• windows 定制 terminal 上手实践

    1. 前言

    windows terminal 相比其他终端更加美观、简洁,而且它的开放性使你可以自由的配置定制终端的风格,它充满现代化的界面、完整的字体字符渲染机制(包括 Emoji)、GPU 加速和 Fluent 设计风格等等,如果你尊崇简约唯美却不失丰富的软件工具,windows terminal 值得你去关注它!

    历经两天,我学习完成了来自日本的Takuya 🐾 devaslife(独立开发者、油管博主)的视频内容:How to set up PowerShell prompt with Oh My Posh on Windows 11,并对此记录了关于实践 windows terminal 的学习笔记,分享给大家。

    Takuya使用的是min 浏览器,我也下载体验了一番,确实小巧、简洁。

    2. 安装 Windows Terminal

    直接从 Microsoft Store 安装Windows Terminal即可。

    如果你刚刚安装完成,想要快速对它有一个快速入门的了解,除了翻阅官网Windows Terminal Docs,你还可以从我的博客浏览简单的Windows Terminal 界面设置以及Windows Terminal 快捷键

    3. 安装 nerd-fonts

    ryanoasis/nerd-fonts是一个用大量字形(图标)修补开发人员目标字体的项目。特别是从流行的“标志性字体”(如Font Awesome、Devicons、Octicons等)添加大量额外字形





    4. Microsoft store 安装 powershell

    PowerShell 并非 Windows PowerShell,它们存在一定的差别,详情请参考:

    我们安装最新的 Powershell



    5. 改变终端背景颜色


    复制一份One Half Dark 的背景配置并修改

                "background": "#001B26",  #修改
                "black": "#282C34",
                "blue": "#61AFEF",
                "brightBlack": "#5A6374",
                "brightBlue": "#61AFEF",
                "brightCyan": "#56B6C2",
                "brightGreen": "#98C379",
                "brightPurple": "#C678DD",
                "brightRed": "#E06C75",
                "brightWhite": "#DCDFE4",
                "brightYellow": "#E5C07B",
                "cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
                "cyan": "#56B6C2",
                "foreground": "#DCDFE4",
                "green": "#98C379",
                "name": "One Half Dark (modded)", #修改
                "purple": "#C678DD",
                "red": "#E06C75",
                "selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
                "white": "#DCDFE4",
                "yellow": "#E5C07B"
                "background": "#282C34",
                "black": "#282C34",
                "blue": "#61AFEF",
                "brightBlack": "#5A6374",
                "brightBlue": "#61AFEF",
                "brightCyan": "#56B6C2",
                "brightGreen": "#98C379",
                "brightPurple": "#C678DD",
                "brightRed": "#E06C75",
                "brightWhite": "#DCDFE4",
                "brightYellow": "#E5C07B",
                "cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
                "cyan": "#56B6C2",
                "foreground": "#DCDFE4",
                "green": "#98C379",
                "name": "One Half Dark",
                "purple": "#C678DD",
                "red": "#E06C75",
                "selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
                "white": "#DCDFE4",
                "yellow": "#E5C07B"
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    6. 安装 scoop


    PS C:\Users\XH> iwr -useb get.scoop.sh | iex
    Creating shim...
    Adding ~\scoop\shims to your path.
    Scoop was installed successfully!
    Type 'scoop help' for instructions.
    PS C:\Users\XH> scoop install curl sudo jq
    Installing '7zip' (22.01) [64bit] from main bucket
    7z2201-x64.msi (1.8 MB) [=====================================================================================] 100%
    Checking hash of 7z2201-x64.msi ... ok.
    Extracting 7z2201-x64.msi ... done.
    Linking ~\scoop\apps\7zip\current => ~\scoop\apps\7zip\22.01
    Creating shim for '7z'.
    Creating shim for '7zFM'.
    Creating shim for '7zG'.
    Creating shortcut for 7-Zip (7zFM.exe)
    Persisting Codecs
    Persisting Formats
    Running post_install script...
    '7zip' (22.01) was installed successfully!
    Add 7-Zip as a context menu option by running: "C:\Users\XH\scoop\apps\7zip\current\install-context.reg"
    Installing 'curl' (7.86.0_2) [64bit] from main bucket
    curl-7.86.0_2-win64-mingw.tar.xz (6.0 MB) [===================================================================] 100%
    Checking hash of curl-7.86.0_2-win64-mingw.tar.xz ... ok.
    Extracting curl-7.86.0_2-win64-mingw.tar.xz ... done.
    Linking ~\scoop\apps\curl\current => ~\scoop\apps\curl\7.86.0_2
    Creating shim for 'curl'.
    'curl' (7.86.0_2) was installed successfully!
    Installing 'jq' (1.6) [64bit] from main bucket
    jq-win64.exe (3.4 MB) [=======================================================================================] 100%
    Checking hash of jq-win64.exe ... ok.
    Linking ~\scoop\apps\jq\current => ~\scoop\apps\jq\1.6
    Creating shim for 'jq'.
    'jq' (1.6) was installed successfully!
    Installing 'sudo' (0.2020.01.26) [64bit] from main bucket
    sudo.ps1 (2.2 KB) [===========================================================================================] 100%
    Checking hash of sudo.ps1 ... ok.
    Linking ~\scoop\apps\sudo\current => ~\scoop\apps\sudo\0.2020.01.26
    Creating shim for 'sudo'.
    'sudo' (0.2020.01.26) was installed successfully!
    'jq' suggests installing 'jid'.
    PS C:\Users\XH> curl 'https://api.inkdrop.app/' | jq .
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100    11  100    11    0     0      6      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--     6
      "ok": true
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    7. 安装 git


    PS C:\Users\XH> git version
    git version 2.25.0.windows.1
    PS C:\Users\XH> winget install -e --id Git.Git
    已找到 Git [Git.Git] 版本 2.38.1
    Microsoft 对第三方程序包概不负责,也不向第三方程序包授予任何许可证。
    Downloading https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.38.1.windows.1/Git-2.38.1-64-bit.exe
      ██████████████████████████████  50.8 MB / 50.8 MB
    PS C:\Users\XH> git version
    git version 2.38.1.windows.1
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    8. 安装 Neovim

    Neovim 是一个旨在积极重构 Vim 的现代化的编辑器。

    PS C:\Users\XH> scoop install neovim gcc
    Installing 'gcc' (11.2.0) [64bit] from main bucket
    components-18.0.7z (96.4 MB) [================================================================================] 100%
    Checking hash of components-18.0.7z ... ok.
    Extracting components-18.0.7z ... done.
    Running pre_install script...
    Linking ~\scoop\apps\gcc\current => ~\scoop\apps\gcc\11.2.0
    'gcc' (11.2.0) was installed successfully!
    Installing 'neovim' (0.8.0) [64bit] from main bucket
    nvim-win64.zip (42.3 MB) [====================================================================================] 100%
    Checking hash of nvim-win64.zip ... ok.
    Extracting nvim-win64.zip ... done.
    Linking ~\scoop\apps\neovim\current => ~\scoop\apps\neovim\0.8.0
    Creating shim for 'nvim'.
    Creating shim for 'nvim-qt'.
    Creating shortcut for Neovim (nvim-qt.exe)
    'neovim' (0.8.0) was installed successfully!
    'neovim' suggests installing 'extras/vcredist2022'.
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    PS C:\Users\XH> nvim
    • 1


    PS C:\Users\XH> mkdir .config/powershell
        Directory: C:\Users\XH\.config
    Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                 -------------         ------ ----
    d----          2022-11-15    23:12                powershell
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    9. 设置别名

    PS C:\Users\XH> nvim .\.config\powershell\user_profile.ps1
    # Alias
    Set-Alias vim nvim
    Set-Alias ll ls
    Set-Alias g git
    Set-Alias grep findstr
    Set-Alias tig 'D:\install\\Git\usr\bin\tig.exe'
    Set-Alias less 'D:\install\Git\usr\bin\less.exe'
    PS C:\Users\XH> nvim $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost
    . $env:USERPROFILE\.config\powershell\user_profile.ps1
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    PS C:\Users\XH> ll
        Directory: C:\Users\XH
    Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                 -------------         ------ ----
    d----          2020-07-01     0:08                .atom
    d----          2020-06-27    23:23                .bundle
    d----          2022-11-15    23:12                .config
    d----          2020-05-19    16:03                .dlv
    d----          2022-08-29     8:35                .docker
    d----          2020-06-27    22:39                .gem
    d----          2022-01-19    17:48                .gitbook
    d----          2020-05-14    14:17                .idea
    d----          2022-08-25    16:02                .local
    d----          2022-05-27    23:11                .matplotlib
    d----          2021-12-04     0:00                .openshot_qt
    d----          2019-10-25    14:48                .PyCharm2018.2
    d----          2021-12-15    20:48                .pylint.d
    d----          2020-02-06    16:10                .ssh
    d----          2022-05-04     2:04                .vim
    d----          2021-12-15    20:17                .virtualenvs
    d----          2022-05-03    19:48                .vscode
    d-r--          2020-10-22    11:17                3D Objects
    d-r--          2020-10-22    11:17                Contacts
    d-r--          2022-11-15    18:52                Desktop
    d-r--          2022-11-15    23:34                Documents
    d-r--          2022-11-13    21:37                Downloads
    d-r--          2020-10-22    11:17                Favorites
    d-r--          2022-06-18     3:10                iCloudDrive
    d-r--          2022-06-18     3:10                Links
    d-r--          2020-10-22    11:17                Music
    lar--          2022-08-25     8:17                OneDrive
    d----          2019-10-24    17:02                OpenVPN
    d-r--          2022-10-28    12:32                Pictures
    d----          2020-05-11    15:49                PycharmProjects
    d----          2019-08-21    13:21                Roaming
    d-r--          2020-10-22    11:17                Saved Games
    d----          2022-11-15    18:28                scoop
    d-r--          2020-10-22    11:17                Searches
    d----          2021-07-23    15:44                simple-todo
    d-r--          2021-11-12    23:11                Videos
    -a---          2022-08-25    17:05          12675 .bash_history
    -a---          2020-06-27    22:54            155 .gemrc
    -a---          2022-05-22     2:48            220 .git-credentials
    -a---          2022-11-15     0:16            302 .gitconfig
    -a---          2021-11-18    23:04             28 .node_repl_history
    -a---          2022-05-09    17:10              2 .notion-enhancer
    -a---          2022-05-22     2:47          16940 .viminfo
    -a---          2020-01-08    15:56          32222 java_error_in_pycharm_17300.log
    PS C:\Users\XH> ll | less
        Directory: C:\Users\XH
    Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                 -------------         ------ ----
    d----          2020-07-01     0:08                .atom
    d----          2020-06-27    23:23                .bundle
    d----          2022-11-15    23:12                .config
    d----          2020-05-19    16:03                .dlv
    d----          2022-08-29     8:35                .docker
    d----          2020-06-27    22:39                .gem
    d----          2022-01-19    17:48                .gitbook
    d----          2020-05-14    14:17                .idea
    d----          2022-08-25    16:02                .local
    d----          2022-05-27    23:11                .matplotlib
    d----          2021-12-04     0:00                .openshot_qt
    d----          2019-10-25    14:48                .PyCharm2018.2
    d----          2021-12-15    20:48                .pylint.d
    d----          2020-02-06    16:10                .ssh
    d----          2022-05-04     2:04                .vim
    d----          2021-12-15    20:17                .virtualenvs
    d----          2022-05-03    19:48                .vscode
    d-r--          2020-10-22    11:17                3D Objects
    d-r--          2020-10-22    11:17                Contacts
    d-r--          2022-11-15    18:52                Desktop
    d-r--          2022-11-15    23:34                Docu
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    10. 安装 oh My Posh

    Oh my posh 是一款终端 Prompt 个性化工具,虽然肇始于同类工具 Oh My Zsh,但当更新到 5.0 版本时,重新设计的 Oh my posh 已经摆脱平台的桎梏,支持了 WindowsGNU/Linux(WSL)macOS 三个系统上的 PowerShellbashzsh 等终端


    PS C:\Users\XH> Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser -Force
    PS C:\Users\XH> Install-Module oh-my-posh -Scope CurrentUser -Force
    PS C:\Users\XH> oh-my-posh
    oh-my-posh is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program
    • 1
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    winget install JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh -s winget
    • 1


    scoop install https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/releases/latest/download/oh-my-posh.json
    • 1


    Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://ohmyposh.dev/install.ps1'))
    • 1

    安装完成后,重启 windows terminal 即可生效。

    有一点乱码,在安装fonts时,忽略了字体配置导致,改成新安装的Hack NFM就好了。

    11. 自定义 prompt(path)

    自定义 prompt方法你可以看这里。
    初始命令格式:oh-my-posh init pwsh --config "$env:POSH_THEMES_PATH\jandedobbeleer.omp.json"

    final_spaceboolean当 true 时在提示末尾添加一个空格
    terminal_backgroundstringcolor - 终端背景颜色,当您在 Windows 终端或 Visual Studio Code 集成终端中注意到黑色元素时,设置为终端的背景颜色
    accent_colorstringcolor - 强调色,当accent 颜色不受支持时用作回退
    $ cat  takuya.omp.json
    pwsh> cat .\takuya.omp.json
      "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/schema.json",
      "version": 2,
      "find_space": true,
      "blocks": [
          "type": "prompt",
          "alignment": "left",
          "segments": [
              "type": "shell",
              "style": "diamond",
              "foreground": "#ffffff",
              "background": "#0077c2",
              "leading_diamond": "> ",
              "trailing_diamond": "",
              "properties": {},
              "template": " {{ .Name }} "
              "type": "root",
              "style": "diamond",
              "foreground": "#fffb38",
              "background": "#ef5350",
              "leading_diamond": "",
              "trailing_diamond": "",
              "properties": {
                 "root_icon": "\uf292",
                 "prefix": "\ue0b0 "
              "type": "path",
              "style": "powerline",
              "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
              "foreground": "#e4e4e4",
              "background": "#444444",
              "properties": {
                 "style": "full",
                 "enable_hyperlink": true
              "type": "git",
              "style": "powerline",
              "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
              "foreground": "#011627",
              "background": "#fffb38",
              "background_templates": [
                 "{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}#ffeb95{{ end }}",
                 "{{ if and (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}#c53478{{ end }}",
                 "{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}#c792ea{{ end }}",
                 "{{ if gt .Behind 0 }}#c792ea{{ end }}"
              "properties": {
                 "branch_icon": "\ue725",
                 "fetch_status": true,
                 "fetch_upstream_icon": true,
                 "template": "{{ .HEAD }} {{ if .Working.Changed }}{{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if and (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed ) }}|{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }}<#ef5350> \uf046 {{ .Staging.String }}{{ end }}"
          "type": "prompt",
          "alignment": "right",
          "style": "diamond",
          "segments": [
              "type": "node",
              "style": "diamond",
              "leading_diamond": " \ue0b6",
              "trailing_diamond": " \ue0b4",
              "foreground": "#4c873a",
              "background": "#303030",
              "properties": {
                "prefix": "\ue718",
                "postfix": "",
                "display_package_manager": true,
                "yarn_icon": " <#348cba>😼",
                "npm_icon": " <#cc3a3a>👄"
               "type": "time",
               "style": "diamond",
               "invert_powerline": true,
               "leading_diamond": " \ue0b6",
               "trailing_diamond": " \ue0b4",
               "background": "#40c4ff",
               "foreground": "#ffffff",
               "properties": {
               "prefix": " \uf5ef",
               "postfix": " "
           "type": "prompt",
           "alignment": "left",
           "newline": true,
           "segments": [
              "type": "text",
              "style": "plain",
              "foreground": "#21c7c7",
              "properties": {
                 "prefix": "",
                 "postfix": "",
                 "text": "﹂"
               "type": "exit",
               "style": "plain",
               "foreground": "#e0f8ff",
               "properties": {
                  "prefix": "\u276f",
                  "display_exit_code": false,
                  "always_enabled": true,
                  "error_color": "#ef5350"
      "osc99": true
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    编写user_profile.ps1 添加oh-my-posh功能载入配置

    $ nvim .\user_profile.ps1
    # Load prompt config
    oh-my-posh --init --shell pwsh --config C:\Users\XH\.config\powershell\takuya.omp.json | Invoke-Expression
    • 1
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    这样,创建新的 选项卡就会直接载入自定义的prompt

    12. 安装 nodejs

    scoop install nvm
    nvm version
    nvm install 14.16.0
    nvm use 14.16.0
    node -v
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    • 5

    13. 安装 Terminal Icons

    Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Repository PSGallery -Force
    Import-Module Terminal-Icons
    • 1
    • 2


    编写user_profile.ps1 添加Icons功能载入配置

    # Icons
    Import-Module -Name Terminal-Icons
    • 1
    • 2

    14. 安装 z Directory jumper


    Install-Module z -force
    • 1

    15. 安装 PSReadLine

    PSReadLine 是微软创建的一个模块,用于自定义 PowerShell 中的命令行编辑环境。它提供了大量的定制,可以改变命令行编辑器以多种方式呈现数据的方式。这里我们实现它的命令自动补全功能。

    Install-Module -Name PSReadLine -AllowPrerelease -Scope CurrentUser -Force -SkipPublisherCheck
    Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource History
    Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionViewStyle ListView
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3

    编写user_profile.ps1 添加PSReadLine功能载入配置

    # PSReadLine
    Set-PSReadLineOption -EditMode Emacs
    Set-PSReadLineOption -BellStyle None
    Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord 'Ctrl+d' -Function DeleteChar
    Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource History
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5

    16. 安装 Fzf - 模糊搜索


    scoop install fzf
    Install-Module -Name PSFzf -Scope CurrentUser -Force
    Set-PsFzfOption -PSReadlineChordProvider 'Ctrl+f' -PSReadlineChordReverseHistory 'Ctrl+r'
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3

    编写user_profile.ps1 添加PSFzf功能载入配置

    # Fzf
    Set-PsFzfOption -PSReadLineChordProvider 'Ctrl+f' -PSReadlineChordReverseHistory 'Ctrl+r'
    • 1
    • 2

    17. 配置 which 命令

    # Utilities
    function which ($command) {
       Get-Command -Name $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
          Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    • 1
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    • 4
    • 5

    18. 选择 oh-my-posh themes

    我可以选择一个自己喜欢的主题,在Windows Terminal 中愉快惬意的完成工作。

     Set-PoshPrompt aliens
     Set-PoshPrompt bubbles
     Set-PoshPrompt cloud-native-azure
     Set-PoshPrompt rudolfs-dark
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4

    如果 Set-PoshPrompt aliens主题没变,说明oh-my-posh没找到themes

    所有的 themes 在这

    $ ls C:\Users\XH\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\themes\
            Directory: C:\Users\XH\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\themes
    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                -------------         ------ ----
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3743   1_shell.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1970   agnoster.minimal.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1915   agnoster.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1458   agnosterplus.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1432   aliens.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1430   amro.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           9250   atomic.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           6416   atomicBit.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1161   avit.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3884   blue-owl.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3661   blueish.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           5052   bubbles.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           5543   bubblesextra.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4382   bubblesline.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1926   capr4n.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1794   catppuccin_frappe.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1794   catppuccin_latte.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1792   catppuccin_macchiato.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1792   catppuccin_mocha.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2032   catppuccin.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1544   cert.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33          15690   chips.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1914   cinnamon.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4218   clean-detailed.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           6276   cloud-context.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4937   cloud-native-azure.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1547   cobalt2.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3291   craver.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1310   darkblood.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           7960   devious-diamonds.omp.yaml
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2362   di4am0nd.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2330   dracula.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4914   easy-term.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3499   emodipt-extend.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1406   emodipt.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1392   fish.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           6696   free-ukraine.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           5988   froczh.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           6902   glowsticks.omp.yaml
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3004   gmay.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4033   grandpa-style.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4540   gruvbox.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1625   half-life.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1988   honukai.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1851   hotstick.minimal.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3358   hul10.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4011   hunk.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2366   huvix.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           5331   if_tea.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2607   illusi0n.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4389   iterm2.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           7600   jandedobbeleer.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3462   jblab_2021.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4437   jonnychipz.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1145   json.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2043   jtracey93.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4679   jv_sitecorian.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2884   kali.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           5587   kushal.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33            752   lambda.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3853   lambdageneration.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3602   larserikfinholt.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           5126   lightgreen.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2787   M365Princess.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2090   marcduiker.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4039   markbull.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1281   material.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2610   microverse-power.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4717   mojada.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3338   montys.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1899   mt.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3520   multiverse-neon.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3192   negligible.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1656   neko.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33          14854   night-owl.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2305   nordtron.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2670   nu4a.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2116   onehalf.minimal.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2101   paradox.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1646   pararussel.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2448   patriksvensson.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3484   peru.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4557   pixelrobots.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2728   plague.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4121   poshmon.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2326   powerlevel10k_classic.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1042   powerlevel10k_lean.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2829   powerlevel10k_modern.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           6834   powerlevel10k_rainbow.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1624   powerline.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1499   probua.minimal.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2465   pure.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4053   quick-term.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1324   remk.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33            995   robbyrussel.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1981   rudolfs-dark.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1981   rudolfs-light.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33          98787   schema.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2105   sim-web.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           5906   slim.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           5803   slimfat.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2876   smoothie.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3682   sonicboom_dark.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3682   sonicboom_light.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1496   sorin.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2562   space.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1250   spaceship.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1768   star.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3652   stelbent-compact.minimal.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3628   stelbent.minimal.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3423   takuya.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1779   the-unnamed.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3240   thecyberden.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3840   tiwahu.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3491   tokyo.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3961   tokyonight_storm.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1552   tonybaloney.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           3540   uew.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2970   unicorn.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           5291   velvet.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           4411   wholespace.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2817   wopian.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1371   xtoys.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           2206   ys.omp.json
    -a---        2022-11-14      5:33           1149   zash.omp.json
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    cp -r  C:\Users\XH\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\themes C:\Users\XH\AppData\Local\oh-my-posh\
    • 1


  • 相关阅读:
    ABAP基础知识 数据读取的缓存
    04 如何寻找嵌入式各行业项目,嵌入式行业信息网站大全
  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/xixihahalelehehe/article/details/127870666