• 基于openEuler虚拟机远端执行mugen测试脚本


    (1)首先需要准备两台台openEuler虚拟机,若未安装,可参考 VMware安装openEuler-22.03-LTS版本的虚拟机 安装两台openEuler虚拟机,一台作为执行脚本的机器,一台作为远端被测机器,比如这里分别为:本地),远端)


    dnf install -y git
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    cd /opt/
    git clone https://gitee.com/openeuler/mugen.git
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    cd mugen/
    chmod 777 dep_install.sh
    bash dep_install.sh
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    [root@openEuler-1 mugen]# bash mugen.sh --help
    mugen.sh:非法选项 -- -
        -c: configuration environment of test framework
        -a: execute all use cases
        -f: designated test suite
        -r: designated test case
        -x: the shell script is executed in debug mode
        -b: do make for test suite if test suite path have makefile or Makefile file
        -s: runing test case at remote NODE1
            run all cases:
              normal mode:
                bash mugen.sh -a
              debug mode:
                bash mugen.sh -a -x
            run test suite:
              normal mode:
                bash mugen.sh -f test_suite
              debug mode:
                bash mugen.sh -f test_suite -x
            run test case:
              normal mode:
                bash mugen.sh -f test_suite -r test_case
              debug mode:
                bash mugen.sh -f test_suite -r test_case -x
            run at remote:
              normal mode:
                bash mugen.sh -a -s
                bash mugen.sh -f test_suite -s
                bash mugen.sh -f test_suite -r test_case -s
              debug mode:
                bash mugen.sh -a -s
                bash mugen.sh -f test_suite -s
                bash mugen.sh -f test_suite -r test_case -s
            configure env of test framework:
                bash mugen.sh -c --ip $ip --password $passwd --user $user --port $port
              if want run at remote should add --run_remote
              if want run at remote copy all testcase once add --put_all
        do make for test suite:
            for all test suite:
                bash mugen.sh -b -a
            for one test suite:
                bash mugen.sh -b test_suite
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    因为这里使用的远端(作为被测虚拟机,因此ip设置为192.168.1.12,此外还需要增加 --run_remote 参数,即

    bash mugen.sh -c --ip --password ISRCpassword123 --user root --port 22 --run_remote
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    [root@openEuler-1 mugen]# cat conf/env.json
        "NODE": [
                "ID": 1,
                "LOCALTION": "local",
                "MACHINE": "physical",
                "FRAME": "x86_64",
                "NIC": "ens33",
                "MAC": "00:0c:29:da:c2:41",
                "IPV4": "",
                "USER": "root",
                "PASSWORD": "xxxxxx",
                "SSH_PORT": 22,
                "BMC_IP": "",
                "BMC_USER": "",
                "BMC_PASSWORD": ""
    }[root@openEuler-1 mugen]# 
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    mugen测试目录如下,suite2cases 目录定义了所有的测试套,testcases目录下则是所有的脚本,testcases中的每个sh文件即为一个测试脚本,而目录只是用来分类管理测试用例的,测试套的名字并不是从testcases中的文件夹名。



    • -f:指定测试套
    • -r:指定测试用例
    • -a:执行所有用例
    • -x:输出debug模式的信息,即控制套输出更加详细的内容
    • -s:在远端节点执行脚本


    bash mugen.sh -f acl -x -s
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    [root@openEuler-1 mugen]# bash mugen.sh -f acl -x -s
    Tue Nov 15 12:30:24 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/conf/mugen.env......
    Tue Nov 15 12:30:25 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_setfacl.
    Tue Nov 15 12:30:25 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_setfacl/oe_test_acl_setfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:30:49 2022 - INFO  - The case exit by code 0.
    Tue Nov 15 12:30:49 2022 - INFO  - End to run testcase:oe_test_acl_setfacl.
    Tue Nov 15 12:30:49 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_chacl.
    Tue Nov 15 12:30:50 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_chacl/oe_test_acl_chacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:12 2022 - INFO  - The case exit by code 0.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:12 2022 - INFO  - End to run testcase:oe_test_acl_chacl.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:12 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_getfacl.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:13 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_getfacl/oe_test_acl_getfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:34 2022 - INFO  - The case exit by code 0.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:34 2022 - INFO  - End to run testcase:oe_test_acl_getfacl.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:34 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_add_write_permissions.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:35 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_setfacl/oe_test_acl_setfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:35 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_chacl/oe_test_acl_chacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:35 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_defaulr_rule.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:35 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_change_mask.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:36 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_check_create.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:36 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_add_write_permissions.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:36 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_only_root_permission.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:36 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_getfacl/oe_test_acl_getfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:38 2022 - ERROR - The case exit by code 1.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:38 2022 - INFO  - End to run testcase:oe_test_acl_add_write_permissions.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:38 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_check_create.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:39 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_setfacl/oe_test_acl_setfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:39 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_chacl/oe_test_acl_chacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:39 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_defaulr_rule.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:39 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_change_mask.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:40 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_check_create.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:40 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_add_write_permissions.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:40 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_only_root_permission.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:40 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_getfacl/oe_test_acl_getfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:41 2022 - ERROR - The case exit by code 1.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:42 2022 - INFO  - End to run testcase:oe_test_acl_check_create.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:42 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_change_mask.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:42 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_setfacl/oe_test_acl_setfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:43 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_chacl/oe_test_acl_chacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:43 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_defaulr_rule.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:43 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_change_mask.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:43 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_check_create.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:43 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_add_write_permissions.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:43 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_only_root_permission.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:43 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_getfacl/oe_test_acl_getfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:45 2022 - ERROR - The case exit by code 1.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:46 2022 - INFO  - End to run testcase:oe_test_acl_change_mask.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:46 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_only_root_permission.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:47 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_setfacl/oe_test_acl_setfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:47 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_chacl/oe_test_acl_chacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:47 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_defaulr_rule.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:47 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_change_mask.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:47 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_check_create.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:47 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_add_write_permissions.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:47 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_only_root_permission.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:48 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_getfacl/oe_test_acl_getfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:50 2022 - ERROR - The case exit by code 1.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:50 2022 - INFO  - End to run testcase:oe_test_acl_only_root_permission.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:50 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_defaulr_rule.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:51 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_setfacl/oe_test_acl_setfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:51 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_chacl/oe_test_acl_chacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:51 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_defaulr_rule.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:51 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_change_mask.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:51 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_check_create.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:52 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_add_write_permissions.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:52 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_only_root_permission.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:52 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_getfacl/oe_test_acl_getfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:53 2022 - ERROR - The case exit by code 1.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:54 2022 - INFO  - End to run testcase:oe_test_acl_defaulr_rule.
    Tue Nov 15 12:31:54 2022 - INFO  - A total of 8 use cases were executed, with 3 successes and 5 failures.
    [root@openEuler-1 mugen]#
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    bash mugen.sh -f acl -x -s
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    [root@openEuler-1 mugen]# bash mugen.sh -f acl -x -s
    Tue Nov 15 13:13:46 2022 - ERROR - Failed to connect the remote machine:
    Tue Nov 15 13:13:46 2022 - ERROR - [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on
    Tue Nov 15 13:13:50 2022 - ERROR - Failed to connect the remote machine:
    Tue Nov 15 13:13:50 2022 - ERROR - [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on
    Tue Nov 15 13:13:53 2022 - ERROR - Failed to connect the remote machine:
    Tue Nov 15 13:13:53 2022 - ERROR - [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on
    Tue Nov 15 13:13:53 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_only_root_permission.
    Tue Nov 15 13:13:56 2022 - ERROR - Failed to connect the remote machine:
    Tue Nov 15 13:13:56 2022 - ERROR - [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on
    Tue Nov 15 13:13:56 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_check_create.
    Tue Nov 15 13:13:59 2022 - ERROR - Failed to connect the remote machine:
    Tue Nov 15 13:13:59 2022 - ERROR - [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on
    Tue Nov 15 13:13:59 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_getfacl.
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:02 2022 - ERROR - Failed to connect the remote machine:
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:02 2022 - ERROR - [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:02 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_add_write_permissions.
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:05 2022 - ERROR - Failed to connect the remote machine:
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:05 2022 - ERROR - [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:05 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_defaulr_rule.
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:08 2022 - ERROR - Failed to connect the remote machine:
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:08 2022 - ERROR - [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:08 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_change_mask.
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:11 2022 - ERROR - Failed to connect the remote machine:
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:11 2022 - ERROR - [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:11 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_setfacl.
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:14 2022 - ERROR - Failed to connect the remote machine:
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:14 2022 - ERROR - [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:14 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_chacl.
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:17 2022 - ERROR - Failed to connect the remote machine:
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:17 2022 - ERROR - [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on
    Tue Nov 15 13:14:17 2022 - INFO  - A total of 8 use cases were executed, with 0 successes and 0 failures.
    [root@openEuler-1 mugen]#
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    bash mugen.sh -f acl -r oe_test_acl_add_write_permissions -x -s
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    [root@openEuler-1 mugen]# bash mugen.sh -f acl -r oe_test_acl_add_write_permissions -x -s
    Tue Nov 15 13:20:54 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/conf/mugen.env......
    Tue Nov 15 13:20:55 2022 - INFO  - start to run testcase:oe_test_acl_add_write_permissions.
    Tue Nov 15 13:20:56 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_setfacl/oe_test_acl_setfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 13:20:56 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_chacl/oe_test_acl_chacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 13:20:56 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_defaulr_rule.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 13:20:56 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_change_mask.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 13:20:56 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_check_create.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 13:20:56 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_add_write_permissions.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 13:20:56 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_only_root_permission.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 13:20:57 2022 - INFO  - start to put file:/opt/mugen/testcases/cli-test/acl/oe_test_acl_getfacl/oe_test_acl_getfacl.sh......
    Tue Nov 15 13:20:58 2022 - ERROR - The case exit by code 1.
    Tue Nov 15 13:20:59 2022 - INFO  - End to run testcase:oe_test_acl_add_write_permissions.
    Tue Nov 15 13:20:59 2022 - INFO  - A total of 1 use cases were executed, with 0 successes and 1 failures.
    [root@openEuler-1 mugen]#
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    bash mugen.sh -a -x -s
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