• 英语口语学习(07-09)


    two peas in a pod: 一模一样

    We're like two peas in a pod.
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    spill the beans : 泄露,说漏嘴

    There is a surprise party for Wendy on Wednesday. Please don't spill the beans.
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    beat around the bush

    Don't beat around the bush. Just tell me the truth.
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    the novel coronavirus

    coronavirus : 病毒, outbreak : 爆发
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    /e/ 艾:微笑音

    /ɛ/ 艾:嘴巴向下

    a man of one’s word 言而有信的人

     You should be a man of your word.
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    a man of the world 见过世面的人

    As a merchant, he was a man of the world.
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    all set

    Are you set to cook the steaks? Yes, the fire is ready, and I'm all set to start.
    You are all set. 你手续都准备好了。
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    set the table

    Janie, would you please set the table? We'll be ready to eat shortly.
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    a living death

    It's a shame that some men treat marriage and family life a living death.
    a walking dead:行尸走肉
    I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!
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    have   to   of
    1. want to  -  wanna : I wanna be there, I wanna share in your greif.
    2. going to -- gonna  : I'm gonna count to there, then I'm gonna shoot you. 数到三,我就开枪了。
    3. have to -- hafta : You gotta go there, loud and proud, gotta tell her. 你得过去,大声并且自豪地告诉她。
    4. wants to -- wantsta : My brother wants to come with us.
    5. should have --- shoulda  本应该 I shoulda seen this coming. You know what!
    6. would have --  woulda  If I woulda stayed any longer, you woulda been in danger.
    7. could have -- coulda : There's nothing you coulda done. We gotta go now!
    8. out of  --  outta : let's get out of here  ---  Who the hell are you?  Get outta my house!
    9. some of  --- summa : Do you want some of these cookies?
    10.most of -- mosta : Sometimes I go out for lunch, but most of the time I bring my own lunch to work.
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    and    or     for 
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    MySQL 索引
  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44879403/article/details/125559495