• 安卓FirstStageMount阶段解析【连载】(一)创建设备Create

    最近在分析安卓的FirstStageMount阶段,这部分代码量还是挺大的,而且不容易理解,所以记录一下自己学习的心得和成果。本文都是基于Android S来分析的。

    源码地址如下:Android S源码



    // 路径:/system/core/init/first_stage_init.cpp
    int FirstStageMain(int argc, char** argv) {
    	// ...
        if (!DoFirstStageMount(!created_devices)) {
            LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to mount required partitions early ...";
      	// ...
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    // 路径: /system/core/init/first_stage_mount.cpp
    // 在设备树中挂载由fstab文件指定的分区
    bool DoFirstStageMount(bool create_devices) {
    	// -----------------------------第一部分-----------------------------
        auto fsm = FirstStageMount::Create();
        if (!fsm.ok()) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create FirstStageMount " << fsm.error();
            return false;
    	// ...这边是判断之前是否创建过devices,可以打印Log看一下,显然之前没有创建过,所以这里是False
        if (create_devices) {
            if (!(*fsm)->DoCreateDevices()) return false;
    	// -----------------------------第二部分-----------------------------
        return (*fsm)->DoFirstStageMount();
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    • 调用FirstStageMount类的Create方法,返回一个参数fsm【大概率跟FirstStageMount有关,因为第二部分调用了它的DoFirstStageMount方法】
    • 第二部分,调用FirstStageMount类的DoFirstStageMount方法



    // 路径:/system/core/init/first_stage_mount.cpp
    Result<std::unique_ptr<FirstStageMount>> FirstStageMount::Create() {
    	// 读取第一阶段的Fstab文件
        auto fstab = ReadFirstStageFstab();
        if (!fstab.ok()) {
            return fstab.error();
    	// AVB2应该返回一个由fstab转译的独占指针【这里也说名了第二部分的fsm指针是啥】
        if (IsDtVbmetaCompatible(*fstab)) {
            return std::make_unique<FirstStageMountVBootV2>(std::move(*fstab));
        } else {
            return std::make_unique<FirstStageMountVBootV1>(std::move(*fstab));
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    3.1 ReadFirstStageFstab

    // 路径: /system/core/init/first_stage_mount.cpp
    static Result<Fstab> ReadFirstStageFstab() {
        Fstab fstab;
        if (!ReadFstabFromDt(&fstab)) {
            if (ReadDefaultFstab(&fstab)) {
                fstab.erase(std::remove_if(fstab.begin(), fstab.end(),
                                           [](const auto& entry) {
                                               return !entry.fs_mgr_flags.first_stage_mount;
            } else {
                return Error() << "failed to read default fstab for first stage mount";
        return fstab;
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    • 先从设备树文件中读取Fstab文件【ReadFstabFromDt】
      • 如果失败了, 就去读取默认的Fstab文件;并且删除其中 fs_mgr_flags中没有first_stage_mount不为1的,也就是这个参数没有设置

    3.2 ReadFstabFromDt

    // 路径: /system/core/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_fstab.cpp
    bool ReadDefaultFstab(Fstab* fstab) {
        // 调用ReadFstabFromDt(fstab, false)重载函数
        ReadFstabFromDt(fstab, false /* verbose */);
        std::string default_fstab_path;
        // Use different fstab paths for normal boot and recovery boot, respectively
        if (access("/system/bin/recovery", F_OK) == 0) {
            default_fstab_path = "/etc/recovery.fstab";
        } else {  // normal boot
            default_fstab_path = GetFstabPath();
        Fstab default_fstab;
        if (!default_fstab_path.empty() && ReadFstabFromFile(default_fstab_path, &default_fstab)) {
            for (auto&& entry : default_fstab) {
        } else {
            LINFO << __FUNCTION__ << "(): failed to find device default fstab";
        return !fstab->empty();
    // Returns fstab entries parsed from the device tree if they exist
    bool ReadFstabFromDt(Fstab* fstab, bool verbose) {
    	// 调用ReadFstabFromDt()重载函数
        std::string fstab_buf = ReadFstabFromDt();
        if (fstab_buf.empty()) {
            if (verbose) LINFO << __FUNCTION__ << "(): failed to read fstab from dt";
            return false;
        std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&fclose)> fstab_file(
                     fstab_buf.length(), "r"), fclose);
        if (!fstab_file) {
            if (verbose) PERROR << __FUNCTION__ << "(): failed to create a file stream for fstab dt";
            return false;
        if (!ReadFstabFile(fstab_file.get(), false, fstab)) {
            if (verbose) {
                LERROR << __FUNCTION__ << "(): failed to load fstab from kernel:" << std::endl
                       << fstab_buf;
            return false;
        SkipMountingPartitions(fstab, verbose);
        return true;
    std::string ReadFstabFromDt() {
    	// ... 
    	// 拼接设备树地址 + "/fstab"
        std::string fstabdir_name = get_android_dt_dir() + "/fstab";
        std::unique_ptr<DIR, int (*)(DIR*)> fstabdir(opendir(fstabdir_name.c_str()), closedir);
        if (!fstabdir) return {};
        dirent* dp;
        // 每一个元素fstab_dt_entries is .
        std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fstab_dt_entries;
        while ((dp = readdir(fstabdir.get())) != NULL) {
            // skip over name, compatible and .
            if (dp->d_type != DT_DIR || dp->d_name[0] == '.') continue;
            // 创建fstab_entry,格式为:       \n
            // 将fstab文件中key-value键值对放到fstab_entry中
            std::vector<std::string> fstab_entry;
            std::string file_name;
            std::string value;
            // skip a partition entry if the status property is present and not set to ok
            file_name = android::base::StringPrintf("%s/%s/status", fstabdir_name.c_str(), dp->d_name);
            if (ReadDtFile(file_name, &value)) {
                if (value != "okay" && value != "ok") {
                    LINFO << "dt_fstab: Skip disabled entry for partition " << dp->d_name;
            file_name = android::base::StringPrintf("%s/%s/dev", fstabdir_name.c_str(), dp->d_name);
            if (!ReadDtFile(file_name, &value)) {
                LERROR << "dt_fstab: Failed to find device for partition " << dp->d_name;
                return {};
            std::string mount_point;
            file_name =
                android::base::StringPrintf("%s/%s/mnt_point", fstabdir_name.c_str(), dp->d_name);
            if (ReadDtFile(file_name, &value)) {
                LINFO << "dt_fstab: Using a specified mount point " << value << " for " << dp->d_name;
                mount_point = value;
            } else {
                mount_point = android::base::StringPrintf("/%s", dp->d_name);
            file_name = android::base::StringPrintf("%s/%s/type", fstabdir_name.c_str(), dp->d_name);
            if (!ReadDtFile(file_name, &value)) {
                LERROR << "dt_fstab: Failed to find type for partition " << dp->d_name;
                return {};
            file_name = android::base::StringPrintf("%s/%s/mnt_flags", fstabdir_name.c_str(), dp->d_name);
            if (!ReadDtFile(file_name, &value)) {
                LERROR << "dt_fstab: Failed to find type for partition " << dp->d_name;
                return {};
            file_name = android::base::StringPrintf("%s/%s/fsmgr_flags", fstabdir_name.c_str(), dp->d_name);
            if (!ReadDtFile(file_name, &value)) {
                LERROR << "dt_fstab: Failed to find type for partition " << dp->d_name;
                return {};
            // 将fstab_entry添加到fstab_dt_entries中
            fstab_dt_entries.emplace_back(mount_point, android::base::Join(fstab_entry, " "));
        // 根据挂载点mount_point对fstab_dt_entries进行排序,确保/vendor在/vendor/xxx前
        std::sort(fstab_dt_entries.begin(), fstab_dt_entries.end(),
                  [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a.first < b.first; });
    	// 返回fstab中读取的值,放到fstab_result中返回
        std::string fstab_result;
        for (const auto& [_, dt_entry] : fstab_dt_entries) {
            fstab_result += dt_entry + "\n";
        return fstab_result;
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    调用栈分别为:bool ReadDefaultFstab(Fstab* fstab) -> bool ReadFstabFromDt(Fstab* fstab, bool verbose)->std::string ReadFstabFromDt() ,所以我们选择从后往前看

    3.2.1 std::string ReadFstabFromDt()

    每一个\n分割的是不同的一个fstab_entry,其格式为 \n

    3.2.2 bool ReadFstabFromDt(Fstab* fstab, bool verbose)

    bool ReadFstabFromDt(Fstab* fstab, bool verbose) {
    	// 获取从ReadFstabFromDt读取到的FstEntry字符串
        std::string fstab_buf = ReadFstabFromDt();
        std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&fclose)> fstab_file(
                     fstab_buf.length(), "r"), fclose);
    	// 调用ReadFstabFile
        if (!ReadFstabFile(fstab_file.get(), false, fstab)) {
            if (verbose) {
                LERROR << __FUNCTION__ << "(): failed to load fstab from kernel:" << std::endl
                       << fstab_buf;
            return false;
        SkipMountingPartitions(fstab, verbose);
        return true;
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    3.2.3 ReadFstabFile

    bool ReadFstabFile(FILE* fstab_file, bool proc_mounts, Fstab* fstab_out) {
        ssize_t len;
        size_t alloc_len = 0;
        char *line = NULL;
        const char *delim = " \t";
        char *save_ptr, *p;
        Fstab fstab;
        while ((len = getline(&line, &alloc_len, fstab_file)) != -1) {
            /* if the last character is a newline, shorten the string by 1 byte */
            if (line[len - 1] == '\n') {
                line[len - 1] = '\0';
            /* Skip any leading whitespace */
            p = line;
            while (isspace(*p)) {
            /* ignore comments or empty lines */
            if (*p == '#' || *p == '\0')
            FstabEntry entry;
            if (!(p = strtok_r(line, delim, &save_ptr))) {
                LERROR << "Error parsing mount source";
                goto err;
            entry.blk_device = p;
            if (!(p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &save_ptr))) {
                LERROR << "Error parsing mount_point";
                goto err;
            entry.mount_point = p;
            if (!(p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &save_ptr))) {
                LERROR << "Error parsing fs_type";
                goto err;
            entry.fs_type = p;
            if (!(p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &save_ptr))) {
                LERROR << "Error parsing mount_flags";
                goto err;
            ParseMountFlags(p, &entry);
            // For /proc/mounts, ignore everything after mnt_freq and mnt_passno
            if (proc_mounts) {
                p += strlen(p);
            } else if (!(p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &save_ptr))) {
                LERROR << "Error parsing fs_mgr_options";
                goto err;
            ParseFsMgrFlags(p, &entry);
            if (entry.fs_mgr_flags.logical) {
                entry.logical_partition_name = entry.blk_device;
        if (fstab.empty()) {
            LERROR << "No entries found in fstab";
            goto err;
        /* If an A/B partition, modify block device to be the real block device */
        if (!fs_mgr_update_for_slotselect(&fstab)) {
            LERROR << "Error updating for slotselect";
            goto err;
        *fstab_out = std::move(fstab);
        return true;
        return false;
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    • 将前面3.2.1的fstabEntry字符串正式映射成FstabEntry 对象,然后将其放在Fstab
    • 最后还要判断一下是不是包含A/B分区的,如果是AB分区的,调用fs_mgr_update_for_slotselect
      • 如果是AB分区fs_mgr_update_for_slotselect添加逻辑分区的后缀
    // 路径:/system/core/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_slotselect.cpp
    bool fs_mgr_update_for_slotselect(Fstab* fstab) {
        std::string ab_suffix;
        for (auto& entry : *fstab) {
        	// slot_select 为非0 且 slot_select_other 为非0【这种是错的,不存在这种两个都是非0的,检查dts文件吧】
            if (!entry.fs_mgr_flags.slot_select && !entry.fs_mgr_flags.slot_select_other) {
            if (ab_suffix.empty()) {
            	// 获取后缀
                ab_suffix = fs_mgr_get_slot_suffix();
                // Return false if failed to get ab_suffix when MF_SLOTSELECT is specified.
                if (ab_suffix.empty()) return false;
            const auto& update_suffix =
                    entry.fs_mgr_flags.slot_select ? ab_suffix : other_suffix(ab_suffix);
            entry.blk_device = entry.blk_device + update_suffix;
            // Entry逻辑分区的名字 += update_suffix
            // 如果是AB分区的话应该是 system_a或者vendor_a之类的
            entry.logical_partition_name = entry.logical_partition_name + update_suffix;
        return true;
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    3.2.4 bool ReadDefaultFstab(Fstab* fstab)

    bool ReadDefaultFstab(Fstab* fstab) {
        // 调用ReadFstabFromDt(fstab, false)重载函数
        ReadFstabFromDt(fstab, false /* verbose */);
        std::string default_fstab_path;
        // Use different fstab paths for normal boot and recovery boot, respectively
        if (access("/system/bin/recovery", F_OK) == 0) {
            default_fstab_path = "/etc/recovery.fstab";
        } else {  // normal boot
            default_fstab_path = GetFstabPath();
    	// 添加正常启动normal boot的路径中的Fst文件
        Fstab default_fstab;
        if (!default_fstab_path.empty() && ReadFstabFromFile(default_fstab_path, &default_fstab)) {
            for (auto&& entry : default_fstab) {
        } else {
            LINFO << __FUNCTION__ << "(): failed to find device default fstab";
        return !fstab->empty();
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    2022.8.1 22:59身体不适,等身体好了再画

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/stephen_curry300/article/details/126110983