• 【NLP基础】英文关键词抽取RAKE算法


    RAKE英文全称为Rapid Automatic keyword extraction,中文称为快速自动关键字提取,是一种非常高效的关键字提取算法,可对单个文档进行操作,以实现对动态集合的应用,也可非常轻松地应用于新域,并且在处理多种类型的文档时也非常有效。




    w o r d S c o r e = w o r d D e g r e e ( w ) / w o r d F r e q u e n c y ( w ) wordScore = wordDegree(w)/wordFrequency(w) wordScore=wordDegree(w)/wordFrequency(w)


    (1)算法首先对句子进行分词,分词后去除停用词,根据停 用词划分短语;
    (2)之后计算每一个词在短语的共现词数,并构建 词共现矩阵;
    (4)得分score为度deg与频率 freq的商,score越大则该词更重 ;
    (5)最后按照得分的大小值降序 输出该词所在的短语。

    下面我们以一个中文例子具体解释RAKE算法原理,例如“系统有声音,但系统托盘的音量小喇叭图标不见了”,经过分词、去除停用词处理 后得到的词集W = {系统,声音,托盘,音量,小喇叭,图标,不见},短语集D={系统,声音,系统托盘,音量小喇叭图标不见},词共现矩阵如表:

    每一个词的度为deg={"系统”:2,“声音”:1,“托盘”:1; “音量” :3; “小喇叭” :3,“图标” :3,“不见” :3},频率freq = { “系统” :2, “声音” :1, “托盘” :1 ; “音量” :1; “小喇叭” :1, “图标”丄“不见” :1}, score ={“系统”:1,“声音”:1,“托 盘” :1 ;“音量” :1小喇叭” :3, “图标” :3, “不见” :3 },输出结果为{音量小喇叭图标不见 ,系统托盘,系统,声音}


    import string
    from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple
    PUNCTUATION = string.punctuation.replace('\'', '')  # Do not use apostrophe as a delimiter
        '(', ')', 'and', 'of', 'the', 'amongst', 'with', 'from', 'after', 'its', 'it', 'at', 'is',
        'this', ',', '.', 'be', 'in', 'that', 'an', 'other', 'than', 'also', 'are', 'may', 'suggests',
        'all', 'where', 'most', 'against', 'more', 'have', 'been', 'several', 'as', 'before',
        'although', 'yet', 'likely', 'rather', 'over', 'a', 'for', 'can', 'these', 'considered',
        'used', 'types', 'given', 'precedes',
    def split_to_tokens(text: str) -> List[str]:
        Split text string to tokens.
        Behavior is similar to str.split(),
        but empty lines are omitted and punctuation marks are separated from word.
        split_to_tokens('John     said 'Hey!' (and some other words.)') ->
        -> ['John', 'said', ''', 'Hey', '!', ''', '(', 'and', 'some', 'other', 'words', '.', ')']
        result = []
        for item in text.split():
            while item[0] in PUNCTUATION:
                item = item[1:]
            for i in range(len(item)):
                if item[-i - 1] not in PUNCTUATION:
            if i == 0:
        return [item for item in result if item]
    def split_tokens_to_phrases(tokens: List[str], stoplist: List[str] = None) -> List[str]:
        Merge tokens into phrases, delimited by items from stoplist.
        Phrase is a sequence of token that has the following properties:
        - phrase contains 1 or more tokens
        - tokens from phrase go in a row
        - phrase does not contain delimiters from stoplist
        - either the previous (not in a phrase) token belongs to stop list or it is the beginning of tokens list
        - either the next (not in a phrase) token belongs to stop list or it is the end of tokens list
            tokens=['Mary', 'and', 'John', ',', 'some', 'words', '(', 'and', 'other', 'words', ')'],
            stoplist=['and', ',', '.', '(', ')']) ->
        -> ['Mary', 'John', 'some words', 'other words']
        if stoplist is None:
            stoplist = ENGLISH_WORDS_STOPLIST
        stoplist += list(PUNCTUATION)
        current_phrase: List[str] = []
        all_phrases: List[str] = []
        stoplist_set: Set[str] = {stopword.lower() for stopword in stoplist}
        for token in tokens:
            if token.lower() in stoplist_set:
                if current_phrase:
                    all_phrases.append(' '.join(current_phrase))
                current_phrase = []
        if current_phrase:
            all_phrases.append(' '.join(current_phrase))
        return all_phrases
    def get_cooccurrence_graph(phrases: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]:
        Get graph that stores cooccurence of tokens in phrases.
        Matrix is stored as dict,
        where key is token, value is dict (key is second token, value is number of cooccurrence).
        get_occurrence_graph(['Mary', 'John', 'some words', 'other words']) -> {
            'mary': {'mary': 1},
            'john': {'john': 1},
            'some': {'some': 1, 'words': 1},
            'words': {'some': 1, 'words': 2, 'other': 1},
            'other': {'other': 1, 'words': 1}
        graph: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = {}
        for phrase in phrases:
            for first_token in phrase.lower().split():
                for second_token in phrase.lower().split():
                    if first_token not in graph:
                        graph[first_token] = {}
                    graph[first_token][second_token] = graph[first_token].get(second_token, 0) + 1
        return graph
    def get_degrees(cooccurrence_graph: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]) -> Dict[str, int]:
        Get degrees for all tokens by cooccurrence graph.
        Result is stored as dict,
        where key is token, value is degree (sum of lengths of phrases that contain the token).
                'mary': {'mary': 1},
                'john': {'john': 1},
                'some': {'some': 1, 'words': 1},
                'words': {'some': 1, 'words': 2, 'other': 1},
                'other': {'other': 1, 'words': 1}
        ) -> {'mary': 1, 'john': 1, 'some': 2, 'words': 4, 'other': 2}
        return {token: sum(cooccurrence_graph[token].values()) for token in cooccurrence_graph}
    def get_frequencies(cooccurrence_graph: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]) -> Dict[str, int]:
        Get frequencies for all tokens by cooccurrence graph.
        Result is stored as dict,
        where key is token, value is frequency (number of times the token occurs).
                'mary': {'mary': 1},
                'john': {'john': 1},
                'some': {'some': 1, 'words': 1},
                'words': {'some': 1, 'words': 2, 'other': 1},
                'other': {'other': 1, 'words': 1}
        ) -> {'mary': 1, 'john': 1, 'some': 1, 'words': 2, 'other': 1}
        return {token: cooccurrence_graph[token][token] for token in cooccurrence_graph}
    def get_ranked_phrases(phrases: List[str], *,
                           degrees: Dict[str, int],
                           frequencies: Dict[str, int]) -> List[Tuple[str, float]]:
        Get RAKE measure for every phrase.
        Result is stored as list of tuples, every tuple contains of phrase and its RAKE measure.
        Items are sorted non-ascending by RAKE measure, than alphabetically by phrase.
        processed_phrases: Set[str] = set()
        ranked_phrases: List[Tuple[str, float]] = []
        for phrase in phrases:
            lowered_phrase = phrase.lower()
            if lowered_phrase in processed_phrases:
            score: float = sum(degrees[token] / frequencies[token] for token in lowered_phrase.split())
            ranked_phrases.append((lowered_phrase, round(score, 2)))
        # Sort by score than by phrase alphabetically.
        ranked_phrases.sort(key=lambda item: (-item[1], item[0]))
        return ranked_phrases
    def rake_text(text: str) -> List[Tuple[str, float]]:
        Get RAKE measure for every phrase in text string.
        Result is stored as list of tuples, every tuple contains of phrase and its RAKE measure.
        Items are sorted non-ascending by RAKE measure, than alphabetically by phrase.
        tokens: List[str] = split_to_tokens(text)
        phrases: List[str] = split_tokens_to_phrases(tokens)
        cooccurrence: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = get_cooccurrence_graph(phrases)
        degrees: Dict[str, int] = get_degrees(cooccurrence)
        frequencies: Dict[str, int] = get_frequencies(cooccurrence)
        ranked_result: List[Tuple[str, float]] = get_ranked_phrases(phrases, degrees=degrees, frequencies=frequencies)
        return ranked_result
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    if __name__ == '__main__':
        text = 'Mercy-class includes USNS Mercy and USNS Comfort hospital ships. Credit: US Navy photo Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jason Pastrick. The US Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) Lakehurst in New Jersey is using an additive manufacturing process to make face shields.........'
        ranked_result = rake_text(text)
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5


    ('additive manufacturing process to make face shields.the 3d printing face shields', 100.4),
     ('us navy photo mass communication specialist 1st class jason pastrick', 98.33),
     ('us navy’s mercy-class hospital ship usns comfort.currently stationed', 53.33), 
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6



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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/yanqianglifei/article/details/126404047