• 【苹果家庭推送】群发安装软件命令的格式错误; 0xA2 : 无效参数


    作者推荐内容iMessage苹果推软件 *** 点击即可查看作者要求内容信息
    作者推荐内容1.家庭推内容 *** 点击即可查看作者要求内容信息
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    作者推荐内容3.日历推 *** 点击即可查看作者要求内容信息
    作者推荐内容4.虚拟机安装简单 *** 点击即可查看作者要求内容信息
    作者推荐内容5.iMessage *** 点击即可查看作者要求内容信息

    现实实行之DataSource读取 重要是先容一下读取的各个AttrID返回的都是啥: 德律风: AttrID 返回值 0(App ID)

    Service Characteristics In its basic form, the ANCS exposes three characteristics: Notification Source: UUID 9FBF120D-6301-42D9-8C58-25E699A21DBD (notifiable) Control Point: UUID 69D1D8F3-45E1-49A8-9821-9BBDFDAAD9D9 (writeable with response) Data Source: UUID 22EAC6E9-24D6-4BB5-BE44-B36ACE7C7BFB (notifiable) All these characteristics require authorization for access. Support for the Notification Source characteristic is mandatory, whereas support for the Control Point characteristic and Data Source characteristic is optional. Note: There may be more characteristics present in the ANCS than the three listed above. That said, an NC may ignore any characteristic it does not recognize.

    Notification Source The Notification Source characteristic is the characteristic upon which an NC is informed of: The arrival of a new iOS notification on the NP The modification of an iOS notification on the NP The removal of an iOS notification on the NP GATT notifications may be delivered as soon as the NC subscribes to the Notification Source characteristic. As a result, the NC should be in a state where it can properly accept and process these messages before subscribing to this characteristic. The format of GATT notifications delivered through the Notification Source characteristic is shown inFigure 2-1. Figure 2-1 The format of a GATT notification delivered through a Notification Source characteristic A GATT notification delivered through the Notification Source characteristic contains the following information: EventID: This field informs the accessory whether the given iOS notification was added, modified, or removed. The enumerated values for this field are defined inEventID Values. EventFlags: A bitmask whose set bits inform an NC of specificities with the iOS notification. For example, if an iOS notification is considered “important”, the NC may want to display a more aggressive user interface (UI) to make sure the user is properly alerted.

    The enumerated bits for this field are defined in EventFlags. CategoryID: A numerical value providing a category in which the iOS notification can be classified. The NP will make a best effort to provide an accurate category for each iOS notification. The enumerated values for this field are defined in CategoryID Values. CategoryCount: The current number of active iOS notifications in the given category. For example, if two unread emails are sitting in a user’s email inbox, and a new email is pushed to the user’s iOS device, the value of CategoryCount is 3. NotificationUID: A 32-bit numerical value that is the unique identifier (UID) for the iOS notification. This value can be used as a handle in commands sent to the Control Point characteristic to interact with the iOS notification. The lifetime of an iOS notification can be implicitly deduced through the sequence of Notification Source GATT notifications generated by the NP, as shown inFigure 2-2. Figure 2-2 The lifetime of an iOS notification Control Point and Data Source An NC may want to interact with an iOS notification. It may want to retrieve more information about it, including its contents, or it may want to perform actions on it. The retrieval of these attributes is performed through the Control Point and Data Source characteristics. An NC can issue a request to retrieve more information about an iOS notification by writing specific commands to the Control Point characteristic.

    If the write to the Control Point characteristic is successful, the NP will promptly respond to the request through a stream of GATT notifications on the Data Source characteristic. An NC can perform pre-determined actions on an iOS notification by writing specific commands to the Control Point characteristic. More information about actions and iOS notifications are inPerform Notification Action. Get Notification Attributes The Get Notification Attributes command allows an NC to retrieve the attributes of a specific iOS notification. The format of a Get Notification Attribute command is shown inFigure 2-3. Figure 2-3 The format of a Get Notification Attribute command A Get Notification Attributes command contains the following information: CommandID: Should be set to 0 (CommandIDGetNotificationAttributes). NotificationUID: The 32-bit numerical value representing the UID of the iOS notification for which the client wants information. AttributeIDs: A list of attributes that the NC wants to retrieve. Some attributes may need to be followed by a 16-bit length parameter that specifies the maximum number of bytes of the attribute the NC wants to retrieve

    (For chapter 3 purposes only)14. I certify that (check all that apply)The beneficial owner is a resident of China mainland within the meaning of the income tax treaty between United States and that country.The beneficial owner derives the item (or items) of income for which the treaty benefits are claimed, and, if applicable, meets the requirements of the treaty provision dealing with limitation on benefits. The following are types of limitation on benefits provisions that may be included in an applicable tax treaty (check only one; see instructions):Type of limitation on benefits provisionsThe beneficial owner is claiming treaty benefits for dividends received from a foreign corporation or interest from a U.S. trade or business of a foreign corporation and meets qualified resident status (see instructions).15. Special rate and ConditionsThe beneficial owner is claiming the provisions of Article and paragraph Optionalof the treaty identified on line 14a above to claim a Optional% rate of withholding on (specify type of income):Income from the sale of applicationsOther (please specify) Optional

    当新的会话开始时,NP会尽可能把现有的通知都发给NC。NC可以使用这些信息晓得以后还没有处置的通知有哪些。 Attribute Fetching and Caching 咱们发起,只在用户做出操纵时才获取attribute。例如,一开始只是展现一个通知列表,而后在用户点击某一个后才查询详细的信息。 别的,我们建议在一次会话中建立一张App attribute的缓存表,如许可以防止反复获取一些常量attribute。 Error Codes 写入Control Point characteristic时,可能会有毛病产生,错误码定义如下(在那边返回错误码。。。统一次请求中么): 0xA0 : 未知命令,commandID不法; 0xA1 : 无效命令,命令的格式错误; 0xA2 : 无效参数,某一个参数(例如NotificationID无效) 如果有错误发生,就不会有Data Source返回。

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/IMEAX/article/details/126224539