• postgis 2.5 pgr_fromAtoB

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."pgr_fromatob"("startx" float8, "starty" float8, "endx" float8, "endy" float8, "tbl" varchar='line_guide'::character varying, "directed" bool=true, "topology_geom" varchar='data'::character varying, "topology_id" varchar='gid'::character varying, "topology_source" varchar='source'::character varying, "topology_target" varchar='target'::character varying, "topology_length" varchar='length'::character varying)
      RETURNS "public"."geometry" AS $BODY$  
        v_preStartLine geometry;-- the line of start point to  v_statpoint
        v_preEndLine geometry;-- the line of end point to  v_endpoint 

        v_preStartLineX float;-- v_preStartLine X
        v_preStartLineY float;-- v_preStartLine Y
        v_preEndLineX float;-- v_preEndLine X
        v_preEndLineY float;-- v_preEndLine Y

        v_startLine geometry;-- start point's nearest line  
        v_endLine geometry;-- end point's nearest line  
        v_startTarget integer;-- the end point of the line that nearest start point  
        v_endSource integer;-- the start point of the line that nearest end point 
        v_startpoint geometry;-- the point of nearest start point at v_startLine 
        v_endpoint geometry;-- the point of nearest end point at v_endLine  
        v_res geometry;-- shortest path geometry result 
        v_perStart float;--v_statpoint at v_res percentage
        v_perEnd float;--v_endpoint  at v_res percentage 

        v_perStartLine geometry;--v_statpoint at v_res percentage Line
        v_perEndLine geometry;--v_endpoint  at v_res percentage Line
        v_shPath geometry;-- result
        -- Software Version:
        -- pgrouting version:2.4.1 
        -- postgis 2.3.2
        -- postgresql 9.6.3

        -- Algorithm Version:1.1.1
        -- Author:itas109
        -- http://blog.csdn.net/itas109
        -- https://github.com/itas109

        -- set topology null
        -- UPDATE ||tbl|| SET source = NULL,target = NULL;    
        -- create topology
        -- select pgr_createTopology('||tbl||','||tolerance||',source:='source',id:='gid',target:='target',the_geom:='data');
        -- set length
        -- UPDATE line_guide SET length = ST_Length(data);

        -- ******************** step 1 start ****************************** 

        -- find nearest start line and start target id in topology
        execute 'select geom,target  from ' ||tbl||    ' 
                ST_DWithin(geom,ST_Geometryfromtext(''point('||    startx ||' ' || starty||')'',4326),50) 
                order by ST_Distance(geom,ST_GeometryFromText(''point('|| startx ||' '|| starty ||')'',4326))  limit 1' 
                into v_startLine ,v_startTarget;  
        -- find nearest end line and end source id in topology 
        execute 'select geom,source  from ' ||tbl||    ' 
                ST_DWithin(geom,ST_Geometryfromtext(''point('|| endx || ' ' || endy ||')'',4326),50) 
                order by ST_Distance(geom,ST_GeometryFromText(''point('|| endx ||' ' || endy ||')'',4326))  limit 1' 
                into v_endLine,v_endSource;  
        -- if no shortest path,return null   
        if (v_startLine is null) or (v_endLine is null) then  
            return null;  
        end if ;  
        -- ******************** step 1 end ******************************

        -- ******************** step 2 start ******************************
        -- start point nearest point at start line
        select  ST_ClosestPoint(v_startLine, ST_Geometryfromtext('point('|| startx ||' ' || starty ||')',4326)) into v_startpoint;  
            -- end point nearest point at end line
        select  ST_ClosestPoint(v_endLine, ST_GeometryFromText('point('|| endx ||' ' || endy ||')',4326)) into v_endpoint;  

        -- sub v_startLine to v_perStartLine
          select  ST_LineLocatePoint(v_startLine, v_startpoint) into v_perStart;  
        select ST_Line_SubString(v_startLine,v_perStart, 1) into v_perStartLine;

        -- sub v_endLine to v_perEndLine
        select  ST_LineLocatePoint(v_endLine, v_endpoint) into v_perEnd;  
        select ST_Line_SubString(v_endLine,0, v_perEnd) into v_perEndLine;  
        --  if v_startLine equal v_endLine,and v_perStart > v_perEnd, represent path is opposite
        if (v_startLine = v_endLine) and (v_perStart > v_perEnd) then  
            return null;  
        end if ;  

        -- if v_startLine equal v_endLine,and path is directed. sub line to result,and return
        if(v_startLine = v_endLine) and (v_perStart < v_perEnd) then  
            select ST_Line_SubString(v_startLine,v_perStart, v_perEnd) into v_shPath; 
                    return v_shPath;
        end if;
        -- ******************** step 2 end ******************************

        -- ******************** step 3 start ******************************

        -- get prepare line of start and end point to closed line point
        select ST_X(v_startpoint),ST_Y(v_startpoint) into v_preStartLineX,v_preStartLineY;
        select ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING('|| startx ||' ' || starty ||',' || v_preStartLineX ||' ' || v_preStartLineY ||')') into v_preStartLine;
        select ST_X(v_endpoint),ST_Y(v_endpoint) into v_preEndLineX,v_preEndLineY;
        select ST_LineFromText('LINESTRING('|| endx ||' ' || endy ||',' || v_preEndLineX ||' ' || v_preEndLineY ||')') into v_preEndLine;
        -- ******************** step 3 end ******************************

        -- ******************** step 4 start ******************************

        -- get dijkstra path
        -- pgr_dijkstra(text sql, integer source, integer target,boolean directed, boolean has_rcost);
        -- we set directed true.
        execute 'SELECT st_linemerge(st_union(b.'||topology_geom||')) ' || 
        'FROM pgr_dijkstra(  
        ''SELECT '||topology_id||' as id, '||topology_source||', '||topology_target||', '||topology_length||' as cost FROM ' || tbl ||''','  
        ||v_startTarget||', '||v_endSource||' , '||directed||'  
        ) a, 
            '||tbl||' b  
        WHERE a.edge=b.gid' into v_res ;  
               -- execute 'SELECT st_linemerge(st_union(b.'||topology_geom||')) ' || 
        --'FROM pgr_dijkstra(  
        --''SELECT '||topology_id||' as id, '||topology_source||', '||topology_target||', '||topology_length||' as cost FROM ' || tbl ||''','  
       -- ||v_startTarget||', '||v_endSource||' , '||directed||'  
        --) a, 
            --'||tbl||' b  
        --WHERE a.node=b.gid2  
        --GROUP by node  
       -- ORDER by node' into v_res ; 

        -- if  v_startTarget = v_endSource, v_res equal null is OK
        if(v_res is null) and (v_startTarget != v_endSource) then  
            return null;  
        end if;
        -- ******************** step 4 end ******************************

        -- ******************** step 5 start ******************************

        -- v_preStartLine,v_startLine,v_res,v_endLine,,v_preEndLine merge 
        -- we allow the result is mutilinestring
        --select  st_linemerge(v_res) into v_shPath; 
             select  st_linemerge(ST_Union(array[st_setsrid(v_preStartLine,4326),st_setsrid(v_startLine,4326),st_setsrid(v_res,4326),st_setsrid(v_endLine,4326),st_setsrid(v_preEndLine,4326)])) into v_shPath; 
            --SELECT ST_Line_SubString(v_res,v_preStartLine, v_preEndLine) into v_shPath;
        -- ******************** step 5 end ******************************
        return v_shPath;   
      COST 100

    SQL查询SELECT pgr_fromatob AS geojson FROM pgr_fromAtoB('120.15245186846','33.2985247306327','120.150558491682', '33.2972723248588','ws_line_gcj02',false,'geom');


    select t1.stcd from sewage_inspection_well_gcj02 t1
           select pgr_fromatob as  geomLine  FROM pgr_fromAtoB('120.15245186846','33.2985247306327','120.150558491682', '33.2972723248588','ws_line_gcj02',false,'geom')
    ) t2 ON st_intersects(st_buffer(t2.geomLine,0.001),t1.geom)

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/jsboy123/article/details/126345643