人工时间的最大缺点是训练太长,因为它在应用神经网络的时间范围内,持续不断地限制神经网络,最大限度地限制学习机(Extreme Learning Machine)大量的噪声噪声,或者当输入数据时的维度算法非常高时,极限学习时的综合性能会受到极大的影响。进行空间映射时的有效对数据维的维度的预测,因此我们认为利用深度学习的预测精度来最大学习机的特性,可以很好地改善极限学习机的特性。 本文采用哈里斯鹰算法的进一步优化DELM超参数,仿真结果改进,预测精度更高。
% Developed in MATLAB R2013b
% Source codes demo version 1.0
% _____________________________________________________
% Main paper:
% Harris hawks optimization: Algorithm and applications
% Ali Asghar Heidari, Seyedali Mirjalili, Hossam Faris, Ibrahim Aljarah, Majdi Mafarja, Huiling Chen
% Future Generation Computer Systems,
% DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2019.02.028
% https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167739X18313530
% _____________________________________________________
% You can run the HHO code online at codeocean.com https://doi.org/10.24433/CO.1455672.v1
% You can find the HHO code at https://github.com/aliasghar68/Harris-hawks-optimization-Algorithm-and-applications-.git
% _____________________________________________________
% Author, inventor and programmer: Ali Asghar Heidari,
% PhD research intern, Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore
% Exceptionally Talented Ph. DC funded by Iran's National Elites Foundation (INEF), University of Tehran
% 03-03-2019
% Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ali_Asghar_Heidari
% e-Mail: as_heidari@ut.ac.ir, aliasghar68@gmail.com,
% e-Mail (Singapore): aliasgha@comp.nus.edu.sg, t0917038@u.nus.edu
% _____________________________________________________
% Co-author and Advisor: Seyedali Mirjalili
% e-Mail: ali.mirjalili@gmail.com
% seyedali.mirjalili@griffithuni.edu.au
% Homepage: http://www.alimirjalili.com
% _____________________________________________________
% Co-authors: Hossam Faris, Ibrahim Aljarah, Majdi Mafarja, and Hui-Ling Chen
% Homepage: http://www.evo-ml.com/2019/03/02/hho/
% _____________________________________________________
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Harris's hawk optimizer: In this algorithm, Harris' hawks try to catch the rabbit.
% T: maximum iterations, N: populatoin size, CNVG: Convergence curve
% To run HHO: [Rabbit_Energy,Rabbit_Location,CNVG]=HHO(N,T,lb,ub,dim,fobj)
function [Rabbit_Energy,Rabbit_Location,CNVG]=HHO(N,T,lb,ub,dim,fobj)
disp('HHO is now tackling your problem')
% initialize the location and Energy of the rabbit
%Initialize the locations of Harris' hawks
t=0; % Loop counter
while t for i=1:size(X,1) % Check boundries FU=X(i,:)>ub;FL=X(i,:) % fitness of locations fitness=fobj(X(i,:)); % Update the location of Rabbit if fitness Rabbit_Energy=fitness; Rabbit_Location=X(i,:); end end E1=2*(1-(t/T)); % factor to show the decreaing energy of rabbit % Update the location of Harris' hawks for i=1:size(X,1) E0=2*rand()-1; %-1 Escaping_Energy=E1*(E0); % escaping energy of rabbit if abs(Escaping_Energy)>=1 %% Exploration: % Harris' hawks perch randomly based on 2 strategy: q=rand(); rand_Hawk_index = floor(N*rand()+1); X_rand = X(rand_Hawk_index, :); if q<0.5 % perch based on other family members X(i,:)=X_rand-rand()*abs(X_rand-2*rand()*X(i,:)); elseif q>=0.5 % perch on a random tall tree (random site inside group's home range) X(i,:)=(Rabbit_Location(1,:)-mean(X))-rand()*((ub-lb)*rand+lb); end elseif abs(Escaping_Energy)<1 %% Exploitation: % Attacking the rabbit using 4 strategies regarding the behavior of the rabbit %% phase 1: surprise pounce (seven kills) % surprise pounce (seven kills): multiple, short rapid dives by different hawks r=rand(); % probablity of each event if r>=0.5 && abs(Escaping_Energy)<0.5 % Hard besiege X(i,:)=(Rabbit_Location)-Escaping_Energy*abs(Rabbit_Location-X(i,:)); end if r>=0.5 && abs(Escaping_Energy)>=0.5 % Soft besiege Jump_strength=2*(1-rand()); % random jump strength of the rabbit X(i,:)=(Rabbit_Location-X(i,:))-Escaping_Energy*abs(Jump_strength*Rabbit_Location-X(i,:)); end %% phase 2: performing team rapid dives (leapfrog movements) if r<0.5 && abs(Escaping_Energy)>=0.5, % Soft besiege % rabbit try to escape by many zigzag deceptive motions Jump_strength=2*(1-rand()); X1=Rabbit_Location-Escaping_Energy*abs(Jump_strength*Rabbit_Location-X(i,:)); if fobj(X1) X(i,:)=X1; else % hawks perform levy-based short rapid dives around the rabbit X2=Rabbit_Location-Escaping_Energy*abs(Jump_strength*Rabbit_Location-X(i,:))+rand(1,dim).*Levy(dim); if (fobj(X2) X(i,:)=X2; end end end if r<0.5 && abs(Escaping_Energy)<0.5, % Hard besiege % rabbit try to escape by many zigzag deceptive motions % hawks try to decrease their average location with the rabbit Jump_strength=2*(1-rand()); X1=Rabbit_Location-Escaping_Energy*abs(Jump_strength*Rabbit_Location-mean(X)); if fobj(X1) X(i,:)=X1; else % Perform levy-based short rapid dives around the rabbit X2=Rabbit_Location-Escaping_Energy*abs(Jump_strength*Rabbit_Location-mean(X))+rand(1,dim).*Levy(dim); if (fobj(X2) X(i,:)=X2; end end end %% end end t=t+1; CNVG(t)=Rabbit_Energy; % Print the progress every 100 iterations % if mod(t,100)==0 % display(['At iteration ', num2str(t), ' the best fitness is ', num2str(Rabbit_Energy)]); % end end toc end
% ___________________________________ function o=Levy(d) beta=1.5; sigma=(gamma(1+beta)*sin(pi*beta/2)/(gamma((1+beta)/2)*beta*2^((beta-1)/2)))^(1/beta); u=randn(1,d)*sigma;v=randn(1,d);step=u./abs(v).^(1/beta); o=step; end [1]吴丁杰, 温立书. 一种基于哈里斯鹰算法优化的核极限学习机[J]. 信息通信, 2021(034-011). ❤️ 关注我领取海量matlab电子书和数学建模资料 ❤️部分理论引用网络文献,若有侵权联系博主删除
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