• Docs | 使用 Docker版的 docsify 预览 markdown (基于Vue.js 不能转为静态html)

    docsify 是一个markdown文档预览利器,它不生成html文件,避免了对代码库的“污染”。


    官网 https://docsify.js.org/


    1. Start the environment in Docker

    docsify 默认使用的是 3000 端口。

    $ docker pull dawneve/docsify:4.4.4
    $ docker run -it -d --name docsify -p 8003:3000 -v /home/wangjl/data/project/learnCpp:/home/docsify/learnCpp dawneve/docsify:4.4.4 bash
    $ docker exec -it docsify bash
    Init the docs
    # cd /home/docsify/learnCpp
    # docsify init docs
    Start the server on port 3000:
    # docsify serve docs
    Browser on host:
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    2. add new user in containner

    $ id #check your uid on host
    uid=1001(wangjl) gid=1001(wangjl) groups=1001(wangjl),1004(docker) 
    Change the uid of user tom in containner to your id on the host, shown above.
    # usermod -u 1001 tom
    I added user when making this image:
    # useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/docsify  -m docsify -u 1001
    # passwd docsify
    # chown -R docsify /home/docsify
    Change owner of these files in the containner
    # chown -R tom *
    Then we can edit md files on the host with VIM or other text editer like vsCode through ssh.
    Start the server on port 3000/ host 8003
    # docsify serve docs
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    这时可以在浏览器预览了: http://ip:8003

    3. editing while viewing


    $ cd docs/
    $ vim index.html
    $ vim _sidebar.md
    * [README](README.md)
    * Part O Preface
        * [Make this book](A0/1_readme.md)
        * [Resource](A0/2_resource.md)
    * Part I Basics
        * [README](A1/1_readme.md)
    * [Part II Class](A2/1_readme.md)
    * [Part III template](A3/1_readme.md)
    * [Part IV algorithm](A4/1_readme.md)
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    Control the sub menu shown level:

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    Overwrite _sidebar.md in nested folds:

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    (2)add top menu

    When the menu are very few, just edit index.html

    • 1
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    • 7

    Another better way:

    $ vim _navbar.md
    * [Basic](A1/1_readme)
    * [Class](A2/1_readme)
    * Help
    	* [Editing Guid](A0/1_readme)
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    (3)add cover

    Default cover is ./README.md, but we can add one.

    $ vim _coverpage.md
    # My C++ docs
    ## 个人文档网站
    > 一个神奇的文档网站生成工具 docsify
    * Simple and lightweight (~12kb gzipped)
    * Multiple themes
    * Not build static html files
    [Get Started](/A0/1_readme)
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    (4) save source files to local

    Save css and js to local, prevant loading…… problem.

    $ vim index.html
    $ mkdir static
    $ mkdir static/css
    $ mkdir static/js
    Save the css and js files.
    $ wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsify@4/lib/themes/vue.css -O static/css/vue.css
    $ wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsify@4 -O static/js/docsify.min.js
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    更多使用方法,参考官方文档的效果和 github源码:

    • 效果: https://docsify.js.org/#/custom-navbar
    • 源码: https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/blob/develop/docs/custom-navbar.md?plain=1

    100.放到github pages上

    可以把项目push到github,指定 docs 为 gh-pages 源文件。就可以用二级域名预览了。

    You need to create a .nojekyll in ./docs to prevent GitHub Pages from ignoring files that begin with an underscore.


    • https://docsify.js.org/#/?id=docsify
    • https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/blob/develop/docs/_sidebar.md
    • https://jingping-ye.github.io/docsify-docs-zh/#/
    • https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1683928475208184783&wfr=spider&for=pc
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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/wangjunliang/article/details/126008444