• C和指针 第13章 高级指针话题 13.2 高级声明

    13.2 高级声明
        int f; /*一个整型变量*/
        int *f; /*一个指向整型的指针*/
        int* f, g;
        int f();
        int *f();
        int (*f)();
        int *(*f)();
        int f[];
        int *f[];
        int f()[];
        int f[]();
        int (*f[])();
        int *(*f[])();
        到目前为止,这里使用的是旧式风格的声明,目的是为了让例子更简单一些。但是ANSI C要求我们使用完整的函数原型,使声明更为明确。例如:
        int (*f)( int, float );
        int *(*g[])( int, float );
           int (*(*f)())[10]; /* f as pointer to function returning pointer to array 10 of int. */
        /* x as pointer to array to array 10 of pointer to function returning int. */
        int (*(*x)[10])(); 
        cdecl的源代码可以从comp.sources.unix.newsgroup存档文件第14卷中获得。 (真的有源码呢!感兴趣自己可以去看看呢。)

    ** 高级声明。 
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>

    int main( void ){
        int f; /* an integral variable */ 
        int *f; /* a pointer points to an int */
        int *f, g; /* f is a pointer points to an int, g is an int */
        int f(); /*f is a function name, the return value of function is an int. This is an old style */
        int (*f)(); /* f is a pointer points to a function, the return value of function is an int */
        int *(*f)(); /* f is a pointer points to a function, the return value of function is a pointer points to an int */
        int f[]; /* here, we omit the length of array, because we care the type of array. f is an integral array. */
        int *f[]; /* the priority of [] operator is higher than the * operator, so executes [] operation firstly. f is an
        array, every element in array is an int */
        int f()[];     /* In terms of priority, f should be a function, the return value of function is an array, but it is 
        illegal actually, because c standard stipulates the function can't return an array. */
        int f[](); /* In terms of priority, f should be an array, the return value of array is a function, but it is also
        illegal actually, because every element in array must have the same length, but different function may have diff-
        erent length obviously. */
        int (*f[])(); /* f is an array, every element in array is a pointer points to a function, the return value of 
        function is an int. */
        int *(*f[])(); /* f is an array, every element in array is a pointer points to a function, the return value of 
        function is a pointer points to an int. */
        /* ANSI C requests we must use function prototype. */
        int (*f)( int, float ); /* f is a pointer points to a function, this function receives two parameters, one is 
        an int, the other is a float, the return value of function is an int. */
        int *(*g[])( int, float ); /* g is an array, every element in array is a pointer points to a function, this function
        receives two parameter, one is an int, the other is a float, this return value of function is a pointer points to
        an int. */
        int (*(*f)())[10]; /* f as pointer to function returning pointer to array 10 of int. */
        int (*(*x)[10])(); /* x as pointer to array to array 10 of pointer to function returning int. */
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_40186813/article/details/125551409