• MCU软核 3. Xilinx Artix7上运行cortex-m3软核

    0. 环境

    - win10 + vivado 2018.3 + keil mdk
    - jlink
    - XC7A35TV12

    1. 下载资料


    2. vivado 2018

    Create Project -> Next -> 
    -> Project name: cortex_m3
    -> Project location: E:/Workspaces/vivado2018/XC7A35TV12/
    -> 取消勾选 Create project subdirectory
    -> RTL Project
    -> Next -> Next
    -> xc7a35tftg256-1
    -> finish

    创建Block Design
    点击IP INTEGRATOR下的 Create Block Design -> Design name: cm3_core -> OK

    2.1 添加m3 ip核

    mcu designstart cortex-m3\cortex_m3_on_xc7a100t-main\cm3_core

    -> 点击PROJECT MANAGER下的Settings -> IP -> Repository -> Add -> E:\Workspaces\vivado2018\XC7A35TV12\cortex_m3\cm3_core
    -> Apply -> OK

    点击Diagram下的+ -> 筛选并双击Cortex-M3 -> 双击新建的实例CORTEXM3_AXI_0 -> 
    -> Debug -> Trace Level: 0 = No trace -> 取消勾选 JTAG Port Present
    -> Instruction Memory -> ITCM Size: 64kB -> 取消勾选 Initialise ITCM

    2.2 Clocking Wizard

    点击Diagram下的+ -> 筛选并双击Clocking Wizard -> 双击新建的实例 clk_wiz_0 -> 
    -> Clocking Options -> Primary 50MHz -> 
    -> Output Clocks -> clk_out1: 50MHz -> 
    -> Reset Type: Active Low
    -> OK

    2.3 复位

    点击Diagram下的+ -> 筛选并双击Processor System Reset -> OK

    点击Diagram下的+ -> 筛选并双击 Utility Vector Logic -> 双击新建的实例 util_vector_logic_0 -> 
    -> C_SIZE: 1 -> not -> OK

    2.4 AXI

    点击Diagram下的+ -> 筛选并双击 AXI Interconnect -> OK

    File -> Add Sources -> Add or create design sources -> Next
    -> Create File -> swdiobuf -> OK
    -> Finish

    2.5 SWD调试口


    1. module swdiobuf(
    2.     input swd_o,
    3.     output swd_i,
    4.     input swd_oe,
    5.     inout swd_io
    6.     );
    7.     IOBUF swd_iobuf_inst1
    8.     (
    9.         .O(swd_i),
    10.         .I(swd_o),
    11.         .IO(swd_io),
    12.         .T(~swd_oe)    //
    13.         );
    15. endmodule

    Sources -> Design Sources -> -> 右键选择swdiobuf -> Add Module to Block Design

    CORTEXM3_AXI_0        swdiobuf_0
    SWDO                swd_o
    SWDOEN                swd_oe
    SWDITMS                swd_i
    右键swd_io -> Make External -> 改名为 cm3_swdio

    2.6 cortex-m3的接口配置

    点击Diagram下的+ -> 筛选并双击 Constant -> 双击新建的实例 xlconstant_0 -> Const Width: 1 -> ConstVal: 0 -> OK -> 输出连线 NMI
    点击Diagram下的+ -> 筛选并双击 Constant -> 双击新建的实例 xlconstant_1 -> Const Width: 2 -> ConstVal: 1 -> OK -> 改名为 cfg_itc ->  输出连线 CFGITCMEN
    点击Diagram下的+ -> 筛选并双击 Constant -> 双击新建的实例 xlconstant_2 -> Const Width: 1 -> ConstVal: 1 -> OK -> 改名为 cfg_itc ->  输出连线 IRQ


    2.7 外设

    点击Diagram下的+ -> 筛选并双击 AXI GPIO -> 双击新建的实例 axi_gpio_0 -> 
    -> GPIO -> 勾选All Outputs -> GPIO Width: 4
    -> 勾选 Enable Dual Channel 
    -> GPIO 2 -> 勾选All Inputs -> GPIO Width: 4
    -> OK

    点击Diagram下的+ -> 筛选并双击 AXI Uartlite -> 双击新建的实例 axi_uartlite_0 -> 
    -> Baud Rate: 115200
    -> OK

    2.8 分配外设基地址

    Address Editor -> Auto Assign Address


    2.9 验证

    右键空白处  -> Validate Design

    2.10 封装

    点击 IP INTEGRATOR下的 Generate Block Design -> global -> Generate
    Sources -> 右键 microblaze_core -> Create HDL wrapper -> Copy generated wrapper to allow user edits -> OK

    2.11 封装 top

    Sources -> Add Sources -> -> 右键选择 s wdiobuf -> Add Module to Block Design

    File -> Add Sources -> Add or create design sources -> Next
    -> Create File -> top_hdl -> OK
    -> Finish

    1. module top_hdl(
    2.     //Inputs
    3.     input clk,
    4.     input rst_n,
    5.     input swclk,
    6.     input uart_rxd,
    7.     input [3:0] sw,
    9.     //Outputs
    10.     output [3:0] led,
    11.     output uart_txd,
    12.     //Inouts
    13.     inout swdio
    14. );
    15. cm3_core_wrapper cm3_core_wrapper_ut0(
    16.     //Inputs
    17.     .cm3_clk(clk),
    18.     .cm3_resetn(rst_n),
    19.     .cm3_gpio_in_tri_i(sw[3:0]),
    20.     .cm3_swclk(swclk),
    21.     .cm3_uart0_rxd(uart_rxd),
    23.     //Outputs
    24.     .cm3_gpio_out_tri_o(led[3:0]),
    25.     .cm3_uart0_txd(uart_txd),
    27.     //Inouts
    28.     .cm3_swdio(swdio)
    29. );
    30. endmodule   //top_hdl end

    2.12 编译

    RTL ANALYSIS -> Schematic
    -> I/O Ports
    -> save... -> cortex_m3.xdc

    2.13 修改约束文件 cortex_m3.xdc

    1. set_property PACKAGE_PIN D4 [get_ports clk_50m]
    2. set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports clk_50m]
    3. set_property PACKAGE_PIN C4 [get_ports rst_n]
    4. set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports rst_n]
    5. set_property PACKAGE_PIN K12 [get_ports {led[0]}]
    6. set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {led[0]}]
    7. set_property PACKAGE_PIN L14 [get_ports {led[1]}]
    8. set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {led[1]}]
    9. set_property PACKAGE_PIN L13 [get_ports {led[2]}]
    10. set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {led[2]}]
    11. set_property PACKAGE_PIN M14 [get_ports {led[3]}]
    12. set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {led[3]}]
    13. set_property PACKAGE_PIN D11 [get_ports {key[0]}]
    14. set_property IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports {key[0]}]
    15. set_property PACKAGE_PIN G11 [get_ports {key[1]}]
    16. set_property IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports {key[1]}]
    17. set_property PACKAGE_PIN H11 [get_ports {key[2]}]
    18. set_property IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports {key[2]}]
    19. set_property PACKAGE_PIN K13 [get_ports {key[3]}]
    20. set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {key[3]}]
    21. set_property PACKAGE_PIN E6 [get_ports uart_txd]
    22. set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports uart_txd]
    23. set_property PACKAGE_PIN C7 [get_ports uart_rxd]
    24. set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports uart_rxd]
    25. set_property PACKAGE_PIN M15 [get_ports swclk]
    26. set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports swclk]
    27. set_property CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE FALSE [get_nets swclk_IBUF]
    28. set_property PACKAGE_PIN R16 [get_ports swdio]
    29. set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports swdio]
    30. #set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.UNUSEDPIN Pulldown [current_design]
    31. #set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.UNUSEDPIN Pullup [current_design]
    32. set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.UNUSEDPIN Pullnone [current_design]
    33. set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.SPI_32BIT_ADDR NO [current_design]
    34. set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.SPI_BUSWIDTH 4 [current_design]
    35. set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.SPI_FALL_EDGE YES [current_design]

    -> Run Systhesis
    -> Run Implementation
    -> Generate Bitstream

    Open Hardware Manager -> Open Target -> Auto Connect -> 右键Hardware栏内的xc7a35t_0 -> 点击Program device
    -> Bitstream file: E:/Workspaces/vivado2018/XC7A35TV12/cortex_m3/vivado/cortex_m3.runs/impl_1/top_hdl.bit

    Tools -> Generate Memory Configuration File -> 
    -> MCS
    -> 128MB
    -> File name: E:/Workspaces/vivado2018/XC7A35TV12/cortex_m3/vivado/cortex_m3.runs/impl_1/cortex_m3.mcs
    -> Interface: SPIx4
    -> 勾选 Load bitstream files 
    -> Bitfile: E:/Workspaces/vivado2018/XC7A35TV12/cortex_m3/vivado/cortex_m3.runs/impl_1/top_hdl.bit


    -> OK
    -> Add Configuration Memory Device -> 输入n25q128-3.3v -> OK

    -> Configuration file:     E:/Workspaces/vivado2018/XC7A35TV12/cortex_m3/vivado/cortex_m3.runs/impl_1/cortex_m3.mcs
    -> PRM file:             E:/Workspaces/vivado2018/XC7A35TV12/cortex_m3/vivado/cortex_m3.runs/impl_1/cortex_m3.prm
    -> OK

    3. keil

    3.1 安装器件库


    3.2 新建工程

    Project -> New uVision Project -> E:\Workspaces\vivado2018\XC7A35TV12\cortex_m3\mdk\ds_cm3
    -> Select Device for Target -> ARM -> ARM Cortex M3 -> DS_CM3 -> OK
    -> 勾选 CMSIS 下的 CORE
    -> 勾选 Device 下的 Startup
    -> OKFile -> New 

    1. #include "DS_CM3.h"
    2. #include "system_DS_CM3.h"
    3. int main(void)
    4. {
    5.     while(1)
    6.     {
    7.     }
    8. }


    Options for Target -> Target -> 
    -> IROM1: Start: 0x0, Size: 0x10000,
    -> IRAM1: Start: 0x20000000, Size: 0x10000,


    3.3 修改main.c

    main.c直接使用mcu designstart cortex-m3\cortex_m3_on_xc7a100t-main\mdk_prj\application\main.c

    3.4 Flash编程算法生成

    文件浏览器 打开D:\Keil\mdk5\ARM\Flash

    双击 D:\Keil\mdk5\ARM\Flash\DS_CM3\NewDevice.uvprojx打开FlashDev.c

    1. struct FlashDevice const FlashDevice  =  {
    2.    FLASH_DRV_VERS,             // Driver Version, do not modify!
    3.    "New Device 256kB Flash",   // Device Name 
    4.    ONCHIP,                     // Device Type
    5.    0x00000000,                 // Device Start Address
    6.    0x00040000,                 // Device Size in Bytes (256kB)
    7.    1024,                       // Programming Page Size
    8.    0,                          // Reserved, must be 0
    9.    0xFF,                       // Initial Content of Erased Memory
    10.    100,                        // Program Page Timeout 100 mSec
    11.    3000,                       // Erase Sector Timeout 3000 mSec
    12. // Specify Size and Address of Sectors
    13.    0x002000, 0x000000,         // Sector Size  8kB (8 Sectors)
    14.    0x010000, 0x010000,         // Sector Size 64kB (2 Sectors) 
    15.    0x002000, 0x030000,         // Sector Size  8kB (8 Sectors)
    16.    SECTOR_END
    17. };


    1. struct FlashDevice const FlashDevice  =  {
    2.    FLASH_DRV_VERS,             // Driver Version, do not modify!
    3.    "MyCM3onFPGA",              // Device Name 
    4.    ONCHIP,                     // Device Type
    5.    0x00000000,                 // Device Start Address
    6.    0x00010000,                 // 修改为64KB
    7.    1024,                       // Programming Page Size
    8.    0,                          // Reserved, must be 0
    9.    0xFF,                       // Initial Content of Erased Memory
    10.    100,                        // Program Page Timeout 100 mSec
    11.    3000,                       // Erase Sector Timeout 3000 mSec
    12. // Specify Size and Address of Sectors
    13.    0x010000, 0x000000,         // 只有一个扇区,起始地址为0
    14.    SECTOR_END
    15. };


    -> 右键 Target 1 -> Options for target -> Debug -> Use J-LINK -> Settings -> 
    -> Flash Download -> Add -> MyCM3onFPGA -> Add

    3.5 下载测试


    下载时通过keil的 Flash -> Download开始下载。



    1. [1]在FPGA上搭建Cortex-m3软核,https://blog.csdn.net/m0_50735735/article/details/124253664
    2. [2]手把手教你在FPGA上运行一个ARM Cortex-M3软核,https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/489213515
    3. [3]ARM Cortex M3 verilog源代码 Cortex-M3 DesignStart评估,https://www.amobbs.com/thread-5756149-1-1.html
    4. [4]如何用FPGA实现一个ARM Cortex-M3软核,https://blog.csdn.net/whik1194/article/details/123784346


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