function Y = shufflewins(X,W,R)
% function Y = shufflewins(X,W,R)
% X is a waveform, which is chopped into W-point windows
% which are then hanning-windowed and 50%-overlapped. These
% windows are shuffled over a radius of R points and
% ovelap-added to construct Y, a version of X with approximately
% the same average spectrum over R point windows, but scrambled
% structure over a W-point timescale.
% 2010-11-13 Dan Ellis dpwe@ee.columbia.edu
% Force W even
W = W + rem(W,2);
% Hop between windows - 50% overlap
H = W/2;
% Build 50% overlapped, windowed windows
Yw = diag(hanning(W)')*frame(X,W,H);
% Calculate reordering
%rpx = 1:size(Yw,2); % debug - identity
rpx = localperm(size(Yw,2),R/H);
% Reorder columns
Yw = Yw(:,rpx);
% Overlap-add
Y = ola(Yw,H);
Y = Y(1:length(X));
[1]吕晶晶, 赵晶亮, 刘国鹏. 基于MATLAB的振动信号去噪研究[J]. 电子测试, 2011(7):4.
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