" + row + " " + _list[i] + ' ' + before + " " + after
s = RULE[key]
if (s == undefined) return
value = ''
for (var j = 0; j < s.split(' ').length; j++) {
item = s.split(' ')[j]
page = parseInt(item.replace("*", ''))
xx = item.indexOf("*") == -1 ? '' : '*'
if (page > len) {
value += parseInt(after_end - len * 2 + page) + xx + '>'
} else {
value += parseInt(before_start - 1 + page) + xx + '>'
list_result.push(key_rule + ' ' + value)
return list_result
function getRule(col, row, page_count) {
list_result = saddleStitch(col, row, page_count);
if (list_result != undefined && list_result.length > 0) {
value = ''
for (var i = 0; i < list_result.length; i++) {
item = list_result[i];
arr = item.split(/ |x|-/);
value += arr[arr.length - 1].replace(/>/g, " ")
return value
col = 2
row = 2
page_count = 44
list_result = saddleStitch(col, row, page_count)
rule = getRule(col, row, page_count)
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