• 19、Flink 的Table API 和 SQL 中的自定义函数及示例(3)

    Flink 系列文章

    一、Flink 专栏

    Flink 专栏系统介绍某一知识点,并辅以具体的示例进行说明。

    • 1、Flink 部署系列

    • 2、Flink基础系列
      本部分介绍Flink 的基础部分,比如术语、架构、编程模型、编程指南、基本的datastream api用法、四大基石等内容。

    • 3、Flik Table API和SQL基础系列
      本部分介绍Flink Table Api和SQL的基本用法,比如Table API和SQL创建库、表用法、查询、窗口函数、catalog等等内容。

    • 4、Flik Table API和SQL提高与应用系列
      本部分是table api 和sql的应用部分,和实际的生产应用联系更为密切,以及有一定开发难度的内容。

    • 5、Flink 监控系列

    二、Flink 示例专栏

    Flink 示例专栏是 Flink 专栏的辅助说明,一般不会介绍知识点的信息,更多的是提供一个一个可以具体使用的示例。本专栏不再分目录,通过链接即可看出介绍的内容。

    两专栏的所有文章入口点击:Flink 系列文章汇总索引

    本文的示例如无特殊说明则是在Flink 1.17版本中运行。


    假设有一个关于饮料的表。表里面有三个字段,分别是 id、name、price,表里有 5 行数据。
    假设需要找到所有饮料里最贵的饮料的价格,即执行一个 max() 聚合。
    需要遍历所有 5 行数据,而结果就只有一个数值。

    自定义聚合函数是通过扩展 AggregateFunction 来实现的。AggregateFunction 的工作过程如下。
    首先,它需要一个 accumulator,它是一个数据结构,存储了聚合的中间结果。通过调用 AggregateFunction 的 createAccumulator() 方法创建一个空的 accumulator。
    接下来,对于每一行数据,会调用 accumulate() 方法来更新 accumulator。
    当所有的数据都处理完了之后,通过调用 getValue 方法来计算和返回最终的结果。

    下面几个方法是每个 AggregateFunction 必须要实现的:

    • createAccumulator()
    • accumulate()
    • getValue()

    Flink 的类型推导在遇到复杂类型的时候可能会推导出错误的结果,比如那些非基本类型和普通的 POJO 类型的复杂类型。所以跟 ScalarFunction 和 TableFunction 一样,AggregateFunction 也提供了 AggregateFunction#getResultType() 和 AggregateFunction#getAccumulatorType() 来分别指定返回值类型和 accumulator 的类型,两个函数的返回值类型也都是 TypeInformation。

    例如,如果聚合函数用在会话窗口(当两个会话窗口合并的时候需要 merge 他们的 accumulator)的话,merge() 方法就是必须要实现的。

    AggregateFunction 的以下方法在某些场景下是必须实现的:

    • retract() 在 bounded OVER 窗口中是必须实现的。
    • merge() 在许多批式聚合和会话以及滚动窗口聚合中是必须实现的。除此之外,这个方法对于优化也很多帮助。例如,两阶段聚合优化就需要所有的 AggregateFunction 都实现 merge 方法。
    • resetAccumulator() 在许多批式聚合中是必须实现的。

    AggregateFunction 的所有方法都必须是 public 的,不能是 static 的,而且名字必须跟上面写的一样。createAccumulator、getValue、getResultType 以及 getAccumulatorType 这几个函数是在抽象类 AggregateFunction 中定义的,而其他函数都是约定的方法。如果要定义一个聚合函数,你需要扩展 org.apache.flink.table.functions.AggregateFunction,并且实现一个(或者多个)accumulate 方法。accumulate 方法可以重载,每个方法的参数类型不同,并且支持变长参数。

    AggregateFunction 的所有方法的详细文档说明如下。

      * Base class for user-defined aggregates and table aggregates.
      * 用户定义聚合和表聚合的基类。
      * @param    the type of the aggregation result.
      * @param  the type of the aggregation accumulator. The accumulator is used to keep the
      *             aggregated values which are needed to compute an aggregation result.
      * 聚合累加器的类型。累加器用于保存计算聚合结果所需的聚合值。
    public abstract class UserDefinedAggregateFunction<T, ACC> extends UserDefinedFunction {
        * Creates and init the Accumulator for this (table)aggregate function.
        * 创建和初始化aggregate function 的Accumulator 方法
        * @return the accumulator with the initial value
      public ACC createAccumulator(); // MANDATORY
        * Returns the TypeInformation of the (table)aggregate function's result.
        * 返回aggregate function的结果类型TypeInformation 
        * @return The TypeInformation of the (table)aggregate function's result or null if the result
        *         type should be automatically inferred.
        * 返回aggregate function的结果类型TypeInformation ,如果结果为null,则会自动推导类型
      public TypeInformation<T> getResultType = null; // PRE-DEFINED
        * Returns the TypeInformation of the (table)aggregate function's accumulator.
        * 返回aggregate function's accumulator 的类型TypeInformation 
        * @return The TypeInformation of the (table)aggregate function's accumulator or null if the
        *         accumulator type should be automatically inferred.
      public TypeInformation<ACC> getAccumulatorType = null; // PRE-DEFINED
      * Base class for aggregation functions.
      * @param    the type of the aggregation result
      * @param  the type of the aggregation accumulator. The accumulator is used to keep the
      *             aggregated values which are needed to compute an aggregation result.
      *             AggregateFunction represents its state using accumulator, thereby the state of the
      *             AggregateFunction must be put into the accumulator.
      * acc aggregation accumulator的类型,accumulator 用来保存计算聚合结果所需的聚合值。
      * AggregateFunction使用累加器表示其状态,从而表示AggregateFunction必须放入累加器
    public abstract class AggregateFunction<T, ACC> extends UserDefinedAggregateFunction<T, ACC> {
      /** Processes the input values and update the provided accumulator instance. The method
        * accumulate can be overloaded with different custom types and arguments. An AggregateFunction
        * requires at least one accumulate() method.
        * 处理输入值并更新提供的累加器实例。方法accumulate 可以用不同的自定义类型和参数重载。
        * 聚合函数至少需要一个accumulate()方法。
        * @param accumulator  the accumulator which contains the current aggregated results
        * @param [user defined inputs] the input value (usually obtained from a new arrived data).
      public void accumulate(ACC accumulator, [user defined inputs]); // MANDATORY
        * Retracts the input values from the accumulator instance. The current design assumes the
        * inputs are the values that have been previously accumulated. The method retract can be
        * overloaded with different custom types and arguments. This function must be implemented for
        * datastream bounded over aggregate.
        * 收回累加器实例中的输入值。当前设计假设输入是先前累积的值。收回方法可以是重载了不同的自定义类型和参数。
        * 此功能在datastream的有界流基于over aggregate必须被实现。
        * @param accumulator the accumulator which contains the current aggregated results
        * @param [user defined inputs] the input value (usually obtained from a new arrived data).
      public void retract(ACC accumulator, [user defined inputs]); // OPTIONAL
        * Merges a group of accumulator instances into one accumulator instance. This function must be
        * implemented for datastream session window grouping aggregate and bounded grouping aggregate.
        * 将一组accumulator 实例合并为一个accumulator 实例。
        * 该函数在datastream session window的分组聚合 和 有界流的分组聚合必须实现。
        * @param accumulator  the accumulator which will keep the merged aggregate results. It should
        *                     be noted that the accumulator may contain the previous aggregated
        *                     results. Therefore user should not replace or clean this instance in the
        *                     custom merge method. 累加器,用于保存合并后的聚合结果。
        * 					  应该注意的是,累加器可以包含先前的聚合结果。
        * 					  因此,用户不应在自定义合并方法中替换或清除此实例。
        * @param its          an {@link java.lang.Iterable} pointed to a group of accumulators that will be
        *                     merged.
      public void merge(ACC accumulator, java.lang.Iterable<ACC> its); // OPTIONAL
        * Called every time when an aggregation result should be materialized.
        * The returned value could be either an early and incomplete result
        * (periodically emitted as data arrive) or the final result of the aggregation.
        * 每次应该具体化(materialized)聚合结果时调用。
        * 返回的值可能是早期且不完整的结果(随着数据的到达而定期发出),也可能是聚合的最终结果。
        * @param accumulator the accumulator which contains the current aggregated results
        * @return the aggregation result
      public T getValue(ACC accumulator); // MANDATORY
        * Resets the accumulator for this [[AggregateFunction]]. This function must be implemented for
        * bounded grouping aggregate.
        * 重置此[[AggregateFunction]]的累加器。必须为有界分组聚合实现此函数。
        * @param accumulator  the accumulator which needs to be reset
      public void resetAccumulator(ACC accumulator); // OPTIONAL
        * Returns true if this AggregateFunction can only be applied in an OVER window.
        * 如果此AggregateFunction只能在OVER窗口中应用,则返回true。
        * @return true if the AggregateFunction requires an OVER window, false otherwise.
      public Boolean requiresOver = false; // PRE-DEFINED
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    • 定义一个聚合函数来计算某一列的加权平均
    • 在 TableEnvironment 中注册函数
    • 在查询中使用函数

    为了计算加权平均值,accumulator 需要存储加权总和以及数据的条数。
    在例子里,定义了一个类 Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum 来作为 accumulator。Flink 的 checkpoint 机制会自动保存 accumulator,在失败时进行恢复,以此来保证精确一次的语义。

    例子的WeightedAvgAggregateFunction(自定义聚合函数)的 accumulate 方法有三个输入参数。
    第一个是 Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum accumulator
    另外两个是用户自定义的输入:输入的值 ivalue(balance) 和 输入的权重 iweight(age)。

    尽管 retract()、merge()、resetAccumulator() 这几个方法在大多数聚合类型中都不是必须实现的,样例中提供了他们的实现。

    在 Scala 样例中也是用的是 Java 的基础类型,并且定义了 getResultType() 和 getAccumulatorType(),因为 Flink 的类型推导对于 Scala 的类型推导做的不是很好。

    import static org.apache.flink.table.api.Expressions.$;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple2;
    import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream;
    import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment;
    import org.apache.flink.table.api.Table;
    import org.apache.flink.table.api.bridge.java.StreamTableEnvironment;
    import org.apache.flink.table.functions.AggregateFunction;
    import org.apache.flink.types.Row;
    import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
    import lombok.Data;
    import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
     * @author alanchan
    public class TestUDAGGDemo {
    	// 加权平均累加器bean,加上名称,以示区别,避免混淆
    	public static class Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum {
    		public long sum = 0;
    		public int count = 0;
    	// 聚合函数的自定义实现,计算加权平均
    	public static class WeightedAvgAggregateFunction extends AggregateFunction<Long, Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum> {
    		 * 创建和初始化aggregate function 的Accumulator 方法
    		public Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum createAccumulator() {
    			return new Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum();
    		 * 每次应该具体化(materialized)聚合结果时调用。 返回的值可能是早期且不完整的结果(随着数据的到达而定期发出),也可能是聚合的最终结果。
    		public Long getValue(Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum acc) {
    			if (acc.count == 0) {
    				return null;
    			} else {
    				return acc.sum / acc.count;
    		 * 处理输入值并更新提供的累加器实例。方法accumulate 可以用不同的自定义类型和参数重载。聚合函数至少需要一个accumulate()方法。
    		 * @param acc     累加器bean,包含当前汇总结果的累加器
    		 * @param iValue  输入的需要的累加值
    		 * @param iWeight 输入的需要累加的值的权重
    		public void accumulate(Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum acc, long iValue, int iWeight) {
    			acc.sum += iValue * iWeight;
    			acc.count += iWeight;
    		 * 收回累加器实例中的输入值。当前设计假设输入是先前累积的值。收回方法可以是重载了不同的自定义类型和参数。 此功能在datastream的有界流基于over
    		 * aggregate必须被实现。
    		 * @param acc     累加器bean,包含当前汇总结果的累加器
    		 * @param iValue  输入的需要的累加值
    		 * @param iWeight 输入的需要累加的值的权重
    		public void retract(Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum acc, long iValue, int iWeight) {
    			acc.sum -= iValue * iWeight;
    			acc.count -= iWeight;
    		 * 将一组accumulator 实例合并为一个accumulator 实例。 该函数在datastream session window的分组聚合 和
    		 * 有界流的分组聚合必须实现。
    		 * @param acc 累加器,用于保存合并后的聚合结果。 应该注意的是,累加器可以包含先前的聚合结果。 因此,用户不应在自定义合并方法中替换或清除此实例。
    		 * @param it  指向将被合并的一组累加器的Iterable。
    		public void merge(Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum acc, Iterable<Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum> it) {
    			Iterator<Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum> iter = it.iterator();
    			while (iter.hasNext()) {
    				Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum a = iter.next();
    				acc.count += a.count;
    				acc.sum += a.sum;
    		 * 重置此[[AggregateFunction]]的累加器。必须为有界分组聚合实现此函数。
    		 * @param acc
    		public void resetAccumulator(Aalan_WeightedAvgAccum acc) {
    			acc.count = 0;
    			acc.sum = 0L;
    	public static class User {
    		private long id;
    		private String name;
    		private int age;
    		private long balance;
    		private Long rowtime;
    	final static List<User> userList = Arrays.asList(
    			new User(1L, "alan", 18, 20, 1698742358391L), 
    			new User(2L, "alan", 19, 25, 1698742359396L),
    			new User(3L, "alan", 25, 30, 1698742360407L), 
    			new User(4L, "alanchan", 28, 35, 1698742361409L), 
    			new User(5L, "alanchan", 29, 35, 1698742362424L)
    	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    		StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
    		StreamTableEnvironment tenv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env);
    		// 将聚合函数注册为函数
    		tenv.registerFunction("alan_weightavgAF", new WeightedAvgAggregateFunction());
    		DataStream<User> users = env.fromCollection(userList);
    		Table usersTable = tenv.fromDataStream(users, $("id"), $("name"), $("age"), $("balance"), $("rowtime"));
    		tenv.createTemporaryView("user_view", users);
    		// 使用函数
    		String sql = "SELECT name, alan_weightavgAF(balance, age) AS avgPoints FROM user_view GROUP BY name";
    		Table result = tenv.sqlQuery(sql);
    		DataStream<Tuple2<Boolean, Row>> resultDS = tenv.toRetractStream(result, Row.class);
    //		16> (true,+I[alanchan, 35])
    //		2> (true,+I[alan, 20])
    //		2> (false,-U[alan, 20])
    //		2> (true,+U[alan, 22])
    //		2> (false,-U[alan, 22])
    //		2> (true,+U[alan, 25])
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    假设有一个饮料的表,这个表有 3 列,分别是 id、name 和 price,一共有 5 行。
    假设需要找到价格最高的两个饮料,类似于 top2() 表值聚合函数。
    需要遍历所有 5 行数据,结果是有 2 行数据的一个表。

    用户自定义表值聚合函数是通过扩展 TableAggregateFunction 类来实现的。
    一个 TableAggregateFunction 的工作过程如下。
    首先,它需要一个 accumulator,这个 accumulator 负责存储聚合的中间结果。 通过调用 TableAggregateFunction 的 createAccumulator 方法来构造一个空的 accumulator。
    接下来,对于每一行数据,会调用 accumulate 方法来更新 accumulator。
    当所有数据都处理完之后,调用 emitValue 方法来计算和返回最终的结果。

    下面几个 TableAggregateFunction 的方法是必须要实现的:

    • createAccumulator()
    • accumulate()

    Flink 的类型推导在遇到复杂类型的时候可能会推导出错误的结果,比如那些非基本类型和普通的 POJO 类型的复杂类型。所以类似于 ScalarFunction 和 TableFunction,TableAggregateFunction 也提供了 TableAggregateFunction#getResultType() 和 TableAggregateFunction#getAccumulatorType() 方法来指定返回值类型和 accumulator 的类型,这两个方法都需要返回 TypeInformation。

    除了上面的方法,还有几个其他的方法可以选择性的实现。有些方法可以让查询更加高效,而有些方法对于某些特定场景是必须要实现的。比如,在会话窗口(当两个会话窗口合并时会合并两个 accumulator)中使用聚合函数时,必须要实现merge() 方法。

    下面几个 TableAggregateFunction 的方法在某些特定场景下是必须要实现的:

    • retract() 在 bounded OVER 窗口中的聚合函数必须要实现。
    • merge() 在许多批式聚合和以及流式会话和滑动窗口聚合中是必须要实现的。
    • resetAccumulator() 在许多批式聚合中是必须要实现的。
    • emitValue() 在批式聚合以及窗口聚合中是必须要实现的。

    下面的 TableAggregateFunction 的方法可以提升流式任务的效率:

    • emitUpdateWithRetract() 在 retract 模式下,该方法负责发送被更新的值。

    emitValue 方法会发送所有 accumulator 给出的结果。拿 TopN 来说,emitValue 每次都会发送所有的最大的 n 个值。这在流式任务中可能会有一些性能问题。为了提升性能,用户可以实现 emitUpdateWithRetract 方法。这个方法在 retract 模式下会增量的输出结果,比如有数据更新了,我们必须要撤回老的数据,然后再发送新的数据。如果定义了 emitUpdateWithRetract 方法,那它会优先于 emitValue 方法被使用,因为一般认为 emitUpdateWithRetract 会更加高效,因为它的输出是增量的。

    TableAggregateFunction 的所有方法都必须是 public 的、非 static 的,而且名字必须跟上面提到的一样。createAccumulator、getResultType 和 getAccumulatorType 这三个方法是在抽象父类 TableAggregateFunction 中定义的,而其他的方法都是约定的方法。要实现一个表值聚合函数,你必须扩展 org.apache.flink.table.functions.TableAggregateFunction,并且实现一个(或者多个)accumulate 方法。accumulate 方法可以有多个重载的方法,也可以支持变长参数。

    TableAggregateFunction 的所有方法的详细文档说明如下,其中部分与AggregateFunction 类似的方法不再赘述。

      * Base class for user-defined aggregates and table aggregates.
      * @param    the type of the aggregation result.
      * @param  the type of the aggregation accumulator. The accumulator is used to keep the
      *             aggregated values which are needed to compute an aggregation result.
    public abstract class UserDefinedAggregateFunction<T, ACC> extends UserDefinedFunction {
        * Creates and init the Accumulator for this (table)aggregate function.
        * @return the accumulator with the initial value
      public ACC createAccumulator(); // MANDATORY
        * Returns the TypeInformation of the (table)aggregate function's result.
        * @return The TypeInformation of the (table)aggregate function's result or null if the result
        *         type should be automatically inferred.
      public TypeInformation<T> getResultType = null; // PRE-DEFINED
        * Returns the TypeInformation of the (table)aggregate function's accumulator.
        * @return The TypeInformation of the (table)aggregate function's accumulator or null if the
        *         accumulator type should be automatically inferred.
      public TypeInformation<ACC> getAccumulatorType = null; // PRE-DEFINED
      * Base class for table aggregation functions.
      * @param    the type of the aggregation result
      * @param  the type of the aggregation accumulator. The accumulator is used to keep the
      *             aggregated values which are needed to compute a table aggregation result.
      *             TableAggregateFunction represents its state using accumulator, thereby the state of
      *             the TableAggregateFunction must be put into the accumulator.
    public abstract class TableAggregateFunction<T, ACC> extends UserDefinedAggregateFunction<T, ACC> {
      /** Processes the input values and update the provided accumulator instance. The method
        * accumulate can be overloaded with different custom types and arguments. A TableAggregateFunction
        * requires at least one accumulate() method.
        * @param accumulator           the accumulator which contains the current aggregated results
        * @param [user defined inputs] the input value (usually obtained from a new arrived data).
      public void accumulate(ACC accumulator, [user defined inputs]); // MANDATORY
        * Retracts the input values from the accumulator instance. The current design assumes the
        * inputs are the values that have been previously accumulated. The method retract can be
        * overloaded with different custom types and arguments. This function must be implemented for
        * datastream bounded over aggregate.
        * @param accumulator           the accumulator which contains the current aggregated results
        * @param [user defined inputs] the input value (usually obtained from a new arrived data).
      public void retract(ACC accumulator, [user defined inputs]); // OPTIONAL
        * Merges a group of accumulator instances into one accumulator instance. This function must be
        * implemented for datastream session window grouping aggregate and bounded grouping aggregate.
        * @param accumulator  the accumulator which will keep the merged aggregate results. It should
        *                     be noted that the accumulator may contain the previous aggregated
        *                     results. Therefore user should not replace or clean this instance in the
        *                     custom merge method.
        * @param its          an {@link java.lang.Iterable} pointed to a group of accumulators that will be
        *                     merged.
      public void merge(ACC accumulator, java.lang.Iterable<ACC> its); // OPTIONAL
        * Called every time when an aggregation result should be materialized. The returned value
        * could be either an early and incomplete result  (periodically emitted as data arrive) or
        * the final result of the  aggregation.
        * 每次应该具体化聚合结果时调用。返回的值可能是早期且不完整的结果(随着数据的到达而定期发出),也可能是聚合的最终结果。
        * @param accumulator the accumulator which contains the current
        *                    aggregated results
        * @param out         the collector used to output data
      public void emitValue(ACC accumulator, Collector<T> out); // OPTIONAL
        * Called every time when an aggregation result should be materialized. The returned value
        * could be either an early and incomplete result (periodically emitted as data arrive) or
        * the final result of the aggregation.
        * Different from emitValue, emitUpdateWithRetract is used to emit values that have been updated.
        * This method outputs data incrementally in retract mode, i.e., once there is an update, we
        * have to retract old records before sending new updated ones. The emitUpdateWithRetract
        * method will be used in preference to the emitValue method if both methods are defined in the
        * table aggregate function, because the method is treated to be more efficient than emitValue
        * as it can outputvalues incrementally.
        * 每次应该具体化聚合结果时调用。返回的值可能是早期且不完整的结果(随着数据的到达而定期发出),也可能是聚合的最终结果。
        * 与emitValue不同,emitUpdateWithRetract用于发出已更新的值。
        * 该方法以收回模式递增地输出数据,在发送新的更新记录之前,我们必须收回旧记录。
        * 如果表聚合函数中定义了两个方法,则emitUpdateWithRetract方法将优先于emitValue方法,
        * 因为该方法被认为比emitValue更有效,因为它可以增量输出值。
        * @param accumulator the accumulator which contains the current
        *                    aggregated results
        * @param out         the retractable collector used to output data. Use collect method
        *                    to output(add) records and use retract method to retract(delete)
        *                    records.
      public void emitUpdateWithRetract(ACC accumulator, RetractableCollector<T> out); // OPTIONAL
        * Collects a record and forwards it. The collector can output retract messages with the retract
        * method. Note: only use it in {@code emitRetractValueIncrementally}.
      public interface RetractableCollector<T> extends Collector<T> {
            * Retract a record.
            * @param record The record to retract.
          void retract(T record);
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    1)、示例1- 计算topN


    • 定义一个 TableAggregateFunction 来计算给定列的最大的 3 个值
    • 在 TableEnvironment 中注册函数
    • 在 Table API 查询中使用函数(当前只在 Table API 中支持 TableAggregateFunction)

    为了计算最大的 3 个值,accumulator 需要保存当前看到的最大的 3 个值。
    在例子中,定义了类 TopAccum 来作为 accumulator。Flink 的 checkpoint 机制会自动保存 accumulator,并且在失败时进行恢复,来保证精确一次的语义。

    TopTableAggregateFunction 表值聚合函数(TableAggregateFunction)的 accumulate() 方法有两个输入,
    第一个是 TopAccum accumulator,
    另一个是用户定义的输入:输入的值 v。

    尽管 merge() 方法在大多数聚合类型中不是必须的,也在样例中提供了它的实现。

    在 Scala 样例中也使用的是 Java 的基础类型,并且定义了 getResultType() 和 getAccumulatorType() 方法,因为 Flink 的类型推导对于 Scala 的类型推导支持的不是很好。

    import static org.apache.flink.table.api.Expressions.$;
    import static org.apache.flink.table.api.Expressions.call;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple2;
    import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream;
    import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment;
    import org.apache.flink.table.api.Table;
    import org.apache.flink.table.api.bridge.java.StreamTableEnvironment;
    import org.apache.flink.table.functions.TableAggregateFunction;
    import org.apache.flink.types.Row;
    import org.apache.flink.util.Collector;
    import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
    import lombok.Data;
    import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
     * @author alanchan
    public class TestUDTAGGDemo {
    	 * Accumulator for Top3
    	public static class TopAccum {
    		public Integer first;
    		public Integer second;
    		public Integer third;
    	public static class TopTableAggregateFunction extends TableAggregateFunction<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, TopAccum> {
    		public TopAccum createAccumulator() {
    			TopAccum acc = new TopAccum();
    			acc.first = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    			acc.second = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    			acc.third = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    			return acc;
    		public void accumulate(TopAccum acc, Integer v) {
    			if (v > acc.first) {
    				acc.third = acc.second;
    				acc.second = acc.first;
    				acc.first = v;
    			} else if (v > acc.second) {
    				acc.third = acc.second;
    				acc.second = v;
    			} else if (v > acc.third) {
    				acc.third = v;
    		public void merge(TopAccum acc, java.lang.Iterable<TopAccum> iterable) {
    			for (TopAccum otherAcc : iterable) {
    				accumulate(acc, otherAcc.first);
    				accumulate(acc, otherAcc.second);
    				accumulate(acc, otherAcc.third);
    		public void emitValue(TopAccum acc, Collector<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> out) {
    //			System.out.println("acc:"+acc);
    			// emit the value and rank
    			if (acc.first != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
    				out.collect(Tuple2.of(acc.first, 1));
    			if (acc.second != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
    				out.collect(Tuple2.of(acc.second, 2));
    			if (acc.third != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
    				out.collect(Tuple2.of(acc.third, 3));
    	public static class User {
    		private long id;
    		private String name;
    		private int age;
    		private int balance;
    		private Long rowtime;
    	final static List<User> userList = Arrays.asList(
    			new User(1L, "alan", 18, 20, 1698742358391L), 
    			new User(2L, "alan", 19, 25, 1698742359396L),
    			new User(3L, "alan", 25, 30, 1698742360407L), 
    			new User(4L, "alanchan", 28, 35, 1698742361409L), 
    			new User(5L, "alanchan", 29, 35, 1698742362424L)
    	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    		StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
    		StreamTableEnvironment tenv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env);
    		// 将聚合函数注册为函数
    		tenv.registerFunction("top", new TopTableAggregateFunction());
    		DataStream<User> users = env.fromCollection(userList);
    		Table usersTable = tenv.fromDataStream(users, $("id"), $("name"), $("age"), $("balance"), $("rowtime"));
    		// 使用函数
    		Table result = usersTable
    						.flatAggregate(call("top", $("balance")))
    						.select($("name"), $("f0").as("balance"), $("f1").as("rank"));
    		DataStream<Tuple2<Boolean, Row>> resultDS = tenv.toRetractStream(result, Row.class);
    //		2> (true,+I[alan, 20, 1])
    //		16> (true,+I[alanchan, 35, 1])
    //		2> (false,-D[alan, 20, 1])
    //		16> (false,-D[alanchan, 35, 1])
    //		2> (true,+I[alan, 25, 1])
    //		16> (true,+I[alanchan, 35, 1])
    //		2> (true,+I[alan, 20, 2])
    //		16> (true,+I[alanchan, 35, 2])
    //		2> (false,-D[alan, 25, 1])
    //		2> (false,-D[alan, 20, 2])
    //		2> (true,+I[alan, 30, 1])
    //		2> (true,+I[alan, 25, 2])
    //		2> (true,+I[alan, 20, 3])
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    2)、示例2 - emitUpdateWithRetract 方法使用(老版本Planner可用)

    下面的例子展示了如何使用 emitUpdateWithRetract 方法来只发送更新的数据。
    为了只发送更新的结果,accumulator 保存了上一次的最大的3个值,也保存了当前最大的3个值。

    如果 TopN 中的 n 非常大,这种既保存上次的结果,也保存当前的结果的方式不太高效。

    一种解决这种问题的方式是把输入数据直接存储到 accumulator 中,然后在调用 emitUpdateWithRetract 方法时再进行计算。



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            public Builder useOldPlanner() {
                this.plannerClass = OLD_PLANNER_FACTORY;
                this.executorClass = OLD_EXECUTOR_FACTORY;
                return this;
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    如果使用OldPlanner的话,emitValue和emitUpdateWithRetract仅需定义一个就可以了,并且emitUpdateWithRetract的优先级大于emitValue。但是在Blink Planner里,只看有没有定义emitValue。

    也即在Blink Planner中,只能使用emitValue,不能使用emitUpdateWithRetract。
    Exception in thread “main” org.apache.flink.table.api.ValidationException: Could not find an implementation method ‘emitValue’ in class ‘org.tablesql.udf.TestUDTAGGDemo2$TopNTableAggregateFunction’ for function ‘TopNTableAggregateFunction’ that matches the following signature:

    void emitValue(org.tablesql.udf.TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum, org.apache.flink.util.Collector)


    import static org.apache.flink.table.api.Expressions.$;
    import static org.apache.flink.table.api.Expressions.call;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple2;
    import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream;
    import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment;
    import org.apache.flink.table.api.EnvironmentSettings;
    import org.apache.flink.table.api.Table;
    import org.apache.flink.table.api.bridge.java.StreamTableEnvironment;
    import org.apache.flink.table.functions.TableAggregateFunction;
    import org.apache.flink.types.Row;
    import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
    import lombok.Data;
    import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
     * @author alanchan
    public class TestUDTAGGDemo2 {
    	public static class TopNAccum {
    		public Integer first;
    		public Integer second;
    		public Integer third;
    		public Integer oldFirst;
    		public Integer oldSecond;
    		public Integer oldThird;
    	 * 自定义聚合函数实现
    	 * @author alanchan
    	public static class TopNTableAggregateFunction extends TableAggregateFunction<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, TopNAccum> {
    		public TopNAccum createAccumulator() {
    			TopNAccum topNAccum = new TopNAccum();
    			topNAccum.first = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    			topNAccum.second = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    			topNAccum.third = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    			topNAccum.oldFirst = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    			topNAccum.oldSecond = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    			topNAccum.oldThird = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    			return topNAccum;
    		public void accumulate(TopNAccum acc, Integer v) {
    			if (v > acc.first) {
    				acc.third = acc.second;
    				acc.second = acc.first;
    				acc.first = v;
    			} else if (v > acc.second) {
    				acc.third = acc.second;
    				acc.second = v;
    			} else if (v > acc.third) {
    				acc.third = v;
    		public void emitUpdateWithRetract(TopNAccum acc, RetractableCollector<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> out) {
    			System.out.println("emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:" + acc);
    			if (!acc.first.equals(acc.oldFirst)) {
    				// if there is an update, retract old value then emit new value.
    				if (acc.oldFirst != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
    					out.retract(Tuple2.of(acc.oldFirst, 1));
    				out.collect(Tuple2.of(acc.first, 1));
    				acc.oldFirst = acc.first;
    			if (!acc.second.equals(acc.oldSecond)) {
    				// if there is an update, retract old value then emit new value.
    				if (acc.oldSecond != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
    					out.retract(Tuple2.of(acc.oldSecond, 2));
    				out.collect(Tuple2.of(acc.second, 2));
    				acc.oldSecond = acc.second;
    			if (!acc.third.equals(acc.oldThird)) {
    				// if there is an update, retract old value then emit new value.
    				if (acc.oldThird != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
    					out.retract(Tuple2.of(acc.oldThird, 3));
    				out.collect(Tuple2.of(acc.third, 3));
    				acc.oldThird = acc.third;
    	public static class User {
    		private long id;
    		private String name;
    		private int age;
    		private int balance;
    		private Long rowtime;
    	final static List<User> userList = Arrays.asList(
    			new User(1L, "alan", 18, 20, 1698742358391L), 
    			new User(2L, "alan", 19, 25, 1698742359396L),
    			new User(3L, "alan", 25, 30, 1698742360407L), 
    			new User(11L, "alan", 28, 31, 1698742358391L), 
    			new User(12L, "alan", 29, 32, 1698742359396L),
    			new User(13L, "alan", 35, 35, 1698742360407L), 
    			new User(23L, "alan", 45, 36, 1698742360407L), 
    			new User(14L, "alanchan", 28, 15, 1698742361409L), 
    			new User(15L, "alanchan", 29, 16, 1698742362424L), 
    			new User(24L, "alanchan", 30, 20, 1698742361409L),
    			new User(25L, "alanchan", 31, 22, 1698742362424L), 
    			new User(34L, "alanchan", 32, 24, 1698742361409L), 
    			new User(35L, "alanchan", 33, 26, 1698742362424L),
    			new User(44L, "alanchan", 34, 28, 1698742361409L), 
    			new User(55L, "alanchan", 35, 35, 1698742362424L));
    	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    		StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
    //		env.setParallelism(1);
    		EnvironmentSettings settings = EnvironmentSettings.newInstance().useOldPlanner().inStreamingMode().build();
    		StreamTableEnvironment tenv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env, settings);
    		// 将聚合函数注册为函数
    		tenv.registerFunction("topN", new TopNTableAggregateFunction());
    		DataStream<User> users = env.fromCollection(userList);
    		Table usersTable = tenv.fromDataStream(users, $("id"), $("name"), $("age"), $("balance"), $("rowtime"));
    		// 使用函数
    		Table result = usersTable.groupBy($("name")).flatAggregate(call("topN", $("balance"))).select($("name"), $("f0").as("balance"), $("f1").as("rank"));
    		DataStream<Tuple2<Boolean, Row>> resultDS = tenv.toRetractStream(result, Row.class);
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    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=20, second=-2147483648, third=-2147483648, oldFirst=-2147483648, oldSecond=-2147483648, oldThird=-2147483648)
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=15, second=-2147483648, third=-2147483648, oldFirst=-2147483648, oldSecond=-2147483648, oldThird=-2147483648)
    14> (true,+I[alan, 20, 1])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 15, 1])
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=25, second=20, third=-2147483648, oldFirst=20, oldSecond=-2147483648, oldThird=-2147483648)
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=16, second=15, third=-2147483648, oldFirst=15, oldSecond=-2147483648, oldThird=-2147483648)
    14> (false,+I[alan, 20, 1])
    14> (true,+I[alan, 25, 1])
    14> (true,+I[alan, 20, 2])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 15, 1])
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=30, second=25, third=20, oldFirst=25, oldSecond=20, oldThird=-2147483648)
    14> (false,+I[alan, 25, 1])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 16, 1])
    14> (true,+I[alan, 30, 1])
    14> (false,+I[alan, 20, 2])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 15, 2])
    14> (true,+I[alan, 25, 2])
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=20, second=16, third=15, oldFirst=16, oldSecond=15, oldThird=-2147483648)
    14> (true,+I[alan, 20, 3])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 16, 1])
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=31, second=30, third=25, oldFirst=30, oldSecond=25, oldThird=20)
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 20, 1])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 15, 2])
    14> (false,+I[alan, 30, 1])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 16, 2])
    14> (true,+I[alan, 31, 1])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 15, 3])
    14> (false,+I[alan, 25, 2])
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=22, second=20, third=16, oldFirst=20, oldSecond=16, oldThird=15)
    14> (true,+I[alan, 30, 2])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 20, 1])
    14> (false,+I[alan, 20, 3])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 22, 1])
    14> (true,+I[alan, 25, 3])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 16, 2])
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=32, second=31, third=30, oldFirst=31, oldSecond=30, oldThird=25)
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 20, 2])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 15, 3])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 16, 3])
    14> (false,+I[alan, 31, 1])
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=24, second=22, third=20, oldFirst=22, oldSecond=20, oldThird=16)
    14> (true,+I[alan, 32, 1])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 22, 1])
    14> (false,+I[alan, 30, 2])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 24, 1])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 20, 2])
    14> (true,+I[alan, 31, 2])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 22, 2])
    14> (false,+I[alan, 25, 3])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 16, 3])
    14> (true,+I[alan, 30, 3])
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=35, second=32, third=31, oldFirst=32, oldSecond=31, oldThird=30)
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 20, 3])
    14> (false,+I[alan, 32, 1])
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=26, second=24, third=22, oldFirst=24, oldSecond=22, oldThird=20)
    14> (true,+I[alan, 35, 1])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 24, 1])
    14> (false,+I[alan, 31, 2])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 26, 1])
    14> (true,+I[alan, 32, 2])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 22, 2])
    14> (false,+I[alan, 30, 3])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 24, 2])
    14> (true,+I[alan, 31, 3])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 20, 3])
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=36, second=35, third=32, oldFirst=35, oldSecond=32, oldThird=31)
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 22, 3])
    14> (false,+I[alan, 35, 1])
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=28, second=26, third=24, oldFirst=26, oldSecond=24, oldThird=22)
    14> (true,+I[alan, 36, 1])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 26, 1])
    14> (false,+I[alan, 32, 2])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 28, 1])
    14> (true,+I[alan, 35, 2])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 24, 2])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 26, 2])
    14> (false,+I[alan, 31, 3])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 22, 3])
    14> (true,+I[alan, 32, 3])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 24, 3])
    emitUpdateWithRetract----acc:TestUDTAGGDemo2.TopNAccum(first=35, second=28, third=26, oldFirst=28, oldSecond=26, oldThird=24)
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 28, 1])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 35, 1])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 26, 2])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 28, 2])
    9> (false,+I[alanchan, 24, 3])
    9> (true,+I[alanchan, 26, 3])
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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/chenwewi520feng/article/details/134271784