• Postgresql源码(77)plpgsql中参数传递和赋值

    《Postgresql源码(78)plpgsql中调用call proc()时的参数传递和赋值(pl参数)》

    0 速查

    • call procedure(...);的入口函数ExecuteCallStmt:入参为CallStmt,函数中将CallStmt中的参数列表(可能是值、可能是表达式)赋值给fcinfo,然后通过PG函数框架进入plpgsql堆栈中,给对应入参的Dataums赋值。(下一篇介绍CallStmt中的args在哪里构造)

    • 入参有两组args,一组是语法解析直接生成的funccall;一组是经过优化器的funcexpr:

    • CallStmt->funccall->args:【有位置信息】【初始值】【与入参对应】

      • 灵活节点类型,数组中:A_Const、NamedArgExpr都有。
      • 严格与输入保持一致,不考虑out、默认值等情况。
      • tp12(1,2,3,e=>500)为例:
        • 共四个值。
        • 三个A_Const记录入参1,2,3。
        • 一个NamedArgExpr记录指向参数500。
        • 尽管2、3都是out不需要赋值,这里也做记录不转换。
    • CallStmt->funcexpr->args:【无位置信息】【加工值】【只有in、inout参数有值】【会填充默认值】

      • 全部是值Const类型。
      • 入参经过转换的值,会填充默认值。
      • tp12(1,2,3,e=>500)为例,函数定义见下面用例:
        • 共三个值。
        • 三个Const、记录1,300,500。300来自默认值,500来自e的定向赋值。
        • 2、3都是out类型参数不需要赋值,直接舍弃。
    • fcinfo->args直接按funcexpr->args填充(如果是表达式就执行后在填充)

      • 从0位置开始紧凑填充。

    1 用例

    CREATE or replace PROCEDURE tp12(
      a in integer, 
      b out integer,
      c out integer,
      d inout integer default 300,
      e in integer default 400)
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $$
      raise notice 'a: %', a;
      raise notice 'b: %', b;
      raise notice 'c: %', c;
      raise notice 'd: %', d;
      raise notice 'e: %', e;
    call tp12(1,2,3,4,5);
    NOTICE:  a: 1
    NOTICE:  b: 
    NOTICE:  c: 
    NOTICE:  d: 4
    NOTICE:  e: 5
     b | c 
    call tp12(1,2,3,4);
    NOTICE:  a: 1
    NOTICE:  b: 
    NOTICE:  c: 
    NOTICE:  d: 4
    NOTICE:  e: 400
     b | c 
    call tp12(1,2,3);
    NOTICE:  a: 1
    NOTICE:  b: 
    NOTICE:  c: 
    NOTICE:  d: 300
    NOTICE:  e: 400
     b | c 
    call tp12(1,2);
    ERROR:  procedure tp12(integer, integer) does not exist
    call tp12(1,2,3,e=>500);
    NOTICE:  a: 1
    NOTICE:  b: 
    NOTICE:  c: 
    NOTICE:  d: 300
    NOTICE:  e: 500
     b | c 
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    1 第一阶段:do_compile(编译不解析参数默认值)


    • 从编译结果看,编译不处理default默认值。
    • 编译生成的datums数组中不区分in、out,没有参数信息。
    • 参数信息在functions->fn_argvarnos、functions->out_param_varno中记录。
    CREATE or replace PROCEDURE tp12(
      a in integer,                ---> function->fn_argvarnos
      b out integer,               ---> function->out_param_varno
      c out integer,               ---> function->out_param_varno
      d inout integer default 300, ---> function->fn_argvarnos   --->function->out_param_varno
      e in integer default 400)    ---> function->fn_argvarnos
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    • (复习)PLpgSQL_row用于保存多变量结果:
      • select into后面的变量记录在row中。
      • for loop targetlist记录在row中。
      • 游标的参数列表记录在row中。


    plpgsql_nDatums = 7
    p *((PLpgSQL_var*)plpgsql_Datums[0])
      dtype = PLPGSQL_DTYPE_VAR, dno = 0, refname = 0x29d8260 "a", lineno = 0, 
      isconst = false, notnull = false, default_val = 0x0, datatype = 0x29d81e8,
      cursor_explicit_expr = 0x0, cursor_explicit_argrow = 0, cursor_options = 0, 
      value = 0, isnull = true, freeval = false, promise = PLPGSQL_PROMISE_NONE
    p *((PLpgSQL_var*)plpgsql_Datums[1])
      dtype = PLPGSQL_DTYPE_VAR, dno = 1, refname = 0x29d8368 "b", lineno = 0, 
      isconst = false, notnull = false, default_val = 0x0, datatype = 0x29d82f0,
      cursor_explicit_expr = 0x0, cursor_explicit_argrow = 0, cursor_options = 0, 
      value = 0, isnull = true, freeval = false, promise = PLPGSQL_PROMISE_NONE
    p *((PLpgSQL_var*)plpgsql_Datums[2])
      dtype = PLPGSQL_DTYPE_VAR, dno = 2, refname = 0x29d8508 "c", lineno = 0, 
      isconst = false, notnull = false, default_val = 0x0, datatype = 0x29d83f8,
      cursor_explicit_expr = 0x0, cursor_explicit_argrow = 0, cursor_options = 0, 
      value = 0, isnull = true, freeval = false, promise = PLPGSQL_PROMISE_NONE
    p *((PLpgSQL_var*)plpgsql_Datums[3])
      dtype = PLPGSQL_DTYPE_VAR, dno = 3, refname = 0x29d86a8 "d", lineno = 0, 
      isconst = false, notnull = false, default_val = 0x0, datatype = 0x29d8598,
      cursor_explicit_expr = 0x0, cursor_explicit_argrow = 0, cursor_options = 0, 
      value = 0, isnull = true, freeval = false, promise = PLPGSQL_PROMISE_NONE
    p *((PLpgSQL_var*)plpgsql_Datums[4])
      dtype = PLPGSQL_DTYPE_VAR, dno = 4, refname = 0x29d8848 "e", lineno = 0, 
      isconst = false, notnull = false, default_val = 0x0, datatype = 0x29d8738,
      cursor_explicit_expr = 0x0, cursor_explicit_argrow = 0, cursor_options = 0, 
      value = 0, isnull = true, freeval = false, promise = PLPGSQL_PROMISE_NONE
    p *((PLpgSQL_row*)plpgsql_Datums[5])
      dtype = PLPGSQL_DTYPE_ROW, dno = 5, refname = 0x7f02d092bea8 "(unnamed row)", 
      lineno = -1, isconst = false, notnull = false, default_val = 0x0,
      rowtupdesc = 0x29d7830, nfields = 3, fieldnames = 0x29d8930, varnos = 0x29d7c90
    p *((PLpgSQL_var*)plpgsql_Datums[6])
      dtype = PLPGSQL_DTYPE_VAR, dno = 6, refname = 0x29d8a78 "found", lineno = 0, 
      isconst = false, notnull = false, default_val = 0x0, datatype = 0x29d8968, 
      cursor_explicit_expr = 0x0, cursor_explicit_argrow = 0, cursor_options = 0, 
      value = 0, isnull = true, freeval = false,promise = PLPGSQL_PROMISE_NONE
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    • In参数分别记录在Datums数组中
    • Out参数不管有几个,拼装到一个row中用function->out_param_varno指向dno(变量数组位置)
    本地临时变量             | --->     保存到编译结果function中
    procStruct->pronargs   | --->     function->fn_nargs        = 3
    in_arg_varnos          | --->     function->fn_argvarnos    = {0 ,3, 4}    整形数组:存所有in参数变量的dno
    out_arg_variables      | --->     function->out_param_varno = 5            整形:只存一个dno指向row,row保存所有out参数
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    1 第二阶段:执行call tp12(1,2,3,4);



    for i(次数 = 编译完了需要入参的数量 = 3)
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      for (i = 0; i < func->fn_nargs; i++)   // 循环3个入参
        int n = func->fn_argvarnos[i];       // 拿dno
        switch (estate.datums[n]->dtype)
          case PLPGSQL_DTYPE_VAR:
          case PLPGSQL_DTYPE_REC:
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    n = 0     a in integer                 从fcinfo->args[0].value拿到1通过assign_simple_var赋值给var
              b out integer
              c out integer
    n = 3     d inout integer default 300  从fcinfo->args[1].value拿到4通过assign_simple_var赋值给var
    n = 4     e in integer default 400     从fcinfo->args[2].value拿到400通过assign_simple_var赋值给var
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    p *((PLpgSQL_var*)estate->datums[4])
      dtype = PLPGSQL_DTYPE_VAR, dno = 4, refname = 0x29dc868 "e", lineno = 0, 
      isconst = false, notnull = false, default_val = 0x0, datatype = 0x29dc758,
      cursor_explicit_expr = 0x0, cursor_explicit_argrow = 0, cursor_options = 0, 
      value = 400, isnull = false, freeval = false, promise = PLPGSQL_PROMISE_NONE
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    2 追溯:fcinfo->args来源?


        LOCAL_FCINFO(fcinfo, FUNC_MAX_ARGS) <----------入参默认的400在这里就填好了,存在fcinfo里
        /* 在这里把传入的参数值赋值 */
        foreach(lc, fexpr->args)
          exprstate = ExecPrepareExpr(lfirst(lc), estate);
          val = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(exprstate, econtext, &isnull);
          fcinfo->args[i].value = val;
          fcinfo->args[i].isnull = isnull;
        /* 结束 */
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    2.1| call tp12(1,2,3,4) | ExecuteCallStmt输入值情况


    2.2 | call tp12(1,2,3,e=>500) | ExecuteCallStmt输入值情况


      {type = T_A_Const, val = {type = T_Integer, val = {ival = 1}}, location = 10}
      {type = T_A_Const, val = {type = T_Integer, val = {ival = 2}}, location = 12}
      {type = T_A_Const, val = {type = T_Integer, val = {ival = 3}}, location = 14}
      {xpr = {type = T_NamedArgExpr}, arg = 0x28dd4d0, name = 0x28dd0a8 "e", argnumber = 4, location = 16}
        NamedArgExpr->arg: {xpr = {type = T_Const}, consttype = 23, consttypmod = -1, constcollid = 0, constlen = 4, constvalue = 500, constisnull = false, constbyval = true, location = 19}
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    {xpr = {type = T_Const}, consttype = 23, consttypmod = -1, constcollid = 0, constlen = 4, constvalue = 1, constisnull = false, constbyval = true, location = 10}
    {xpr = {type = T_Const}, consttype = 23, consttypmod = -1, constcollid = 0, constlen = 4, constvalue = 300, constisnull = false, constbyval = true, location = -1}
    {xpr = {type = T_Const}, consttype = 23, consttypmod = -1, constcollid = 0, constlen = 4, constvalue = 500, constisnull = false, constbyval = true, location = 19}
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    2.3 ExecuteCallStmt输入值总结

    • CallStmt->funccall->args

      • 灵活节点类型,数组中:A_Const、NamedArgExpr都有。
      • 严格与输入保持一致,不考虑out、默认值等情况。
      • tp12(1,2,3,e=>500)为例:三个A_Const记录入参1,2,3、一个NamedArgExpr记录指向参数500。尽管2、3都是out不需要赋值,这里也做记录不转换。
    • CallStmt->funcexpr->args

      • 全部是值Const类型
      • 入参经过转换的值,会填充默认值
      • tp12(1,2,3,e=>500)为例:三个Const、记录1,300,500;因为2、3都是out不需要赋值。

    2.4 使用CallStmt->funcexpr构造fcinfo->args


    ExecuteCallStmtCallStmt *stmt, ParamListInfo params, bool atomic, DestReceiver *dest)
    	fexpr = stmt->funcexpr;
      	i = 0;
    	foreach(lc, fexpr->args)
    		ExprState  *exprstate;
    		Datum		val;
    		bool		isnull;
    		exprstate = ExecPrepareExpr(lfirst(lc), estate);
    		val = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(exprstate, econtext, &isnull);
    		fcinfo->args[i].value = val;
    		fcinfo->args[i].isnull = isnull;
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    2 实验:去除默认值位置限制



    CREATE or replace PROCEDURE tp13(
      a in integer, 
      b out integer,
      c out integer,
      d inout integer default 300,
      e in integer)
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $$
      raise notice 'a: %', a;
      raise notice 'b: %', b;
      raise notice 'c: %', c;
      raise notice 'd: %', d;
      raise notice 'e: %', e;
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    结果错误:call tp13(1,2,3,4);


    postgres=# call tp13(1,2,3,4);
    NOTICE:  a: 1
    NOTICE:  b: 
    NOTICE:  c: 
    NOTICE:  d: 4
    NOTICE:  e: 300
     b | c | d 
       |   | 4
    (1 row)
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    报错:call tp13(1,2,3, e=>5);


    postgres=# call tp13(1,2,3, e=>5);
    ERROR:  procedure tp13(integer, integer, integer, e => integer) does not exist
    LINE 1: call tp13(1,2,3, e=>5);
    HINT:  No procedure matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
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    #0  errfinish (filename=0xc50838 "parse_func.c", lineno=620, funcname=0xc51e80 <__func__.22568> "ParseFuncOrColumn") at elog.c:515
    #1  0x000000000064470f in ParseFuncOrColumn (pstate=0x1660268, funcname=0x165ff60, fargs=0x16603d8, last_srf=0x0, fn=0x1660148, proc_call=true, location=5)
        at parse_func.c:620
    #2  0x00000000005fb84b in transformCallStmt (pstate=0x1660268, stmt=0x16601a0) at analyze.c:2971
    #3  0x00000000005f5c17 in transformStmt (pstate=0x1660268, parseTree=0x16601a0) at analyze.c:357
    #4  0x00000000005f5a5f in transformOptionalSelectInto (pstate=0x1660268, parseTree=0x16601a0) at analyze.c:268
    #5  0x00000000005f591a in transformTopLevelStmt (pstate=0x1660268, parseTree=0x16601d8) at analyze.c:218
    #6  0x00000000005f56f4 in parse_analyze (parseTree=0x16601d8, sourceText=0x165f4e0 "call tp13(1,2,3, e=>5);", paramTypes=0x0, numParams=0, queryEnv=0x0)
        at analyze.c:127
    #7  0x0000000000975d70 in pg_analyze_and_rewrite (parsetree=0x16601d8, query_string=0x165f4e0 "call tp13(1,2,3, e=>5);", paramTypes=0x0, numParams=0, 
        queryEnv=0x0) at postgres.c:656
    #8  0x00000000009764a1 in exec_simple_query (query_string=0x165f4e0 "call tp13(1,2,3, e=>5);") at postgres.c:1129
    #9  0x000000000097ab59 in PostgresMain (argc=1, argv=0x7ffd124d16f0, dbname=0x1688cb0 "postgres", username=0x1688c88 "mingjiegao") at postgres.c:4494
    #10 0x00000000008b6d4e in BackendRun (port=0x1680870) at postmaster.c:4530
    #11 0x00000000008b66cd in BackendStartup (port=0x1680870) at postmaster.c:4252
    #12 0x00000000008b2b45 in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:1745
    #13 0x00000000008b2417 in PostmasterMain (argc=1, argv=0x16590d0) at postmaster.c:1417
    #14 0x00000000007b4c93 in main (argc=1, argv=0x16590d0) at main.c:209
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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/jackgo73/article/details/126674870