Otsu(大津法或最大类间方差法)使用的是聚类的思想,把图像的灰度数按灰度级分成2个部分,使得两个部分之间的灰度值差异最大,每个部分之间的灰度差异最小,通过方差的计算来寻找一个合适的灰度级别来划分。 所以可以在二值化的时候采用otsu算法来自动选取阈值进行二值化。otsu算法被认为是图像分割中阈值选取的最佳算法,计算简单,不受图像亮度和对比度的影响。因此,使类间方差最大的分割意味着错分概率最小。
图像总平均灰度为: u = w0∗u0 + w1∗u1
从L个灰度级遍历 t,使得 t 为某个值的时候,前景和背景的方差最大,则 这个 t 值便是我们要求得的阈值。其中,方差的计算公式如下:
g = wo∗(u0−u)∗(u0−u) + w1∗(u1−u)∗(u1−u)
g = w0∗w1∗(u0−u1)∗(u0−u1)
function [t,em] = otsuthresh(counts)
%OTSUTHRESH Global histogram threshold using Otsu's method.
% T = OTSUTHRESH(COUNTS) computes a global threshold from histogram
% counts COUNTS that minimizes the intraclass variance for a bimodal
% histogram. T is a normalized intensity value that lies in the range [0,
% 1] and can be used with IMBINARIZE to convert an intensity image to a
% binary image.
% [T, EM] = OTSUTHRESH(COUNTS) returns effectiveness metric, EM, as the
% second output argument. It indicates the effectiveness of thresholding
% using threshold T and is in the range [0, 1]. The lower bound is
% attainable only by histogram counts with all data in a single non-zero
% bin. The upper bound is attainable only by histogram counts with
% two non-zero bins.
% Class Support
% -------------
% The histogram counts COUNTS must be a real, non-sparse, numeric vector.
% Example
% -------
% % This example shows how to compute a threshold from an image histogram
% % and binarize the image .
% % Read an image of coins and compute a 16-bin histogram.
% I = imread('coins.png');
% counts = imhist(I, 16);
% % Compute a global threshold using the histogram counts.
% T = otsuthresh(counts);
% % Binarize image using computed threshold.
% BW = imbinarize(I,T);
% figure, imshow(BW)
% See also IMBINARIZE, GRAYTHRESH.% Copyright 2015-2018 The MathWorks, Inc.
validateattributes(counts, {'numeric'}, {'real','nonsparse','vector','nonnegative','finite'}, mfilename, 'COUNTS');
num_bins = numel(counts);
% Make counts a double column vector
counts = double( counts(:) );% Variables names are chosen to be similar to the formulas in
% the Otsu paper.
p = counts / sum(counts);
omega = cumsum(p);
mu = cumsum(p .* (1:num_bins)');
mu_t = mu(end);sigma_b_squared = (mu_t * omega - mu).^2 ./ (omega .* (1 - omega));
% Find the location of the maximum value of sigma_b_squared.
% The maximum may extend over several bins, so average together the
% locations. If maxval is NaN, meaning that sigma_b_squared is all NaN,
% then return 0.
maxval = max(sigma_b_squared);
isfinite_maxval = isfinite(maxval);
if isfinite_maxval
idx = mean(find(sigma_b_squared == maxval));
% Normalize the threshold to the range [0, 1].
t = (idx - 1) / (num_bins - 1);
t = 0.0;
end% compute the effectiveness metric
if nargout > 1
if isfinite_maxval
em = maxval/(sum(p.*((1:num_bins).^2)') - mu_t^2);
em = 0;