• (八)Linux搭载4G模块——PDU短信格式的获取与解码






    2.2 对PDU的数据部分操作


    具体原理可看此篇文章:字符流与字节流的相互转换原理及代码(Linux C)

    int str_to_byte(char *source, char *dest, int source_len)
        char    highbyte;//高字节
        char    lowbyte;//低字节
        int     i = 0;
        for (i; 2*i < source_len; i ++)
            highbyte = toupper(source[i*2]);//将所有小写字母转成大写
            lowbyte = toupper(source[i*2 +1]);
            if(highbyte <= 0x39)
                highbyte -= 0x30;
                highbyte -= 0x37;
            if(lowbyte <= 0x39)
                lowbyte -= 0x30;
                lowbyte -= 0x37;
            dest[i] = (highbyte << 4) | lowbyte;
            //printf("dest[%d]=%02x\n",i, dest[i]);
        return 0;
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    #include <iconv.h>
    iconv_t iconv_open(const char* tcode, const char* fromecode);
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    返回值:iconv_open()函数返回一个新申请的返回描述符。 出错时返回( iconv_t)-1

    size_t iconv(iconv_t cd,
                        char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft,
                        char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);
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    int iconv_close(iconv_t cd);
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    int unicode_to_utf8(char *source, size_t source_len, char *dest, size_t dest_len)
        int     i = 0;
        char    temp;
        int     retval = -1;
        iconv_t cd;
        char    unicode_buf[512] = {0};
        if (!source)
            printf("Invalid argument!\n");
            return -1;
        str_to_byte(source, unicode_buf, strlen(source));
        for (i; i < sizeof(unicode_buf); i +=2)
            temp = unicode_buf[i];
            unicode_buf[i] = unicode_buf[i+1];
            unicode_buf[i+1] = temp;
        cd = iconv_open("UTF-8","UNICODE");
        if (cd < 0)
            printf("iconv_open() failure!\n");
            return -2;
        char    *source_ptr = unicode_buf;
        retval =  iconv(cd, &source_ptr, &source_len, &dest, &dest_len);
        if(retval < 0)
            printf("Unicode to utf-8 failure:%s\n", strerror(errno));
            return -3;
        //printf("Unicode to utf-8 successfully:%s\n", dest);
        return 0;
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    int decode7bit(const unsigned char* source, char* dest, int source_len)
            int nsrc = 0;  
            int ndst = 0;
            int nbyte = 0;
            unsigned char nleft = 0;
            if (!source||!dest||(source_len<=0))
                printf("[%s]Invalid parameter\n",__func__);
                return -1;
            while (nsrc < source_len)
                *dest = ((*source << nbyte) | nleft) & 0x7f;
                nleft = *source >> (7-nbyte);
                if(nbyte == 7)
                    *dest = nleft;
                    nbyte = 0;
                    nleft = 0;
            *dest = 0;
            return ndst;
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    int english_decod(char *source, char *dest, int source_len)
        char temp_buf[512] = {0};
        if (!source|| !dest)
            printf("Invalid argument.\n");
            return -1;
        str_to_byte(source, temp_buf, source_len);
        decode7bit(temp_buf, dest, strlen(temp_buf));
        return 0;
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    int calculate_len(char *ptr)
        int len;
        int highbyte;
        int lowbyte;
        if (*ptr < 0x39)
            highbyte = (*ptr - 0x30)*16;
            highbyte = (*ptr-0x37)*16;
        //printf("highbyte:%d\n", highbyte);
        if (*ptr < 0x39)
            lowbyte = *ptr - 0x30;
            lowbyte = *ptr - 0x37;
        //printf("lowbyte:%d\n", lowbyte);
        len = highbyte + lowbyte;
        //printf("len:%d\n", len);
        return len;
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    int get_all_sms(ttyusb_ctx_t *ttyusb_ctx, char *sms_buf, int sms_buf_len)
        int     retval = -1;
        char    temp_buf[1024] = {0};
        char    *start_ptr = NULL;
        int     center_number_len = 0;
        char    phone_number[32] = {0};
        int     phone_len = 0;
        int     phone_flag = 0;
        int     encoding = 0;//编码
        int     data_len = 0;
        char    send_buf[128] = {0};
        char    time_buf[13] = {0};
        int     index = 0;
        int     j = 0;
        char    temp;
        char    data_buf[1024] = {0};
        if (!ttyusb_ctx)
            log_error("[%s]Invalid argument.\n", __func__);
            return -1;
        retval = send_at_cmd(ttyusb_ctx, "AT+CSDH=1\r", "OK", NULL, 0);
        if(retval < 0)
            printf("Send command AT+CSDH=1 failure!\n");
            return -2;
        while (1)
            memset(send_buf, 0 , sizeof(send_buf));
            sprintf(send_buf, "AT+CMGR=%d\r", index);
            memset(temp_buf, 0, sizeof(temp_buf));
            retval = send_at_cmd(ttyusb_ctx, send_buf, "+CMGR", temp_buf, sizeof(temp_buf));
            if(retval < 0)
                printf("There is no index:%d\n", index);
                return -3;
            start_ptr = strstr(temp_buf, "+CMGR");
            start_ptr = strstr(start_ptr, "\r\n");
            start_ptr += 2;//让指针指向PDU首部
            center_number_len = calculate_len(start_ptr);//计算中心号码长度
            start_ptr = start_ptr + 2 + center_number_len*2 + 2;
            phone_len = calculate_len(start_ptr);//计算发送人号码长度
            //printf("phone_len:%d\n", phone_len);
            if(phone_len%2 != 0)
                phone_flag = 1;
            strncpy(phone_number, start_ptr+2+2, phone_len);
            for(j = 0; j < phone_len; j +=2)
                temp = phone_number[j];
                phone_number[j] = phone_number[j+1];
                if(phone_flag && ((phone_len -2) == j))
                    phone_number[j+1] ='\0';
                    phone_number[j+1] = temp;
            printf("PDU package:%s\n", temp_buf);
            printf("SMS Index:%d\n", index);
            printf("Sender:%s\n", phone_number);
            //log_debug("target_number:%s\n", target_number);
            //printf("phone_number:%s\n", phone_number);
            start_ptr = start_ptr + 2 + 2 + phone_len  + 2;
            encoding = calculate_len(start_ptr);//获取编码格式
            start_ptr = start_ptr + 2 ;
            memset(time_buf, 0 ,sizeof(time_buf));
            snprintf(time_buf, 12+1, "%s", start_ptr);
            printf("Receive time:");
            for(j = 0; j < 12; j +=2)
                temp = time_buf[j];
                time_buf[j] = time_buf[j+1];
                time_buf[j+1] = temp;
                printf("-%c%c", time_buf[j], time_buf[j+1]);
            start_ptr = start_ptr + 12 + 2;
            data_len = calculate_len(start_ptr);
            data_len = data_len*2;
            start_ptr = start_ptr +2;
            memset(data_buf, 0, data_len);
            snprintf(data_buf, data_len+1, "%s", start_ptr);
                memset(sms_buf, 0, sms_buf_len);
                retval = unicode_to_utf8(data_buf, sizeof(data_buf), sms_buf, sms_buf_len);
                //log_debug("This is the English code\n");
                english_decod(start_ptr, sms_buf, data_len);
            printf("SMS:%s\n", sms_buf);
            start_ptr = NULL;
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    2.4 获取并解析指定的短信——get_specified_sms()

    int get_specified_sms(ttyusb_ctx_t *ttyusb_ctx, char *sms_buf, int sms_buf_len, char *target_number)
        int     retval = -1;
        char    temp_buf[1024] = {0};
        char    *start_ptr = NULL;
        int     center_number_len = 0;
        char    phone_number[32] = {0};
        int     phone_len = 0;
        int     phone_flag = 0;
        int     encoding = 0;//编码
        int     data_len = 0;
        char    send_buf[128] = {0};
        char    time_buf[13] = {0};
        int     index = 0;
        int     j = 0;
        char    temp;
        char    data_buf[1024] = {0};
        int     sms_flag = 1;
        if (!ttyusb_ctx)
            log_error("[%s]Invalid argument!\n", __func__);
            return -1;
        retval = send_at_cmd(ttyusb_ctx, "AT+CSDH=1\r", "OK", NULL, 0);
        if(retval < 0)
            printf("Send command AT+CSDH=1 failure!\n");
            return -2;
        while (1)
            memset(send_buf, 0 , sizeof(send_buf));
            sprintf(send_buf, "AT+CMGR=%d\r", index);
            memset(temp_buf, 0, sizeof(temp_buf));
            retval = send_at_cmd(ttyusb_ctx, send_buf, "OK", temp_buf, sizeof(temp_buf));
            if(retval < 0)
                printf("There is no message %d\n", index);
                return -3;
            start_ptr = strstr(temp_buf, "+CMGR");
            if(NULL == start_ptr)
                printf("There is no message %d\n", index);
            //printf("PDU包:%s\n", start_ptr);
            start_ptr = strstr(start_ptr, "\r\n");
            start_ptr += 2;//让指针指向PDU首部
            center_number_len = calculate_len(start_ptr);//计算中心号码长度
            start_ptr = start_ptr + 2 + center_number_len*2 + 2;
            phone_len = calculate_len(start_ptr);//计算发送人号码长度
            //printf("phone_len:%d\n", phone_len);
            if(phone_len%2 != 0)
                phone_flag = 1;
            strncpy(phone_number, start_ptr+2+2, phone_len);
            for(j = 0; j < phone_len; j +=2)
                temp = phone_number[j];
                phone_number[j] = phone_number[j+1];
                if(phone_flag && ((phone_len -2) == j))
                    phone_number[j+1] ='\0';
                    phone_number[j+1] = temp;
            if(strncmp(target_number, phone_number, strlen(phone_number)))
                start_ptr = NULL;
            printf("PDU package:%s\n", temp_buf);
            printf("SMS Index:%d\n", index);
            printf("Sender:%s\n", phone_number);
            //log_debug("target_number:%s\n", target_number);
            //printf("phone_number:%s\n", phone_number);
            start_ptr = start_ptr + 2 + 2 + phone_len  + 2;
            encoding = calculate_len(start_ptr);//获取编码格式
            start_ptr = start_ptr + 2 ; 
            snprintf(time_buf, 12+1, "%s", start_ptr);
            printf("Receive time:");
            for(j = 0; j < 12; j +=2)
                temp = time_buf[j];
                time_buf[j] = time_buf[j+1];
                time_buf[j+1] = temp;
                printf("-%c%c", time_buf[j], time_buf[j+1]);
            start_ptr = start_ptr + 12 + 2;
            data_len = calculate_len(start_ptr);
            data_len = data_len*2;
            start_ptr = start_ptr +2;
            memset(data_buf, 0, data_len);
            snprintf(data_buf, data_len+1, "%s", start_ptr);
            //printf("The data PDU is %s\n", data_buf);
            memset(sms_buf, 0, sms_buf_len);
                retval = unicode_to_utf8(data_buf, sizeof(data_buf), sms_buf, sms_buf_len);
                //log_debug("This is the English code\n");
                english_decod(start_ptr, sms_buf, data_len);
            printf("SMS:%s\n", sms_buf);
            start_ptr = NULL;
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    2.5 删除指定号码短信——delete_sms()

    int delete_sms(ttyusb_ctx_t *ttyusb_ctx, char *target_number)
        int     retval = -1;
        char    temp_buf[1024] = {0};
        char    *start_ptr = NULL;
        int     center_number_len = 0;
        char    phone_number[32] = {0};
        int     phone_len = 0;
        int     phone_flag = 0;
        char    send_buf[128] = {0};
        char    time_buf[13] = {0};
        int     index = 0;
        int     j = 0;
        char    temp;
        char    data_buf[1024] = {0};
        int     sms_flag = 1;
        if (!ttyusb_ctx)
            printf("[%s]Invalid argument!\n", __func__);
            return -1;
        retval = send_at_cmd(ttyusb_ctx, "AT+CSDH=1\r", "OK", NULL, 0);
        if(retval < 0)
            printf("Send command AT+CSDH=1 failure!\n");
            return -2;
        while (1)
            memset(send_buf, 0 , sizeof(send_buf));
            sprintf(send_buf, "AT+CMGR=%d\r", index);
            memset(temp_buf, 0, sizeof(temp_buf));
            retval = send_at_cmd(ttyusb_ctx, send_buf, "OK", temp_buf, sizeof(temp_buf));
            if(retval < 0)
                printf("There is no message %d\n", index);
                return -3;
            start_ptr = strstr(temp_buf, "+CMGR");
            if(NULL == start_ptr)
                printf("There is no message %d\n", index);
            //printf("数据开始:%s\n", start_ptr);
            start_ptr = strstr(start_ptr, "\r\n");
            start_ptr += 2;//让指针指向PDU首部
            center_number_len = calculate_len(start_ptr);//计算中心号码长度
            start_ptr = start_ptr + 2 + center_number_len*2 + 2;
            phone_len = calculate_len(start_ptr);//计算发送人号码长度
            //printf("phone_len:%d\n", phone_len);
            if(phone_len%2 != 0)
                phone_flag = 1;
            strncpy(phone_number, start_ptr+2+2, phone_len);
            for(j = 0; j < phone_len; j +=2)
                temp = phone_number[j];
                phone_number[j] = phone_number[j+1];
                if(phone_flag && ((phone_len -2) == j))
                    phone_number[j+1] ='\0';
                    phone_number[j+1] = temp;
            if(strncmp(target_number, phone_number, strlen(phone_number)))
                start_ptr = NULL;
            memset(send_buf, 0 , sizeof(send_buf));
            retval = send_at_cmd(ttyusb_ctx, send_buf, "OK", NULL, 0);
            if(retval < 0)
                printf("[%s]Failed to delte the information\n", __func__);
                return -3;
            printf("Delete message %d ok!\n",index);
            start_ptr = NULL;
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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45880057/article/details/126026402