• A*(A星,Astar)路径规划算法


    1. 引言

    A*算法是一种强大的启发式搜索算法,可应用于路径规划和图搜索问题。无论是在游戏开发、机器人导航还是地理信息系统中,A算法都是一个重要而高效的工具。 在本文中,我们将深入探讨A算法的原理、应用和实现。



    2. A*算法的基本原理

    A*算法是一种启发式搜索算法,用于寻找从起始节点到目标节点的最短路径。它结合了实际成本(g值)和 启发式估计成本(h值)来评估路径的优劣。

    • g值:从起始节点到当前节点的实际成本。
    • h值:从当前节点到目标节点的估计成本(启发式估算)。

    A*算法使用以下公式计算节点的代价函数 f f f的值,以决定下一个要扩展的节点:

    f ( n ) = g ( n ) + h ( n ) f(n) = g(n) + h(n) f(n)=g(n)+h(n)

    其中, f ( n ) f(n) f(n)是节点 n n n的估计总成本。A*算法不断选择具有最小代价函数 f f f值的节点进行扩展,直到找到目标节点或确定没有可行解为止。

    3. A*算法的步骤


    1. 初始化:将起始节点添加到开放列表,并将其 g g g值设置为0。
    2. 循环:不断执行以下步骤直到找到目标节点或开放列表为空。
      a. 从开放列表中选择具有最小代价函数 f f f值的节点进行扩展。
      b. 将该节点从开放列表移到关闭列表。
      c. 如果该节点为目标点,则退出循环
      d. 对该节点的邻居节点进行评估:
      • 如果邻居节点不在开放列表或关闭列表中,将其添加到开放列表,并计算其g值和h值。
      • 如果邻居节点已在开放列表中,检查是否通过当前节点获得更低的g值。如果是,更新g值。
    3. 如果开放列表为空,且未找到目标节点,则无解。

    3. A*算法的优点和适用性


    1. 最优性:如果启发式估计函数h是一致的,A*算法将找到最佳路径。
    2. 适应性:A*算法适用于多种应用领域,因为可以根据问题调整启发式估计函数。
    3. 可控性:通过调整启发式估计函数的权重,可以在速度和最优性之间取得平衡。


    • 地图导航和游戏路径规划。
    • 机器人运动规划,例如无人机导航。
    • 博弈搜索等人工智能领域。
    • 计算机视觉中的对象识别与追踪。
    • 自然语言处理中的语法分析。

    4. A*算法的实现


    4.1 A*算法的伪代码示例:

    function AStar(start, goal)
        openList := {start}
        closedList := {}
        while openList is not empty
            current := node in openList with the lowest f value
            if current == goal
                return reconstructPath(current)
            remove current from openList
            add current to closedList
            for each neighbor of current
                if neighbor is in closedList
                tentativeG := g(current) + distance(current, neighbor)
                if neighbor is not in openList or tentativeG < g(neighbor)
                    set g(neighbor) to tentativeG
                    set h(neighbor) to heuristic(neighbor, goal)
                    set f(neighbor) to g(neighbor) + h(neighbor)
                    if neighbor is not in openList
                        add neighbor to openList
        return failure
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    4.2 A*算法的C++代码示例:

    bool Astar(Map &map)
    	vector<Point> Openlist;
    	vector<Point> Closedlist;
    	Point start,end;
    	start.x = map.startx; 
    	start.y = map.starty;
    	end.x = map.endx;
    	 end.y = map.endy;
    	start.g = 0; 
    	start.h = abs(end.x -start.x) +abs(end.y -start.y);
    	start.f = start.g+start.h;
    	start.father = -1;
    		Point optimalPoint;
    		findOptimalPoint(optimalPoint, Openlist,Closedlist);
    		if (optimalPoint.x == map.endx && optimalPoint.y == map.endy) 
    			cout << "找到啦"<<endl;
    			int i = Closedlist.size()-1;
    				map.Info[Closedlist[i].x][Closedlist[i].y] = 6;
    				i = Closedlist[i].father;
    			return 1; 
    		vector<Point> NeighborPoint; 
    		for(int i=0; i<NeighborPoint.size();i++)
    			Point point = NeighborPoint[i];
    			int g = optimalPoint.g + abs(optimalPoint.x-point.x)+abs(optimalPoint.y-point.y);
    			int h = abs(map.endx-point.x)+abs(map.endy-point.y);
    			int f = g+h;
    			bool inOpenlist;
    			for(auto iter=Openlist.begin();iter!=Openlist.end();iter++)
    				if(point.x == iter->x && point.y == iter->y)
    					if (iter->f > f) 
    						iter->f = f;
    						iter->g = g;
    						iter->h = h;
    						iter->father = Closedlist.size()-1; 
    						inOpenlist = 0;
    				point.f = f;
    				point.g = g;
    				point.h = h;
    				point.father = Closedlist.size()-1; 
    	return 0;
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    4.2.1 案例应用:迷宫最小步数

    起点:1 1
    终点:4 3
    1 1 0 1
    1 1 1 1
    1 1 0 1
    1 0 1 1
    1 1 1 0



    using namespace std;
    int start_x,start_y,end_x,end_y,width,height,step=0,min_step=9999; 
    int map[100][100],mark[100][100];
    int direction[4][2]={{1,0},{0,-1},{-1,0},{0,1}};
    5 4
    1 1 4 3
    1 1 0 1
    1 1 1 1
    1 1 0 1
    1 0 1 1
    1 1 1 0
    struct Point
    	int x;
    	int y;
    	int g;
    	int h;
    	int f; 
    	int father; 
    struct Map
    	int Info[100][100];
    	int RangexMin;
    	int RangexMax;
    	int RangeyMin;
    	int RangeyMax;
    	int startx;
    	int starty;
    	int endx;
    	int endy;
    void mapInit(Map &map)
    	map.RangexMin =0;map.RangeyMin =0;
    	for(int i=1; i<=map.RangexMax; i++)
    		for(int j =1; j<=map.RangeyMax; j++)
    void findOptimalPoint(Point &optimalPoint, vector<Point> &Openlist, vector<Point> &Closedlist)
    	vector<Point>::iterator Miniter;
    	int Minf = 9999;
    	for(auto iter = Openlist.begin();iter!=Openlist.end();iter++)
    		if(iter->f < Minf)
    			Minf = iter->f;
    			Miniter = iter;
    	optimalPoint = *Miniter;
    void findNeighborPoint(Point &CurrentPoint, vector<Point> &NeighborPoint, vector<Point> &Closedlist, Map &map) 
    	for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
    		int okFlag = 1;
    		int temp_x = CurrentPoint.x+direction[i][0];
    		int temp_y = CurrentPoint.y+direction[i][1];
    		if (temp_x <map.RangexMin || temp_y < map.RangeyMin  || temp_x>map.RangexMax || temp_y>map.RangeyMax)
    			okFlag = 0;
    		if (map.Info[temp_x][temp_y] == 0)
    		   okFlag = 0;
    		for (auto iter = Closedlist.begin();iter!=Closedlist.end();iter++)
    			if (iter->x == temp_x && iter->y == temp_y)
    				okFlag = 0;
    		if (okFlag == 1)
    			Point neighborPoint;
    			neighborPoint.x = temp_x; neighborPoint.y = temp_y;
    bool Astar(Map &map)
    	vector<Point> Openlist;
    	vector<Point> Closedlist;
    	Point start,end;
    	start.x = map.startx; 
    	start.y = map.starty;
    	end.x = map.endx;
    	 end.y = map.endy;
    	start.g = 0; 
    	start.h = abs(end.x -start.x) +abs(end.y -start.y);
    	start.f = start.g+start.h;
    	start.father = -1;
    		Point optimalPoint;
    		findOptimalPoint(optimalPoint, Openlist,Closedlist);
    		if (optimalPoint.x == map.endx && optimalPoint.y == map.endy) 
    			cout << "找到啦"<<endl;
    			int i = Closedlist.size()-1;
    				map.Info[Closedlist[i].x][Closedlist[i].y] = 6;
    				i = Closedlist[i].father;
    			return 1; 
    		vector<Point> NeighborPoint; 
    		for(int i=0; i<NeighborPoint.size();i++)
    			Point point = NeighborPoint[i];
    			int g = optimalPoint.g + abs(optimalPoint.x-point.x)+abs(optimalPoint.y-point.y);
    			int h = abs(map.endx-point.x)+abs(map.endy-point.y);
    			int f = g+h;
    			bool inOpenlist;
    			for(auto iter=Openlist.begin();iter!=Openlist.end();iter++)
    				if(point.x == iter->x && point.y == iter->y)
    					if (iter->f > f) 
    						iter->f = f;
    						iter->g = g;
    						iter->h = h;
    						iter->father = Closedlist.size()-1; 
    						inOpenlist = 0;
    				point.f = f;
    				point.g = g;
    				point.h = h;
    				point.father = Closedlist.size()-1; 
    	return 0;
    int main()
    	Map map;
        bool flag = Astar(map);
        if (flag == 1)
       		for(int i=1;i<=map.RangexMax;i++)
       			for(int j=1;j<=map.RangeyMax;j++)
       				cout<<map.Info[i][j]<<" ";
           cout <<"Not OK"<<endl;
    	return 0;
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    5. 结论



    • Hart, P. E., Nilsson, N. J., & Raphael, B. (1968). A formal basis for the heuristic determination of minimum cost paths. IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics, 4(2), 100-107.

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